Peer review is the checking and scrutinizing process by which an article, content or a manuscript submitted by an Author is checked by the members of MedCrave who are specialist in that field of study. The content which is submitted to the MedCrave Open Access has to go through double-blind peer review in order to be checked and published in MedCrave. Peer Review system provides the contributors with an advantage where their content is checked without any cost by the colleagues to check if the contribution has met the specific standards. We use the iThenticate tool (recognized by many researchers and academics) to get high quality, plagiarism free content from authors. The authors are informed of the content and the recommendation system in MedCrave before they are included in the review process. MedCrave does not accept duplicate or plagiarized content published on any online platform.
The Peer review procedure provides you with some advantages which include enhancing the quality of your manuscripts, checking out the loopholes which might have been missed by you, authenticating the fact that high quality manuscripts are published to increase your reach in the scientific community and is the end product of your efforts only.
We adhere to the double-blind or double-anonymous review system, in which the identities of authors and reviewers remain anonymous. Neither the author nor the reviewer will know its details. This will help get the top rated material from reviewers and authors fairly. Thus, the double blind peer review system actually polishes your manuscript and makes it more presentable to the scientific society.
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