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eISSN: 2576-4470

Sociology International Journal

Sociology International Journal (SIJ) is an international open access peer reviewed journal which mainly publishes the research articles and theoretical essays by social scientists from around the world, providing insight into the issues facing by the society as well as social and cultural systems in other countries. This journal presents path breaking work from all areas of sociology, including anthropology, criminology, philosophy, education, gender, medicine and organization with significance on theory building and innovative methods. SIJ strives to articulate with the sociological researchers and is open to receive contributions from anthropologists, statisticians, economists, educators, historians and political scientists.

Latest Articles

Review Article Open Access

Research Article Open Access

Large-scale agro-industries and host community land restitution demands: understanding the land-use conflicts between the CDC and Fako elites in the south west region, Cameroon

Ndoh Lawrence Nkwain,1 Fosso Simun Reine,2 Jean-Marie Nkenne,3 Henri Yambene Bomono4

Sociology International Journal - August 23, 2024

Literature Review Open Access

Index of female labour force participation and its association with demographic dividends of India

Satyendra Nath Chakrabartty  

Sociology International Journal - August 22, 2024

Review Article Open Access

Social economy in Angola: sociological perspectives on the present reality

Paulo Cabeto

Sociology International Journal - August 14, 2024

Research Article Open Access

Literature Review Open Access

Student engagements: impacts on student achievements in secondary school sciences

Faguele Suaalii, Josephine Tufuga 

Sociology International Journal - June 21, 2024

Literature Review Open Access

Challenges in the teaching and learning of home economics/ food textiles technology in secondary schools in Samoa

Epenesa Esera, Laeimau Peru Tugaga  

Sociology International Journal - June 20, 2024

Research Article Open Access

Better measurement of progress in SDG with emphasis on SDG-4 in India

Satyendra Nath Chakrabartty 

Sociology International Journal - June 12, 2024

Opinion Open Access

The knowledge of lies

Yeslando González B 

Sociology International Journal - May 31, 2024

Research Article Open Access

Social and academic factors influencing progression of upper primary learners with dysgraphia: A study of selected schools in Mongu district

Mary Sianga,1 Kenneth K Muzata,2 Fidelity Milambo3 

Sociology International Journal - May 24, 2024