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International Journal of
eISSN: 2381-1803

Complementary & Alternative Medicine

Research Article Volume 5 Issue 6

Structural Concept of Medicine Supported by Quantum Electrodynamics Scientifically Interprets Kent’s Simple Substances

CR Mahata

Hony Emeritus Scientist, IIEST Shibpur, India

Correspondence: CR Mahata, Hony Emeritus Scientist, IIEST Shibpur, Howrah, India

Received: January 24, 2017 | Published: March 15, 2017

Citation: Mahata CR (2017) Structural Concept of Medicine Supported by Quantum Electrodynamics Scientifically Interprets Kent’s Simple Substances. Int J Complement Alt Med 5(6): 00171. DOI: 10.15406/ijcam.2017.05.00171

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Homeopathy is mired in controversy since its beginning more than two centuries ago. Herein the two most uneasy and unanswered questions are: Q1. How do various substances of potency > 12c differ from each another? Q2. How do they affect cures?

Structural concept as advanced by Mahata CR, seeming to satisfactorily address these questions, is stated as: “A substance is to be recognized as a medicine if it has the capability of curing disease(s) while its medicinal property is to be attributed to molecular structure of vehicle like water or of distinct chemical substance when it exists”. It is based on a few striking properties of water observed since long. But, now they get theoretical and experimental supports from Quantum electrodynamics (QED). The ice is broken by QED-confirmed ice-like structures in water at room temperature.

It is interesting to find that the proposed coded structures of homeopathic medicines lend support to the properties of ‘simple substances’ postulated by Kent JT. The parallelism brought out in this article provides mutual support between the structural model and Kent’s postulates strengthening each other.

Keywords: structural concept of medicine, quantum electrodynamics, kent’s simple substances


We owe this wonderful system of medicine called Homeopathy to Samuel Hahnemann. He faced the intriguing situation of more and more radical cures with less and less medicines. He went on diluting further and further and reached the stage when presence of any crude form of medicine was not possible. But the incomprehensible and unbelievable cures continued to take place before his eyes. His greatness lies in accepting the experimental observations like proving and cures in an unprejudiced way and trying to give a workable explanation using such terms as 'Vital force', 'dynamic influence' etc. Those terms served well at that time for giving an explanation of the cause of disease and method of recovery from a disease using homoeo-medicines. Hahnemann put forward this idea in para-9 and para-10 of Organon of Medicine.1 But, with to-day's science all the functions of the body (including sensation as another function) can be explained by intermolecular interactions and responses of neural networks. Hence, it will be redundant to bring in some additional thing called 'vital force'/‘dynamic principle’. That ‘vital force’ is not quantifiable is the most serious drawback of this hypothesis for scientific acceptability.

Kent’s idea

Kent JT tried to refine Hahnemann’s concept by replacing 'immaterial vital principle' by 'immaterial vital substances' or 'simple substances'. In his 'Lectures on Homoeopathic Philosophy'.2 Kent talks of two worlds-the world of thought or the world of immaterial substance or ‘simple substance’ and the world of matter or the world of material substance. According to him all disease causes owe their origin to simple substances. No disease cause exists in concrete substance delinked from simple substance. He calls simple substances as ‘primitives’ and gross forms as ‘ultimate’s. Disease is also a simple substance. Then, to explain homoeopathy he ascribed a dozen properties to these simple substances. They are not based on any rigorous scientific experiment. But, most of their properties get nicely explained by the modern understanding of potentised homoeo-­medicines. A close parallelism is found between the two. But, before taking up this parallelism let us have a look at the modern understanding of potentised homoeo-medicines.

Modern understanding

Medicine-plus-potency specific structural model of homeo-medicines proposed by Mahata CR.3 was based on three striking properties of water. It is strengthened by our present day understanding of water based on QED. It enables us to answer the two basic questions related to potentised.

Homeopathic medicines as follows

Answer to Q1:Various substances potentised above 12c may be chemically just H2O but they are not same from the point of view of their molecular structure acquired by potentisation process of homeopathy. This conclusion is arrived at from three striking properties of water. They are described in details in ref.4 In short they are like this.

Firstly, since long innumerable tiny floating icicles or ice crystal type stable structures are found in water at least up to 40°C.5,6 It is supported by QED coherent calculations of Giudice E Del and his co-authors,7, 8, 9 Yinnon C & Yinnon TT,10 Germano R,11 Bano I et al.12 and experimental evidences from ref.7,13‒15. Liquid water contains both Coherent Domain (CD) and incoherent water.

Secondly, forms of these crystals are practically infinite as reported in ref.16,17 Elia V et al.,13 demonstrates that low energy perturbations including potentisation process of homeopathy affect coherent domains to cause variation in water crystals.

Lastly, as reported in ref.16 molecular associations are influenced by ions of other substances, large foreign molecules etc. Such things are also reported in ref.18‒39 They give us a decisive amount of data concerning physicochemical properties of water subjected to physical perturbation in extremely diluted solutions. Transduction of DNA information as reported by Montagnier L et al.40 further strengthens information transfer through dilution in water.

Facts of the above three paragraphs strongly suggest that potentised medicines are coded molecular clusters of water, the code being determined by the initial inducing substance and the degree of shock-dilution carried through.

Answer to Q2: Water-structures and bio-molecules interact with each other for a structural fitting between them. This results in two things. Firstly, bio-­molecules act as templates to generate coded molecular clusters of water, the study of which reveals the state of health. Secondly, the homoeo-medicines, which are nothing but coded molecular clusters of water, also act like templates and exert correcting influences on diseased bio-molecules to effect cures. How this conclusion is arrived at is given in details in ref.4 In short it is like this:

Here, we note that all healthy bio-molecules get nicely fitted within the hollows of ice or liquid water. This is evidenced by successful preservation foods in refrigerators. But, water behaves differently with molecules whose forms fail to fit the structure of ice - they are crushed and expelled. That makes the ice of Arctic Ocean free from all salts.5 We also note that in water of diseased cells there is partial loss of order,41‒45 caused by somewhat deformed condition of bio-molecules. So, it may be accepted that properly structured water molecule generated by potentisation process of homeopathy can bend near-matching bio-molecules for forcing a desired fit and initiate the process of bringing them back to their healthy state. Scientists have found that damaged bio-molecules can be repaired by tiny ice-crystals brought to their contact.6 This is in line with the template principle explaining biological metabolic process.

Cure seems to follow structural matching of molecules, the molecules in question being bio-molecules and structured water molecules, the latter including low potency homeopathic medicines also as they contain well defined structures of chemicals plus structured water produced during potentisation process. Now, we are ready to discuss the parallelism.

The parallelism

In Kent's time chemistry, physics and biology were not as advanced as we are having to day. So, Kent was rather compelled to bring in the concept of ‘Simple Substances’. But the properties, which he attributed to them, remarkably match with the properties of coded crystals or structured macromolecules. A simple substance is stated to be an immaterial substance. The code also is not a material substance. It is, so to say, a kind of information transfer or imprint of the original material substance with which dilution (potentisation) was started. A code may be likened to a certain simple substance. Here, the presence of any material is merely conceptual. So, to answer the question 'how the original matter is present?' one has to reply that 'the presence is merely conceptual in the form of an imprint or code'. Details of this parallelism are given in the tabular form in below (Table 1).

Sl. No.

Kent’s Postulate

Modern Understanding



A simple substance is endowed with formative intelligence

Each coded or structured macromolecule is having a form of its own. Further, in body-metabolism they influence formation of various other molecules of different shapes and sizes. When coded structures are considered as simple substances there is no contradiction in saying that a simple substance is endowed with formative intelligence



A Simple substance is subject to change,

With change of the original (or crude form of) material or change of potency the code or structure will change, This may also be described as the simple substance is subject to change.




It may pervade the entire material universe without disturbing or
replacing it.

The code extends throughout the macromolecule and may be said to pervade the material substance i.e. the atoms and molecules comprising the macromolecule. But we should not say that this extends uniformly to infinity. In that case the medicines cannot be kept within vials and can never be prevented from interacting with each other and ultimately loosing their distinctive character. Here, Kent's idea of pervasiveness has to be accepted in a limited sense




It dominates and controls the body it occupies.

The atoms and molecules in a certain molecular cluster has a definite form or a code. Corresponding to this structure there are binding forces of different magnitudes. These forces hold the atoms and molecules together. In other words, the simple substance dominates and controls the body it occupies.



It is subject to reduction but not to restitution.

It is possible to generate different codes starting with different crude material substances and potentising them to various degrees, But is it not possible to produce material substances starting with codes. This fits in with the idea that simple substances are subject to reduction but not to restitution,



It may exist in simple, compound or complex form

There will be codes corresponding to simple elements or compounds of different elements. This may be differently stated as simple substances existing in simple, compound or complex forms.


Quantity cannot be predicated of a simple substance.

The concept of quantity does not at all fit with the concept of code. So, if we take simple substances as nothing but codes, then quantity cannot be predicated of a simple substance.




It is capable of adaptation to surroundings.

The coded structures are to be understood as delicate things. Hydrogen bonding, QED considerations and electromagnetic field play a dominant role in the formation of codes. Hence, it is quite natural that they will change with environment. As such, we may say that they are capable of adaptation to surroundings.



It is a vice-regent of the soul.

Kent thought that the soul is also a simple substance. In drawing a parallelism we should admit that the code holding the body as a whole is to replace the soul. But this kind of concept does not fit with the concept of a conscious being. So, we do not insist on correctness of this concept.




It is constructive.

The templates in the form of coded structures are responsible for synthesis and destruction processes occurring inside living organisms. This description in terms of simple substances has now to be retold as simple substances are constructive as well as destructive and are endowed with formative intelligence.



It has its aura or atmosphere of influence.

One coded structure can exert an influence on another when one comes within the field of influence of other. This field may be called its aura of influence.


There may be either an affinity or repulsion between two simple substances.

The forces of attraction and repulsion of coded structures may be likened with forces of attraction and repulsion of simple substances particularly, mutual fitting of these structures may be considered as attraction and misfit as repulsion.

Table 1 Details of this parallelism are given in the tabular form


Thus, Kent's postulates regarding properties of simple substances seem to be nothing but the properties of coded structures. The physical and chemical properties of elements, compounds and coded structures along with various forces connected with them are capable of explaining the various activities of living (as well as non-living) objects. 'Vital force' may be simply likened to the complex forces connected with inter-atomic and inter­molecular interactions in a complicated surrounding within a living cell which are unfolding continuously changing forms and new possibilities of existence. But, the properties of Kent’s ‘simple substances’ interpreted by modern understanding of homeo-medicines as coded molecular structures seem to explain homeopathic philosophy in a better way.



Conflicts of interest

Author declares there are no conflicts of interest.




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