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eISSN: 2576-4470

Sociology International Journal

Research Article Volume 3 Issue 1

Doctoral stage abroad: the challenge of conquering Doctoral internship abroad: from the challenge to the achievement Pasantía doctoral en el extranjero del straight la achievement

Rachel Torres Salvatori,1 Carla Aparecida Arena Ventura2

1Department of Management Systems and Health Services, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
2Department of health, human rights and patients, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

Correspondence: Rachel Torres Salvatori, Department of Management Systems and Health Services, Specialist Supplemental Health Regulation of the National Health Agency of Brazil, University of Sao Paulo, Rua Santo Andre, in 177, New Jaboticabal, Tel 16 3202-8700

Received: August 26, 2017 | Published: January 7, 2019

Citation: Salvatori RT, Ventura CAA. Doctoral stage abroad: the challenge of conquering Doctoral internship abroad: from the challenge to the achievement Pasantía doctoral en el extranjero del straight la achievement. Sociol Int J. 2019;3(1):41-44. DOI: 10.15406/sij.2019.03.00151

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The purpose of this article was to report a doctoral internship experience abroad, held at the Facultad of Philosophy of the University of Barcelona/UB, from September to December 2011, addressing the preparatory phase, enforceable and concluding this process. In planning, the proposed activities were considered, their duration, the destination country of choice, the university and the foreign advisor, as well as obtaining passports, financial aid and housing. Among the activities performed, they stood out exchanges with Spanish researchers, conducting a scientific paper, the strengthening of cooperation between the UB and the University of São Paulo, the improvement of the Spanish language and expanding the cultural capital. Learning from this experience was huge, ranging from self-determination to the appreciation of Brazil as a developing country. Intended to-also encourage graduate students to think this stage as an attractive and possible academic project.

Keywords: international, educational, exchange, higher, search, psychiatric, nursing


The graduate internship abroad is a period in which the student masters or doctorate remains in a different country than the one pursuing his graduate studies to acquire academic experience in their field of research. The experience of living and studying abroad is especially important for professionals in a globalized world to provide you with contact with other cultures, monitoring the dynamics of the foreign university and learning together with other researchers, as well as expansion of its cultural and social capital. The phenomenon of globalization, which also affects the educational sector, boosts the circulation of knowledge, from doing and people. In science, this exchange of knowledge and researchers is extremely convenient for seeking, as the main outcome, scientific progress, technological, economic and social development of countries. In this context, the aim of this article was to report a doctoral internship experience abroad, scientific exchange mode, also known as doctorate degrees abroad, addressing the preparatory phase, the execution stage and the final phase of this process.

The arrangements for international mobility in postgraduate emerge in the 1950s, under strong US influence. At that time, they were signed several trade agreements between schools and universities in Brazil and North americanas.1 This American influence was remarkable in many areas, including nursing. Oguisso & Tsunechiro2 report that until 1953, 9 of the 13 teachers of the School of Nursing, University of São Paulo/USP who did graduate abroad, held in the United States. Three indicators of the main Brazilian institutions for research support, Higher Education Personnel Improvement Coordination-CAPES, National Council for Scientific and Technological Development-CNPq and São Paulo Research Foundation-FAPESP, this show bags flow directed to the United States in the period 1970-2017.3–5 However, from CAPES 2017 data indicate an increase in the distribution of grants to European countries such as England, France, Germany, Belgium, Spain and Portugal, and also to Latin American countries, with Argentina and Chileits main representantes.3 This outlook is a reflection of the result of the pursuit of excellence institutions in producing centers cutting-edge knowledge of the graduate student’s brasileiros.6

The historical series available on the website of CNPQ indicates that, from the year 1992, the demand for sandwich PhD scholarships and the number of scholarships granted for this type come aumentando.7 CAPES the statistics also show the same picture. In 2000, CAPES granted 664 doctoral sandwich bags, while in the year 2016 (Latest information available) that number almost quadrupled, reaching 2251 bolsas.8 This information demonstrates the growth prospects of the internationalization of Brazilian graduate education through internships abroad. Currently, Brazilian universities, especially the University of São Paulo, have as one of its goals the internationalization of the training of graduate students. The internationalization of studies, particularly at the doctoral level, has been characterized as a differential in the formation of researchers and hence the labor market that affects them. In this perspective, the Black Ribeirão Nursing School encourages its students graduate, partnering with renowned foreign universities offering lectures by researchers from these universities, promoting exchange opportunities and facilitating the process of awarding grants-aid for this kind of stage.

I intend with this article, to encourage students of doctoral programs, particularly those enrolled in graduate nursing courses, to think the challenge of an internship abroad as a possible and attractive design, seeking to show that this undertaking is not nowadays, the privilege of a graduate student minority and with good planning and commitment, it is possible the student take this qualitative leap for the sake of yourself, your institution and your country.

The preparatory stage-the stage of planning

The success of a doctoral internship abroad will critically depend on the preparatory phase. The decision to attend a period doctorate in another country is up to the student and is matured along their experiences in graduate school, the construction of his thesis and your advisor recommendations. Many elements must be considered in this planning. The stage was conducted from September 15 to December 13, 2011, with the doctoral program in Ciudadania and Human Rights, the Faculty of Philosophy of Barcelona University - UB, which was chosen as one of the best universities in Spain, for maintaining international cooperation according to the USP and integrate the list of universities recommended by the funding agency, Banco Santander, through Santander International Mobility Program. The choice of the graduate program was due to his relationship with the object of my doctoral thesis in psychiatric nursing in development at the time, in Ribeirão Preto-of Nursing EERP, which investigated the demands and decisions on admissions psychiatric judicially in Brazil. Santander International Mobility Program grants internship scholarships abroad for masters and doctoral students for a period of 1-6 months. It constitutes an option of financing in addition to the main funding agencies for research. However, the 2011 edition of the Santander program, in which I participated, limited the stage of countries to Portugal and Spain. In 2012, the program did not have this requirement, which favored doctoral students intencionavam internships in other countries.

Each funding agency for research and international mobility program has its particular requirements. Santander program required a business plan, a letter from the Brazilian mentor justifying the internship abroad, a letter from the foreign advisor accepting the supervision of the stage and the transcript of the student for assessment of academic performance. It was not required certificate of proficiency in the Spanish language, but only the letter of acceptance from abroad advisor. CAPES also, since 2011, exemption certificates of proficiency, requiring only the letters of the Brazilian coach and the foreign stating that the student has proficiency in the host country language. However, it is highly recommended that the student build a structural and strategic base of foreign language that allows you a reasonable level of communication. Even with a basic knowledge of Spanish, two months before traveling, I attended private Spanish classes daily. After choosing a university and graduate program abroad, contacted by e-mail to the coordinator of the program, Professor. Dra. Margarita Boladeras, Scholar of Philosophy and Ethics, since all internship programs abroad require a supervisor or a foreign advisor. Presented briefly, my research project that university as well as the proposed period for the stage, and asked him if there was interest in guiding me. The teacher responded positively and, at that time, intensified planning to turn an idea into reality.

Then, the first step was the passport request with the federal police. As the stage duration was scheduled for 90 days, the visa was not required. Most European countries do not require a visa for students who remain there until that time. Later, meetings were held with Brazilian my advisor, Prof. Dra. Carla Ventura, for necessary adjustments to the research project to be developed in Spain, whose object of study is defined as the case law of the Provincial Hearings of the Autonomous Community of Catalonia/Spain on the involuntary admission of requests for people with disorders psychic. The main purpose of this research was to provide a benchmark with the thesis results in progress in Brazil, since Spain is considered one of the most advanced countries in terms of rules governing the psychiatric hospital. The research was the only activity proposed for the internship abroad, although I was sure that its realization would require various activities, from the literature search to interviews with researchers. The next step was to submit the project for consideration by the Graduate EERP Committee and upon approval, the Dean of Graduate USP, responsible for classifying the plaintiffs candidates of all university teaching units and grant them bags Santander program. As soon as I became aware of my contemplation, I arranged areas passes, health insurance and went to search a house in Barcelona. Universities Europe, in general, offer good accommodation for students, ranging from shared rooms to apartments outside the university campus for a reasonable price. However, there are also apartments rented through real estate, hostels, convents and seminaries. My choice was for a convent, since it was the only type of hosting found that, for a value of 420 euros per month, ofertava me a room in a single room with bathroom and included three meals a day. Thus, there are many situations to be designed for a doctoral internship abroad. In addition to planning their activities, their duration, choose the destination country, the university and the foreign advisor, must be obtained passport, financial aid and housing. To carry out an internship abroad, we recommend planning ahead 1-2 years.9 However; my internship was planned 7 months in advance, which can prove that with enough commitment and organization, it is possible to plan it into less time.

The execution stage-research and living abroad

The University of Barcelona is the main public university in the Autonomous Community of Catalonia and one of the most important university research centers in Europe. Have about 64,000 students, and 5539 Masters and 4890PhD. Welcomes currently1754 foreign students in exchange programs and maintains 3376 agreements with universities and other foreign institutions, one of which is the USP.10 My internship was held at the Faculty of Filosofia the respective university. There realized meetings with the counselor and had access, as an exchange student, the collection of a great library, where I did most of my research. The foreign advisor provided me various materials for reading on the subject of my research and provided an opportunity me up with some areas of researchers who interfaced with my object of study: law and medicine. The role of foreign advisor is very important in the student's adaptation process to a new university and a new cultura.11 The good development stage, it is meant here a quiet walk and secure, depends on a good relationship between foreign supervisor and the student, as this may be faced with difficulties in the course of their activities, for example, language, the local culture, transport, food and even alone. The help of guiding in some of these aspects can be critical. Thus, I was able to interview a forensic doctor and a court of law, both professors and researchers from universities of Barcelona, which helped me to complete the methodological research route. Predictably, some methodological adjustments needed to be made. Laws of Catalonia establish restrictions to view the documents which could expose the private lives of the parties, which in the case of psychiatric disorders. Soon, I was supervised by Prof. Dr. Carlos Villagrasa also civil law judge, using a database with restricted access-Aranzadi, and collect data for analysis of the sentences of second instance as these, being published in the database, had already received the courts proper treatment for cases which dealt with secret justice, Following these guidelinesand the students help the University of Barcelona, I developed a database in Microsoft Access program to store the survey information. Their results were recently published in national magazine: no civilian volunteer’s admissions by reason of mental disorder in Catalonia: an analysis of judgments in the light of bioethics. This situation was also conducive to the strengthening of international cooperation link between USP and the UB, with the objectives of enabling future projects, establish partnerships with research groups and facilitate bilateral exchanges of teachers, researchers and students. Alsoproveitei the opportunity to attend short courses at the university on research in database and learn about the mental health system in Spain. I visited two hospitals: the University Hospital Vall d'Hebron and Hospital Duran i Reynals latter double doors, ie answer the public system and the system of Spanish health plans. Was in the hospital Duran i Reynals I had the chance to follow the admission process does not volunteer for mental disorders and observe the dynamics of care and legal documentation and talk to patients and staff and that served them. On this occasion, I could talk to the nurses on duty and seize some of their perceptions about the care of mental patients in Spain. During most of the time, I made comparisons of the Spanish reality with the Brazilian and seek progress and limits Not only in relations involving the proposed scientific research object, but also the characteristics of the two countries as a whole. I observed similarities and differences, and this was very good for expanding my cultural capital, as the researcher needs to constantly expand his vision of reality. Although some authors relationship, It has as a common difficulty adapting to local.9,12 culture, did not face any problem of this nature. Teachers, staff and students of the university with which I lived were very cordial and collaborative. I felt welcomed by the advisor and other researchers. It was, for them, kindly presented with some scientific books which were authors. However, it is necessary for the student exchange student brings with, or develop, intra and interpersonal skills that enable them to accept diversity, the new, strange, away ethnocentrism, ie the tendency to measure all crops for their. More than that: it is necessary to make a dip in the local customs and take the opportunity to experience other realities. So you can truly understand another culture. In these times of cultural exchange, could establish new friendships and intensely practicing foreign language; improve my understanding and speaking skills. Beyond all intellectual and scientific contribution that the internship provided me, it was possible to know a little more of European culture through visits to other countries near Barcelona. In Europe, because of the proximity and there are many transportation options between countries, it is possible to travel at a low cost. That way I could conceive of situations and perform them, always aspiring to my personal and academic development.

The final phase-the return to Brazil

After the expected duration of the stage, I returned to Brazil, and do the formalities of the International Mobility Program Santander, Providing the stage completion report, airfare and tickets to the evaluation report of the foreign advisor. In order to assist graduate students who aim at this goal, the following tables show some useful actions in the process of challenge to the achievement of an internship abroad (Table 1-3).

Plan ahead what you will do.

Talk to your advisor Brazilian.

Provide passport.

Set the country and the university.

Make contact with foreign advisor.

Get a visa (if necessary).

Get a scholarship (CAPES, CNPq, Science Without Borders Program Santander, Carolina Foundation, etc.).

Preparing documentation for the attainment of the bag.

Learn the stage of the country's language.

Seek information on cost of living, transportation, housing, etc.

Write down the phone the Embassy of Brazil at the stage of the country.

Table 1 Before the trip

Manage your time.

Control your money.

Enjoy and experience the local culture.

Train the foreign language.

Book a money visiting cities or nearby countries.

Take the opportunity to establish / strengthen the bond of cooperation between the institution you represent and the foreign institution.

Table 2 During the trip

Fabricate the report of the trip.

Ask your foreign guiding a summary report or a statement that you made the stage.

Keep the airline ticket vouchers flown.

If there is one it conducted research or part, publish the results.

Share your enterprise, encouraging colleagues to have the same experience, very important for academic life!

Table 3 After the trip


A doctoral resort abroad, no matter how small, is always a challenge. Living with cultures, languages, ways of life different from their own, and the fact that it is most of the time alone, can promote significant changes in the human formation of the student graduate who goes in search of that experience. At the end of this period, there were many experiences and lessons learned: greater independence; exercise self-organization; Spanish language "native"; recovery of different cultures; closer collaborative ties in research with Spanish postgraduate programs and preparation of a scientific paper in collaboration with a researcher at the University of Barcelona. I must also point out that this experience has invited me to many reflections of Brazil's values, its position and performance as regards global context not only research, but also their social organization, political and economic, intensifying me the patriotic feeling and the promotion of a country which, although considered in development and have many challenges already overcome by other countries, has its numerous benefits, ranging from fertile land capable of food, enough, its people to the solidarity of its inhabitants, the hallmark of this country, which preserves within it the desire to (re) construction and progress through the development of its people.



Conflict of interest

The author declares that there are no conflicts of interest.


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