Development in the drug delivery tools that transport medically active biomolecules Sheshanath V Bhosale,1 Mahmood Aljabri,1 Aman Amanpreet Hundal,1 Sam Leslie Jackson,1 Duong Duc La,1 Mina Salimimarand,1 Sidhanath V Bhosale2 PDF | Full text | Share
Using of citrus by-products in farm animals feeding Alsaied Alnaimy, AE Gad, MM Mustafa, MAA Atta, HAM Basuony PDF | Full text | Share
Access of dynamics vegetation during holocene by Poaceae pollen grains Jefferson Nunes Radaeski, Soraia Girardi Bauermann PDF | Full text | Share
Current trend for the accurate determination of active pharmaceutical ingredients in blood, serum and urine samples by Mcnts@MIP using chromatographic techniques Thippani Ramesh, Pothuraju Nageswara Rao PDF | Full text | Share
Progress in green energies sustainable development and the environment Abdeen Mustafa Omer PDF | Full text | Share
Analysis of posture and its impact on performance in women's water polo Salvatore Napolitano, Antonio Ascione PDF | Full text | Share