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eISSN: 2574-8092

International Robotics & Automation Journal

Mini Review Volume 10 Issue 2

Immortal biomimetic humanoid robots with a human consciousness

Mohsen Shahinpoor

Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maine, USA

Correspondence: Mohsen Shahinpoor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maine, Orono, ME, USA 04401, Tel 207 356 5957

Received: June 14, 2024 | Published: June 26, 2024

Citation: Shahinpoor M. Immortal biomimetic humanoid robots with a human consciousness. Int Rob Auto J. 2024;10(2):70-71. DOI: 10.15406/iratj.2024.10.00285

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Objective: And ultimate goal of this paper is to describe a realistic future in how humanity and life can survive immortally by creating humanoid robots from a human master with a consciousness of the human who would serve the human master as a companion and learn everything about the consciousness of the human master.

The Contributions: Are to present a groundbreaking methodology for the immortality of humanoid robots with a human consciousness. In this paper, we emphasize that the current humanoid robotics technologies have reached the sophistication to design and fabricate intelligent AI computers to allow humanoids to survive immortally.

Once human life is close to being over (age or sickness), the humanoid will take over and can stay alive as long as it has the necessary energy to live on. These humanoids can even travel through space and other planets, opening up a whole new frontier for exploration and life. They can benefit from the Quantum Entanglement to move through space to any destination.

Keywords: immortal biomimetic humanoid robots, human consciousness


This paper is prepared based on the author's book on biomimetic humanoid robots with a human consciousness. This book1 is scheduled to be published soon.

The following figure 1 below describes the research methodology.

Figure 1 Flowchart of adapted research methodologies.

Today, a human can formulate answers based on scientific data regarding his or her origin and the universe's origin. The Universe's expansion was accurately demonstrated (Hubble’s Law,2 also known as the Hubble–Lemaître law)—the second theory3 presumes that the Universe has a certain age and is continuously expanding. The age of the Universe is determined by an initial moment called the Big Bang.4 However, both theories consider the existence of fundamental cosmic noise and isotropic cosmic radiation, which were discovered in 1964 by Penzias and Wilson. It is worth mentioning that Gamow, Alpher, and Herman 1946, proposed the existence of this cosmic radiation when they elaborated on the theory of the Big Bang in 1949 [Taille, R., 1977].

Accepting the expansion theory of the Universe and the theory of the Big Bang and subsequent universe inflation proposed by Alen Guth,5 it can be supposed that in the beginning, there was only an energetic field creating or penetrating a cosmic vacuum. The initial big bang, which led to Universe inflation, probably happened about 13.7 billion years ago. It is presumed to have produced temperatures up to one trillion degrees (1012 oC). This would have created a highly agitated and chaotic state unfavorable for matter formation. However, Universe expansion, combined with the cooling of the hot Universe, allowed the formation of unstructured nuclei of matter (i.e., the elementary particles). Thus, the cooling of the Universe began the intelligent evolution of the completely universal structure, including universal consciousness.

Various theories are presented in this paper that shed light on these questions. The universe's expansion is also accelerating.

Note that the universe appears to have about 73% or so of non-visible dark energy and about 23% or so of non-visible dark matter, which only shows its gravitational influence in keeping the galaxies together. In contrast, ordinary matter is only 4% visible, of which only less than 1% account for all galaxies.

The ultimate goal of this paper is to describe a realistic future in how humanity and life can survive immortally by creating humanoid robots from a human master (owner) with a consciousness of the human who would serve the human as a companion and learn everything about the consciousness of the human. Once human life is close to being over (age or sickness), the humanoid will take over and can stay alive as long as it has the necessary energy to live on and even travel through space and other planets and live there forever. These humanoids can benefit from quantum entanglement and immediately move through vast distances in space to any destination.

Fundamental research idea

The fundamental idea of this paper is to present a plan to design and develop biomimetic humanoids (robots) with human consciousness.

We first elaborate on the evolution of consciousness in the universe, starting with the Big Bang.

The basic strategy to transfer consciousness to a humanoid robot may start after the human being is born and is equipped with a smart computer.

Mathematics of Consciousness using Integrated Information Theory (IIT)  by Giuolo Tononi et al.6 (IIT 4,  2022) and Universal numbers and data's role in the evolution of consciousness and intelligence in the universe.7

Integrated information theory (IIT 4.0):8 Formulating the properties of phenomenal existence in physical terms

The paper introduces the design, development, and construction of biomimetic humanoid robots with human consciousness using stimuli-responsive, smart, wearable intelligent materials and artificial muscles.

The paper also discusses the connection between the brain and consciousness and the role of microtubules in storing conscious understandings and awareness. It briefly discusses microtubules and how they control and interact with Identity-assigned (AI) consciousness.

Hameroff and Penrose's theory,9 published in the mid-1990s, described consciousness as based on quantum vibrations in tubulin/microtubules inside brain neurons and the collapse of the quantum Wave function.

There are some similar methods for transferring consciousness to humanoid robots, as Pentti Haikonen10 discussed in The Cognitive Approach to Conscious Machines and Existence, Origin, and Weird Technology (World Scientific 2022).10

Quantum entanglement

Having completed the development of the humanoid robots and getting them ready to start their immortal lives in the universe, one needs to develop strategies for spatial travel in this huge universe. Here is when the quantum fields and effects could be of enormous value, and in particular, the notion and properties of Quantum Entanglement will be of great value. These issues will be discussed in this chapter. When humanoid robots with IA consciousness travel through space, they must develop quick displacement and relocation systems using their IA-Consciousness towards the Collapse of the Wave Function and producing the entanglement effect to transport the humanoid from one part of the universe to another part and possibly another time.11–14

This is quite an exciting notion for the future of humanity. The 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Aspect, Clauser, and  Zeilinger for their research work on the foundation of Quantum Entanglement,15  October 4, Physics 15, 153, (2022).

Consciousness transfer

The basic strategy to transfer consciousness to human beings may start after the human being is born and can be started as a child or an individual to enter the program of eventually making the humanoid robot become a non-organic biomimetic robot with the identity assigned consciousness. It is important to assign an identity to a person before his or her consciousness is transferred to an intelligent AI computer. At that junction, he or she is embedded with an AI-based -advanced computer integrated with the individual's neural brain (neurons, axons, dendrites, and synapses) to record all human beings' movement and sensing capabilities and even possibly sentient feelings or sentience and emotions. Thus, a strategy is needed for the individual to express these feelings to the resident intelligent computer with IA-consciousness. Here, the smart computers equipped with IA-Consciousness observe and record all events as the child or individual observes them and reacts and responds to them. This computer will be called the consciousness storage computer. The paper also introduces and promotes oral transfer and oral cognition of consciousness to the humanoid robots. The humanoid robot will always be instructed to know that it is a humanoid robot of a human master and generate some self-awareness of its own identity and model human consciousness.16

Results and conclusions

It is possible to design, fabricate, and make operational biomimetic humanoid robots to replace us immortally in the universe after we are gone.



Conflicts of interest

Authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.


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