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eISSN: 2381-182X

Food Processing & Technology


Received: January 01, 1970 | Published: ,

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The major apricot producers are Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, Uzbekistan and Italy. In India apricots are grown commercially in the hills of Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Utter Pradesh and to a limited extent in the north-eastern hills. Some apricots are being grown in dry temperate regions of Kinnaur and LahaulSpiti in Himachal Pradesh and Ladakh in Jammu and Kashmir. Apricot is the main horticultural crop of some hardy regions of North India. The people in these regions depend mainly on apricots for their living. Introduction of these apricot varieties to the world would enhance the economical value of these varieties and simultaneously enhance their production in other suitable regions. Although different apricot varieties have been investigated by many researchers in the world.1-4 A research on the chemical compositions of Indian apricots (Halman, Rakhchekarpo, Khante, Shakanda, Nugget, Venatchaa, Shakarpara, Viva Gold, Rakauslik, Sterling, Cith-1, Cith-2, Newcastle, and Turkey) from the different parts of North India has not yet been investigated in detail. Considering that climatic conditions, soil properties and type of apricot cultivars carries great influences on their chemical composition, this research was aimed to determine mineral composition of apricot fruit.

Results and discussions

The apricot varieties were analyzed for nine minerals and the data has been presented in (Table 1). A significant difference (p ≤ 0.05) was seen in the mineral composition of the apricot varieties studied. In the apricot varieties, Zn, Ca, Cu, Fe, Mg, Na, Mn, P, and K were found in the range of 1.16-34.14, 43.48-614.60, 0-3.76, 0.83-33.80, 42.15-84.77, 19.65-70, 0-5.33, 29.67- 793.7, and 997-5117 ppm, respectively. Mn, Cu, and Zn elements were present in micro amounts while as, K, Mg, Ca, P, and Fe levels were present in macro amounts in the varieties studied. However, Cu in Rakhchekarpo, Khantay, and Turkey and Mn in Halman, Khantay, and Shakanda were not detected and have been assigned zero values in the table. To the authors’ knowledge, there are no comparable data in the literature so far that show the detailed mineral content of apricot varieties studied here. The apricot varieties, namely Hacihaliloglu, Hasanbey, Soganci, Kabaasi, Cataloglu, Cologlu, Hacikiz, Tokaloglu, Alyanak, Igdir, and Bursa,3 Alman, Habi, Khakhas, Mirmalik, Neeli, and Shai,5 and Zerdali, Cataloglu, Hacihaliloglu, Hasanbey, Soganci, and Kabaasi6 have been analysed for their mineral contents and are comparable to the results of the present study.












6.58±0.52 c

361.67±7.63 h

0.21±0.03 ab

8.30±0.31 c

64.96±3.00 de

27.73±2.06 bc

12:00 AM

700±30.00 f

5117±76 m


1.42±0.51 a

72.05±2.61 b

12:00 AM

21.56±1.25 h

45.63±3.19 ab

25.68±3.05 b

0.45±0.05 ab

100±10.00 c

4227±64 k


0.72±0.25 a

128.20±7.59 d

12:00 AM

0.83±0.12 a

42.15±2.57 a

19.65±2.51 a

12:00 AM

27.33±2.51 a

3923±107 i


1.16±0.29 a

284.20±5.18 g

2.69±0.05 e

17.28±1.10 fg

60.64±3.20 d

25.17±2.02 b

12:00 AM

100±10.00 c

2917±104 f


25.92±1.00 f

196.45±7.71 e

2.89±0.13 e

18.46±0.90 g


66.18±3.54 e

5.49±0.96 f

64.46±5.09 b

4837±100 l


3.40±0.52 b

250.00±10.00 f

0.96±0.15 c

13.83±0.76 e

49.36±2.51 bc

67.77±2.54 e

1.47±0.40 d

22.41±2.50 a

3430±79 g


4.55±0.50 b

105.31±5.02 c

0.98±0.13 c

16.10±0.85 f

52.51±2.50 bc

68.27±2.84 e

2.83±0.21 e

84.09±5.24 bc

4067±76 ij

Viva Gold

14.74±1.09 d

43.48±4.83 a

3.25±0.25 f

33.80±2.03 i

53.19±3.54 c

67.79±2.55 e

5.33±0.76 f


1717±76 b


3.48±0.50 b

132.27±5.00 d

1.49±0.24 d

10.99±1.00 d


69.02±2.66 e

1.53±0.50 d

64.69±5.03 b

4207±40 jk


3.56±0.51 b

289.33±11.01 g

3.76±0.25 g


52.01±3.00 bc

70±3.00 e

2.08±0.28 d


1937±70 c


6.38±0.53 c

463.67±14.84 i

0.43±0.08 ab

9.03±0.50 c

70.00±5.00 e

31±2.00 c

0.30±0.03 a

29.67±2.52 a

2250±122 d


18.7±1.06 e

614.60±22.07 j

0.35±0.39 ab

10.86±0.72 d

80.95±6.00 f

42.34±2.08 d

1.03±0.06 bc

30.33±2.52 a

2530±98 e


34.14±1.62 g

642.67±16.16 k

1.00±0.20 c

11.18±0.76 d

84.77±5.02 f

65.35±4.51 e

1.32±0.17 c

320±20.00 e

997±25 a


18.88±1.02 e

620.73±8.92 j

12:00 AM

3.02±0.22 b

83.29±4.03 f

42.04±2.00 d

1.6±0.10 cd

39.67±2.52 a

3727±102 h

Table 1 Mineral analysis (ppm) of some apricot varieties grown in North Indian hills (n=3)
Each value is the mean ± standard deviation of three determinations. Means with different letters in the column for each apricot variety are significantly (p ≤ 0.05) different

The highest level of zinc was seen in Newcastle (34.14 ± 1.62 ppm) and the lowest concentration was seen in Khante (0.72 ± 0.25 ppm). Newcastle (642.67 ± 16.16) showed the highest concentrations of calcium, whereas, Viva Gold (43.48 ± 4.83 ppm) showed the lowest concentration. Sterling (3.76 ± 0.25 ppm) showed the highest concentrations of copper that are well below the recommended daily intake levels recommended by most authorities. However, Halman (0.21 ± 0.03 ppm) showed the minimum detectable level of copper. Viva Gold (33.80±2.03 ppm) showed the highest concentration of iron and Khante (0.83 ± 0.12 ppm) showed the lowest concentration. All the varieties studied here are good sources of magnesium, with Newcastle (84.77 ± 5.02 ppm) showing the highest and Khante (42.15 ± 2.57 ppm) showing the lowest concentrations. The varieties studied here are generally rich in sodium with Rakauslik (69.02±2.66 ppm) showing the highest concentration and Khante (19.65±2.51 ppm) showing the lowest concentration. The highest concentration of Manganese was found in Nugget (5.49 ± 0.96 ppm) and the lowest detectable concentration was found in Cith-1 (0.30 ± 0.03 ppm). The apricot varieties were generally found to be very rich in Phosphorus with Sterling (793.7 ± 25.10 ppm) showing the highest concentration and Venatchaa (22.41 ± 2.50 ppm) showing the lowest concentration. Potassium, which is required in higher amounts, was seen to be the highest in Halman (5117 ± 76 ppm) and the lowest in Newcastle (997 ± 25 ppm). The reasons behind the varietal difference in the mineral composition of the apricot varieties may be due to the genetic and geographical reasons.

An adult man requires 800 - 1200 mg/d Ca, 700 - 800 mg/d P, 300 - 400 mg/d Mg, 500 mg/d Na, 10 - 15 mg/d Fe, and 12 - 15 mg/d Zn.7-9 Potassium (K) is a major mineral, required by humans at level higher than 100 mg/d.10 However, Copper (Cu) is a toxic mineral, and the daily intake for a normal adult is between 1 - 3 mg, roughly corresponding to the intake levels recommended by most authorities.11,12 Ca, Zn and Mg are required as cofactors in enzymatic processes that represent an integral part of the structure of DNA self-repair system. Ca is required for chromosome segregation, Zn is required for DNA synthesis and repair and Mg is required for DNA synthesis and chromosome segregation.13 Iron (Fe), a physiologically essential trace element, functions in the haemoglobin in red blood cells, which transports oxygen from the lungs to the body's tissues, including the muscles and the brain.14


The research was financially supported by the Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India.

Conflict of interest

The author declares no conflict of interest.


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