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Reviewer Policies

MedCrave founded its Open Access journal network in order to make valuable scientific research freely available to readers. At MedCrave, we strive to ensure that all of the content we publish meets the highest academic standards. The peer review process is designed to assess the originality, validity, and overall quality of every manuscript submitted before it is finally accepted for publication. Reviewers help maintain the integrity of the publishing process by ensuring that plagiarized, poor quality, or other unsuitable work is not approved for publication.

The Reviewer

Peer review is crucial to safeguarding the quality and integrity of scientific and scholarly research. MedCrave fully supports the peer review process and recognizes reviewers' contributions to the success of a journal. Reviewers are chosen based on their experience in their field, and may be offered a more eminent position based on their contribution to their journal. Reviewers are responsible for providing constructive comments and critique on submitted manuscripts before they are accepted for final publication.

The Peer Review Process

MedCrave journals utilize a double-blind peer review process. When content is accepted for peer review, the name, details, and affiliations of the author are not revealed to the reviewers; likewise, the identities of the reviewers are not revealed to the authors. Reviewers evaluate the accuracy, originality, and completion of each manuscript submitted, and provide honest feedback to other Editorial Board members.

Some Points to Note

  • Reviewers should be able to evaluate the entirety of a paper.
  • Reviewers do not edit manuscript content, but provide comments and suggestions for improvement.
  • Reviewers are required to maintain anonymity and confidentiality during the peer review process; reviewers may not contact the author without permission from the Editor-in-Chief of the journal.
  • Any questions regarding the ethics or conduct of an author or reviewer should be directed to the Editor-in-Chief of the journal.
  • Any questions about the ethical conduct of authors or reviewers should be directed to the Editor-in-Chief of the journal.

The decisions of the Reviewer should never be influenced by external factors, such as the origin, nationality, race, gender, ethnicity, religion, or political views of the author. The validity and the quality of the content presented are the only grounds for evaluation.

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    Denise E Jackson, Australia

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    Qi Chen, USA

  • I always admire the wonderful job that you have done for the Advances in Plants & Agriculture Research Journal. Your enthusiasm and endless energy putting on this journal is remarkable and greatly appreciated.

    Mohammad Pessarakli, USA

  • My overall evaluation about the work, quality and service of Journal of Analytical & Pharmaceutical Research, is excellent. The mechanism of the manuscript handling is really fast with immediate decision and the staff is always kind and readily available to help.

    Marcellin Ndoe Guiaro, Cameroon

  • International Journal of Vaccines & Vaccination is great about work, quality, service and following up.

    Mohammad Salehi, Iran

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    Ramaswamy Narayanan, USA

  • As a cosmetic & reconstructive gynecologist, I always read the Obstetrics & Gynecology International Journal to keep up with the latest updates in our specialty. I have found its depth and scope invaluable in supporting my work and research

    Amr Seifeldin , Egypt

  • I have collaborated with AOVS over the last 2 years. Their professional and courteous approach made the whole process simple and enjoyable. I am very proud to have my work published in this journal.

    Alastair Stuart, London

  • I checked for the book in your MedCrave site and I am very glad with the result. The text is very well presented. Thanks again and keep up the excellent work.

    Hisham Gad , France

  • Hematology & Transfusion International Journal is doing an excellent job with publishing excellent research articles in hematology and oncology. Also it is good about the organization, is efficient and timely publishing

    Mohammad Muhsin Chisti, USA

  • You will find in this journal valuable and original articles to keep pace with current research in Nutritional Health & Food Engineering.

    George Grant, Canada

  • You are always cordial and willing to help researchers in presenting their scientific contributions with ease and accuracy.

    Wael Noseir, Egypt

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