Effective Date: January 01, 2015
MedCrave Publishing follows double blind peer review process for publishing manuscripts in their concerned Journals. Publication decision will be given by Eminent Editors and Merit Reviewers with enormous expertise in their comparable field. In fact their decisions will look up the quality of the manuscript before online publishing.
During this process if manuscript was recommended for modifications, author be supposed to make the essential corrections and have to explain their idea based upon the review comments. But if still manuscript was rejected by Editor, author have right to shoot Petition request to Editorial Office.
In this case Editorial Manager with similar expertise will look after about the manuscript and their decision is most imperative, whether the manuscript is conventional for publication or else author have to revised based upon the Editor/Reviewer comments. In fact it is somehow supportable to authors.
However coming to Editorials, Opinions and Proceedings there is no compulsion for authors to change their manuscript according to Reviewer comments. Because Opinions will be presented based upon Author ideas. So in this case Editorial Manager will have glance on the manuscript and they will bring to authors notice whether it is accepted for publication or else they have to give elucidation according to reviewer comments prior to publication. In those comments, managing editors will randomly pick some comments and ask authors about their response. If author response is satisfactory by Editorial Manager, they will approve the manuscripts for publication.
Finally author have to raise petition at managingeditor@medcrave.com, support@medcrave.com and also relevant person of the Journal. Primarily petition should be raised with review comments and authors response on it.
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