The boomerang is the hunting tool of specific designs was one of the oldest flying inventions of ancient civilizations. Hunters threw the boomerangs to bludgeon a target and, in case of a miss, they returned to them by the curvilinear trajectory of their flights. In such a situation, hunters did not lose time for the search of the flown-away boomerang. This specific effect of a throwing object by hand attracted scientists to describe the physics of flight and properties of the boomerang.1–3 Analysis of the return boomerang designs, starting from ancient to modern sport one, shows most of them contain from two to four airfoiled blades. Figure 1 shows some typical designs of the boomerang.
Figure 1 Typical boomerang designs.
The two blade's boomerangs are designed with curved forms, other ones have rectilinear. All blades have aerofoil cross-sections that produce aerodynamic lift forces. Any boomerang designs of airfoiled blades will manifest the curvilinear trajectory of flights. The studies of the specificity of boomerang flight show the combined action of its aerodynamic forces and gyroscopic inertial torques. The known publications contain this conclusion but with action only gyroscopic precession inertial torque that does not describe the full picture of the boomerang flight. 4,5
The aerodynamics component of the boomerang flight is based on well-developed aerodynamic theory. The flight of the boomerang is going on by the action of the lift force generated by the rotation of airfoiled blades.6–8 The gyroscopic effects express the action of the eight interrelated inertial torques on the rotating boomerang. These two components are described separately and presented in several publications.9–11 The curvilinear flight of the rotating boomerang and the turn of its plane around the diametral line is the result of the combined action of gyroscopic effects and the action of the aerodynamic thrust force.
The new theory of the gyroscopic effects for rotating objects enables supplementing and describing the physics of boomerang flight completely. Gyroscopic effects are formulated by mathematical models, and their physics is described by the principle of classical mechanics.12–14 The spinning object is subjected to the action of the system of torques generated by the centrifugal and Coriolis forces of the distributed mass of the rotating object and the torque of the change in the angular momentum.15,16 The expressions of inertial torques depend on the geometry of the rotating object that has many designs. The mathematical models of gyroscope motions include the interrelation of all torques about two axes by the principle of mechanical energy conservation and are represented for the boomerang with three blades in Table 1.15
Inertial torques generated by
Centrifugal forces
Coriolis forces
Change in angular momentum
Dependency of angular velocities of the boomerang about axes of rotation:
Table 1 Inertial torques of the boomerang with three blades of vertical disposition
Where ωi is the angular velocity about axis i; ω is the angular velocity about axis oz; J is the moment of inertia of the spinning boomerang (propeller).
The physics of gyroscope inertial torques and motions are explained in detail and confirmed by practice. The unique designs of the boomerang will produce different gyroscopic inertial torques, the aerodynamic thrust force, and the trajectory of its flight. This work presents a detailed description of the physics of the curvilinear flight of returning boomerangs based on two theories of aerodynamics and gyroscopic effects. The known publications do not contain the action of the system of the interrelated inertial torque generated by the rotating boomerang. The mathematical model for the boomerang flight is considered after the action of the initial impulse force that gives the rotation to the boomerang and its linear velocity in space. The mathematical model for the motions around three axes of the Cartesian 3D coordinate system is presented in the Euler differential equations. The analytical solution for the boomerang flight presents a good example for the educational process of engineering mechanics and aerodynamics.
The known publications dedicated to the boomerang flight contain the mathematical models based on the action of aerodynamic forces and gyroscopic precession torque generated by the rotating boomerang. This solution does not give a true answer because gyroscopic effects are the manifestation of the action of the system of interrelated inertial torques of the rotating object. The boomerang flight is described by the aerodynamic lift forces of its blades and the system of interrelated inertial torques of the rotating boomerang that is presented below. The forces and torques produced by the boomerang blades are variable, which action generates a fluctuated flight around two axes that is described by the theory of vibration. Naturally, a fluctuated flight produces additional forces acting on the boomerang and changes its curvilinear motion in space. The mathematical model of the boomerang flight with the action of all physical components will be very sophisticated and difficult to solve. Analysis of the vibratory forces shows their action depends on the speed of the boomerang rotation. The amplitude of vibration is relatively high, the time of the action of the forces is short that does not change too much the boomerang flight. This section does not consider the aspect of the boomerang vibratory flight and is limited by the action of two initial components that are aerodynamic lift forces and the system of interrelated inertial torques.
The physical model for the boomerang flight is considered for the three blades design. This design is similar to an aircraft propeller with known expressions of inertial torques generated by the mass of its blades.15 The boomerang launches horizontally for the vertical disposition of its plane with linear velocity V of its center mass and rotates with the angular velocity ω of counterclockwise. The spinning boomerang acts like a simple propeller and produces the thrust force that pushes the boomerang to the side that is perpendicular to the line of the linear velocity V of its center mass. The linear velocity of the boomerang and its rotation manifests more thrust force in the upper part
than in the down part
of the blades because of a difference in the resultant linear velocities
, respectively. Where
are the linear velocity of the upper part, the down part, and the blades, respectively. This difference in the forces shifts the aerodynamic resultant force
upwards above the center of gravity and created the aerodynamic torque
(k is the centroid) that turns the boomerang about axis ox (Figure 2). The value of the aerodynamic torque T is fluctuated and changed by sine law because of the rotation of the blades. The known equation presented in publications of aerodynamic expresses the value of aerodynamic force.3–6 The action of the torque T on the spinning boomerang produces the system of the inertial torques generated by its rotating mass that manifest gyroscopic effects. As described above, motions, velocities, forces, and torques of the spinning boomerang are demonstrated in Figure 2 at the Cartesian 3D system coordinates
Figure 2 The thrust forces and inertial torques act on the vertical disposition of the boomerang and its motions.
The boomerang motion is considered for the actions of its weight W, the aerodynamic torque T that produces gyroscopic effects, and the linear velocity V about axes ox and oy. The action of the gyroscopic torques on rotating objects and the dependency of the angular velocity of their rotation around axes are well described in publications and will not be repeated for the boomerang rotation.15,16
Inertial torques generated the boomerang with three blades and the dependency of angular velocities about axes of rotation are presented in Table 1.15 The spin of the boomerang is variable because of the drag force acting on the three blades. The mathematical model for the boomerang flight with its variable angular velocity of rotation is not a critical engineering problem. For solution is accepted the aerodynamic components of the boomerang flight with its constant spin that presented by the strip theory. The aerodynamic lift force is normal to the relative velocity of the boomerang blades aerofoil. The drag force is in the direction of the relative velocity of the aerofoil. The pitching moment is due to offsetting between the center of pressure and the aerodynamic center of the airfoil. This moment creates the internal stress of the boomerang blades, does not change its flight, and is omitted from consideration.
The motions of the boomerang about axis ox and oy are presented by the known equations for the spinning objects.14 The action of resistance force of the air on the boomerang turn around axes oy and ox is omitted because of the small value of the high order.
is the angular velocity of the boomerang about axes ox and oy, respectively;
are inertial torques generated by the centrifugal, Coriolis, and the change in the angular momentum acting about axes ox and oy, respectively;
is the moment of inertia of the boomerang about axes ox and oy, respectively. The inertial torques
acting about axes ox and oy are removed because of mutual subtraction.16
The combined action of the weight, gyroscopic inertial torques, and motion of the boomerang produce dynamical changes of its flight that are traced by the following steps presented below.
- The vertically rotating boomerang begins to move along the axis ox (Figure 3, position 1). The action of the resulting load torque,
turns the boomerang about axis oy and generates the precession torque
that turns the boomerang about axis oy in a counter-clockwise direction.
- The boomerang begins to move curvilinearly to the left side on the plane
under the action of the thrust force
. The intensive turn of boomerang about axis oy (Eq. (4)) under the action of the precession torque
produces new resulting resistance torque
that bigger the initial load torque. (Figure 3, position 2).
- The intensive turn of the boomerang about axis ox in a clockwise direction changes the direction of the thrust force
and lifts it. At this condition, the boomerang moves by a line of small radius of curvature. The value of the precession torque
decreases because the value of the resulting load torque
decreases (Figure 3, positions 4 - 5).
- The intensive turn of the boomerang about axis ox inclines it from the vertical to the horizon. The value of the aerodynamic torque T is counterbalanced to the value of the resistance gyroscopic inertial torques. The value of the precession torque
and the value of resulting resistance torque
comes to the dynamic balance with the initial load torque. The boomerang flies by the line of the increased radius of curvature motion. The angular velocity ω of the boomerang decreases and decreases the value of the thrust force
. The plane of the spinning boomerang is almost horizontal and its flight is going by gliding curve (Figure 3, positions 6 - 7).
The trajectory of the typical flight of the boomerang under the action of the forces and torques described in paragraphs a) – d) is demonstrated in Figure 3.
Figure 3 Change in the curvilinear flight and the disposition of the plane of the spinning boomerang.
The acting forces and inertial torques on the horizontal disposition of the boomerang and its motions are demonstrated in Figure 4.
Figure 4 The thrust forces and inertial torques act on the horizontal disposition of the boomerang and its motions.
The curvilinear aerodynamic flight of the spinning boomerang in space is going on under the action of the starting impulse force, its weight, thrust force, and gyroscopic inertial torques. At the process of flight, the vertically disposed boomerang begins to change its orientation in space. The mathematical model for the flight of the spinning boomerang is presented by the system of equations at the permanent system of the Cartesian 3D coordinates, but its gyroscopic motions at the movable one (Figure 5).
Figure 5 The common disposition of the boomerang at the 3D coordinate system.
The differential equations of the boomerang linear velocities along the coordinates are presented by the Euler form:
- along with the axes ox, oz, and oy:
where m is the mass of the boomerang;
, and
, are the linear velocity along with the axis ox, oz, and oy respectively;
is the impulse force of short-time action that launched the boomerang;
is the thrust force (
is the tangential velocity of the blade; c is the aerodynamic aerofoil chord;
is the lift coefficient);
is the drag force of the air (
is the mass density of air,
is the drag coefficient for the linear motion,
is the integer cross-section of the longitudinal area of the boomerang);
is the angle inclination of the boomerang axle to the axis oz on the plane zoy and ox on the plane xoy, respectively;
is the angular velocity of the boomerang about axis ox ad oy, respectively; t is the time; W is the boomerang weight, other parameters are as specified above.
Separating variables of Eqs. (4) – (6) and presentation by the integral forms gives:
The solutions of the integral Eqs. (7) – (9) are tabulated and presented by the following:
is the initial linear velocity
Where the linear velocities
give the ability to define the distances of the boomerang motions at the system of coordinates
The differential equation of the boomerang gyroscopic angular velocity about axis ox is presented by the Euler form. Substituting expressions of the inertial torques (Table 1),
, and expression
(Eq. (3)) into Eq. (1) yields the following:
is the moment of inertia of the boomerang around axis ox.
Separating variables of Eq. (13), transformation and presenting by the integral forms gives:
The left integral of Eq. (14) is tabulated and represented the integral
. The right integral is simple. Solving of integrals yields the following equation:
that gave rise to the following
The angular velocity around axis oy is defined by substituting Eq. (15) into Eq. (3) and simplification yields:
Substituting expressions
(Eqs. (16) and (15)) into Eqs. (10) – (12) yields the dependency from a time of the linear velocities of the boomerang at the system of coordinate
. The distance of motions and disposition of the boomerang at the coordinate system
is defined by the timely dependency
, where
is presented by distances X, Y, and Z. The sophisticated flight of the boomerang at the condition of its variable rotation and the resistance of air is described by the multifunctional and interrelated equations at the 3D coordinates system (Eqs. (10)- (12) and Eqs. (16) and (15)). These equations can be solved manually but it will be very labor-intensive work. The computer modeling for the boomerang flight and solution of equations is preferable.
– cross-section of the longitudinal area of the boomerang three blades and an integer
- drag coefficient for the boomerang rotation
- drag coefficient for the boomerang rotation
- drag coefficient for the boomerang thrust force
- thrust force of the center, the upper and the down part of the boomerang, respectively
– drag force of the rotating boomerang
- drag force of the boomerang blades
- impulse force of short-time action
–moment of inertia the boomerang about the axle and axis ox, respectively
m – mass of the boomerang
r - radius of the drag force action
S - boomerang blades planform area
T – load torque of the boomerang about axis ox
– resulting and precession torques, respectively
– torque generated by centrifugal, Coriolis, and a change in the angular momentum, respectively
t – time
- linear velocity of the boomerang by coordinate axes ox, oy, and oz, respectively
- linear velocity of the center, the upper and the down part of the boomerang
– tangential velocity of the boomerang blade
W - boomerang weight
- angle of the boomerang inclination to axes ox ad oz, respectively
- mass density of air
– angular velocity of the boomerang about its axle general and initial, and about axes ox, oy, ad oz, respectively