On zero-truncation of poisson, poisson-lindley and poisson-sujatha distributions and their applications Rama Shanker, Hagos Fesshaye PDF | Full text | Share
On bayesian inference with complex survey data Joseph Kang and Kyle Bernstein PDF | Full text | Share
Dummy variable multiple regression analysis of matched samples Okeh UM1, Oyeka ICA2 PDF | Full text | Share
Structural equation modeling to assess the impact of socio-demographic variables on fertility of ethnic manipuri women Atiqul Islam M1, Tofazzal Hossain1, Golam Sarwar2, Luthful Alahi Kawsar1, Lipi Akter Smrity1, Ashraf Ul Alam3, Kabir Hossain1, Mohammad Romel Bhuia1 PDF | Full text | Share
Item response theory-based evaluation of psychometric properties of the safety attitudes questionnaire—korean version (saq-k) Heon-Jae Jeong1, Wui-Chiang Lee2 PDF | Full text | Share