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eISSN: 2576-4470

Sociology International Journal

Opinion Volume 8 Issue 3

The knowledge of lies

Yeslando B González ,1 Mary Sianga,1 Kenneth K Muzata,2 Fidelity Milambo

1Professor, Universidad Sur del Lago (UNESUR), Venezuela
1Special Education, Kwame Nkrumah University, Zambia
2Department of Educational Psychology, Sociology and Special Education, University of Zambia, Zambia
3Graduate School of Business, University of Zambia, Zambia

Correspondence: Yeslando González B, Professor Universidad Sur del Lago (UNESUR), Venezuela, Tel 58-0424-7644407, Email,

Received: May 19, 2024 | Published: May 31, 2024

Citation: González YB. The knowledge of lies. Sociol Int J. 2024;8(3):138‒139. DOI: 10.15406/sij.2024.08.00386

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From the point of view of the dialogue partner and interpretive knowledge, a way of seeing and assuming the events that humanity experiences and experiences towards a new reinterpretation of knowledge is explained. We are at a crossroads that we assume and unintentionally cause discouragement in human beings. The fact of how it will be resolved still represents a mystery for each individual on a day-to-day basis. This work is presented in several parts, from a pretension of initial political and educational ideas, the opening of the socio-anthropological method and the dialectic of possible solutions.

Keywords: reinterpretation, knowledge, applicability, defenselessness, govern


Talking about knowledge but talking about knowledge and expressing opinions about this fact as natural as living takes us directly to knowledge. One or the other is invariably linked to the permanence of living beings on earth. According to Yurén, Navia and Saenger, knowledge is the ways in which the learning achieved, and the knowledge constructed are externalized and objectified. Since learning involves internal processes in the subjects, externalization occurs through knowledge.

Now, the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy of Language in its electronic version, 2023 defines knowledge as the action and effect of knowing.1 To know what? Elementary, scientific, political, economic...practical, human and popular knowledge. In any case, they originate from the interaction between nature, the facts that surround them and the speculative aspect of the knowledge that all living beings acquire, (Part of Biology and Ecology where I do not want to delve into because it is not directly my work subjects).


Recently we were arguing with a "social media critic" about one of the social networks, so manipulated, exalted and "socialized", especially in Latin America from where I write about one of the thoughts of René Descartes, French philosopher, one of the initiators of rationalism modern: “Je pense, donc je suis” later translated as. I think, therefore I exist” and the lackluster argument “he who does not think also exists”, a common saying today among university students in their first semesters, even in technical and agricultural careers, especially in Venezuela. To try to give a convincing answer to my interlocutor, I tried to find the applicability of Cartesian thinking in current educational events from the point of view of the “dark room” theory in the way it is interpreted from administration and systems, and not from the point of view of psychoanalysis that would lead us to the sexual complexity of man. In any case, the point under discussion focused on how the man, the woman, the student, the common being who does not manage the possibilities of integrating into educational institutions and who conducts himself with knowledge and knowledge, guide.

However, from the point of view of someone who, out of necessity, circumstances beyond his control and/or voluntarily, withdraws from his studies claiming, “that there is nothing left for him”, he undoubtedly adapted to the shadow and darkness of the inactivity of your brain. Whoever does not exercise brain activity is already dead. Those who believe that they have already known and apprehended everything are wrong and their thoughts die day by day in the dark room of ignorance.

What good is knowledge if it is not put into practice? Doesn't knowledge become outdated? Doesn't knowledge become outdated? How has man advanced in the use of technology in the last three centuries? Wasn't it with the knowledge, knowledge and learning that experience, illnesses, and adapting to living in communities, but with the very clear idea that individuality had to be respected, that societies were created? Only if societies advanced it was by obeying the rules, norms and respect for the right of others to express themselves and be heard. So?

In this sense, there seems to be disillusionment regarding educational institutions (Secondary, secondary, technical and professional education) to which is added the attack of many social media users (learned helplessness) | about the fact of the cultural stew that they consume every day on platforms such as Tik Tok, Instagram, Facebook, Whatsaap and others such as Disney and Netflix. There is nothing on any of those platforms, nothing that is not confusion. And of course, that is the confusion that consumes human beings every day.

Adapted to a new conception of the world and a political-partisan worldview of the large groups of political and economic power of the nations (Agenda 20-30) with all the cybernetic and electronic attacks that subjugate the world population, the large communication companies, the arbitrariness with which politicians and leaders of almost all countries operate are leading us to the meaninglessness of life, reflected in our childhood, youth and, especially, in women. I do not intend to focus on a discussion of gender or for gender, but for human beings.

Back, as the Argentines say, they are forcing us to live in a “dark room” where it no longer matters how much you know, what you know, how you learn it, how you accessed the knowledge, how important your school, your university, the people and their knowledge. We have lost the capacity for amazement even more when we see the insistence of a “RE-ELECTED” Xi Jinping in the presidency of China, Aleksandr Lukashenko in the Republic of Belarus, Pedro Sánchez in Spain,1 a Joe Biden seeking “re-election” on the embankment of old age and human decrepitude in the United States of America, a Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela and the daring demonstrations of Nicolás Petro to remain in the presidency of Colombia, to mention a few.

Dear readers, you may be wondering, where did your dialogues of knowledge go? You are talking to me about politics, and we are tired of so much crap on TV, in the media and on Social Networks. We do not want to talk about so many empty and meaningless words. My dear readers...whether we like it or not, we have been forcibly included in a dead end where every day they only throw crusts at us, keep us in “Bread and Circuses” and throw doors in our faces. Decide! Learn what they think you should learn! Of course, without touching any interest that compromises them, nor the existence of their offspring. In this way, we must forget our learning, relegating our culture, our cultural, ancestral, medicinal, scientific knowledge because any contradiction will make you go looking for peace in the tombs. Place where we believe that peace can be achieved because the dead seem to rest there. Our “leaders” need the protection of their own interests, to ensure eternal perpetuation. Being God on Earth. Omnipresent in all acts without any gap being mentioned in a certain way, nature, tranquility and the survival of the earth.

As López,2 rightly maintains, ““Life is not a safe place” could be the slogan of any masked vigilante with superpowers, which is ultimately a superhero…” most human beings seem to be subjected to living in a multiverse or parallel world or in the fantastic world created by inferior beings, but which at the same time are inserted in the epic world of comics that reveal to us the childhood reality to which they subject us shamelessly and with many tears. Our daily life has become a fight for survival. Laje,3 mentions the main arguments that position the current policies: “For quite some time, culture seems to be an issue of the left. Names like Antonio Gramsci resonate in them, and schools like Frankfurt stand out. In it, the microphysics of power is scrutinized with Michel Foucault at the helm, and hegemonic strategies are promoted with the theoretical favors of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe. They talk about cultural revolutions, deconstruction, "identity politics", "intersectionality", sex, gender, race, ethnicities, and oppressors and oppressed".4

They try to turn us into “Ñoquis” and then begin, under any pretext, the massive destruction of the population. They apply without measure and with full force the ideologies that have already been tested and ended in failure, destruction and death.5 The great contradiction, it is believed that it is due to ignorance, the abandonment of many human beings, envy, bullshit, religions and the application of fallacious ideas, it is believed again in the death and disappearance of established societies. We will have to “restart” again.6


In this sense, it is considered that one is living from the point of view of the “other”, of the one who stayed behind, of the one who abandoned himself to the consumption of drugs and opioids, of the easy, the one who preferred to dream and wake up hungry, of the barefoot person who never aspired to fit into the fisherman's sandals, of those who want others to work for them so they can eat without any effort, of those who get up late and live with their eyes on the nets, of those who live off the spectacle and of sex, which produces nothing but misery and they believe that others owe them something.7 Despite them, very poor people prepared themselves, studied, looked for paths and today are under the oppression of the rowers of the time, who became the majority in power,8 with very little knowledge, little mastery of knowledge, but with many desire to govern. If they have never governed their lives, how do they aspire to dominate and govern what they do not know?



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The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.


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