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Journal of
eISSN: 2373-4310

Nutritional Health & Food Engineering


 Alsir Ahmed Aboagarib

Research Interest: Food Science & Technology
 Attila Gere

Research Interest: Food Science
 Marie Pierre Gagnon Girouard

Research Interest: Obesity and eating disorders
 Tatiana V Lipina
Institute of Physiology and Fundamental Medicine, Russia
Research Interest: Experimental models of pathological cognitive functions
 Walter Manucha
National University of Cuyo, Argentina
Research Interest: Functional Foods
 Vincenzo Zanardo
University of Padova, Italy
Research Interest: Breastfeeding
 Rita T Amiel Castro

Research Interest: Breastfeeding
 Viktoria Szucs
National Agricultural Research and Innovation Centre, Hungary
Research Interest: Ethnic Spices
 Abdullah Dalar

Research Interest: Ethnic Spices
 Wolfgang Kringler
REHA-Zentrum, Germany
Research Interest: Neuropsychological
 Seid Mahdi Jafari

Research Interest: Functional Foods
 Nora Adanyi

Research Interest: Spices
 Emaad TBAl Tikrity

Research Interest: Edible Oils
 Eduardo Morales Sanchez

 Richard Grunewald

Research Interest: Gluten
 Rafal Baranski

 Lais Mariano Zanin

Research Interest: Food Handlers
 Daniel P Aeschlimann

Research Interest: Gulten
 Qiong Huang

Research Interest: Food Handlers
 R Debastiani

 Ronald D Fritz

Research Interest: Gluten
 Michelle L Colgrave

Research Interest: Gulten
 John L Harwood

 Ricardo Cabecas

 Pavel Somavat

 Andrea Hricova

 Peter M Chege

Research Interest: Food, Nutrition and Dietetics
 Helena Doria Ribeiro

Research Interest: Nutrition, Health and Food Behavior
 Midimahu Vahid

Research Interest: Biochemistry, Food Biochemistry, Food technology, Lipids Technology
 Yimer Mihretie Adugna
Jigjiga University, Ethiopia
Research Interest: Food Science, Food technology, Food fortification, functional foods, food, nutrition, chemical, food safety across the food value chain, food science and technology, food fermentation, food sensory, nutrition and human health, malnutrition
 Laxmi Parwani
Banasthali Vidyapith, India
Research Interest: Bioscience and Biotechnology
 Ashish Shendurse
GNP Dairy Science & Food Technology College, India
Research Interest: Dairy Chemistry
 Wiafe-Kwagyan Michael
University of Ghana, Ghana
Research Interest: Plant and Environmental Biology
 Pooja Udeshi
Kokilaben Ambani Hospital, India
Research Interest: Nutritional needs for athletic population and specialization in weight loss, weight gain, general health & fitness and clinical conditions like Cardio Vascular Disease, Thyroid, Hypertension, Dyslipidemia, Diabetes Miletus, etc.
 Melese Temesgen Yirmaga
Haramaya University, Ethiopia
Research Interest: Food Science Technology, Nutrition
 Modupe Elizabeth Ojewumi
Covenant University, Nigeria
Research Interest: 1. Development of Percentage Protein Composition in Fermented African locust bean seed and production of bouillon cubes. 2. Mosquito repellant: Production of mosquito repellant 3. Waste paper to edible Sugar: Conversion of waste papers to edible sugar
 Charu Gupta
Amity University, India
Research Interest: Food Microbiology
 Jaspher Okello
National Agrricultural Research Organisation (NARO), Uganda
Research Interest: Agroforestry
 Ogori Akama Friday
Federal University Gashua, Nigeria
Research Interest: Food Technology, Food Chemistry, Nutrition and Toxicology. . ? Bioprocess Technology, Design and fabrication of food processing and processor ? Biochemical and Physiochemical properties of foods. Production and modification of tailor made food. Ingredients and their Stability ? Physical properties of functional ingredient and their implications on food processing Technology micro encapsulation of bio- actives. ? Microbial and toxicological analysis of food loads, modelling microbial and pathogenic growth and to predict the safe shelf life food. ? Prebiotic and probiotics.
 Ionel Bondoc
University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Iasi, Romania
Research Interest: Control of Products and Food of Animal Origin; Quality Control of Products of Animal Origin; Inspection and Control of Products of Animal origin; Food Quality Control; Food Safety; Control and Quality Assurance of Food; Food Biosecurity and the European Alert System
 Zainab Hussain
University of Karachi, Pakistan
Research Interest: Clinical nutrition, nutritional counseling, public health, patient counseling, experimental foods, Institutional management, Iso 22000 &haccp, catering operations, product improvement
 Lida Shahsavani
Azad Eslamic University, Iran
Research Interest: Food Science and Technology
 Abhinav Upadhyay
University of Arkansas, United States
Research Interest: 1. Reducing pathogen colonization in food animals, food processing environment and enhancing microbial safety of animal-derived foods using natural approaches such as plant-derived antimicrobials, probiotic bacteria, and bacteriophages. 2. Investigating the mechanisms of action of plant-derived antimicrobials, probiotic bacteria, and bacteriophages using next-generation sequencing, transcriptomics, and metabolomics techniques. 3. Mitigating antimicrobial resistance in foodborne pathogens using natural compounds.
 Cristian Dima
University of Gala?i, Romania
Research Interest: Community nutrition & public health nutrition issue especially on ethnic communities in Bangladesh because of their ethnic origin, culture, feeding practice, literacy rate and profession are different from those of indigenous Bengali people.
 Dongyin Guan
Case Western Reserve University, United States

 Roopa Gowda
University of Mysore, India

 Giuseppe Potrick Stefani
Federal University of Health Sciences of Porto Alegre, Brazil

 Gulzar Ahmad Nayik
Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology, India
Research Interest: Honey, Functional Foods, Bioactive compounds, Food Rheology, Food chemistry, Cereal Technology
 Habybat Kone
Peace Corps, United States

 Lubna Mahmood
Qatar University , Qatar

 Mehulkumar Patel
Rutgers University, United States

 Mohammad Ali Shariati
Azad university, Iran