Opinion Volume 9 Issue 6
Czech Technical University Prague, Czech Republic
Correspondence: AntonÕn Cuc, Czech Technical University Prague, Mechanical Faculty, Artificial Intelligence, Czech Republic
Received: September 11, 2018 | Published: December 10, 2018
Citation: Cuc A. The artificial intelligence could help in prevency and treatments carcinoms. J Cancer Prev Curr Res. 2018;9(6):313-318. DOI: 10.15406/jcpcr.2018.09.00374
The continual growing experiences and research of human Carcinoms evidenced many connections - social, enviromental and individual influences, genetic and nutrition agences, including individual working stress and frequently - increases of dangerous ionisation radiation. In duration of last 25years we could find growing percentil Patients over Age 55+ with Diagnose Leukemia CLL, derived mostly from B types of rapid upgrowing Mass carcinomic cells – „B-Leukocyties in Patient Blood serum“ and allways there are many Oncologs and so as Hematologs full sincerelly again and again chocked, without efficient prevency! WHY SO MUCH SURPRISE? I am just furious, when my girl-friend with Age 65+ she ist suddenly needless dying on the pneumologic Carcinom – when she was smoking and with sometimes pneumologic insufficiency – but thatfor she regularly was going to the Pneumologic Ambulance to control. But the Pneumolog was regularly controlling only Lungs – Volume Capacity and rustling of her Lungs, but he was never sent her to pneumologic RTG imaging each 2years, despite it must be logically and periodically, but he never did nor at once RTG in duration for last 5years! When Patient has dramatic pains – freguently the carcinom was out of possibilities of surgeon Treatments, because in duration growing about 1,5years there are los of cca half the Lung functional tissue….and after next 5months of beginning dramatic Treatments with combined radiation and chemotherapy without regularly intermediately timing controls after scanning result each 6 weeks at least – the Pneumologic Clinic evidenced to late and frequent despairing fatal Results. In just time the oncologic Patients is with more worse todays rest Health status in probable with comparison to absence a like hood type of the used unapt prolonged Treatments!
I am sure, by the Artificial Intelligence, I am able to detect by Samplings - cca 25 Patients from your databases Electronic Health documentation including RTG images, probable about 25 tragic fatal similar oncologic cases yearly – nearly in each Pneumologic Clinic in network OECD. Either I am probable a Genius – or many your Collegues Physicians are needless petrificated poor medical thinking about their Patients in absence of timing logical Health controlls, about more frequent fatal Diseases in local Medical Branches and medical workflow – Pneumologic Carcinoms!
I am a pensioneer State investigator CZ. I am oriented for occupational mortalities and I have got very logical suspicious on lack of Medical Regards to Mass extremal growing actual the ionisation risks for Patients in multilateral Health care in hospital network OECD, when many Medical branches are Mass taken parallely Medical Radiology – with growing heavy intensity and with more frequently Medical ionisation for Patients OECD - probable 15 x more fequently as it was usual- before 25years ago!
I tell my scientic serious suspicious to my prime Hematolog from the Faculty Hospital Czech University of Charles, Královské Vinohrady, Prague 10, CZ – for common next exwaiting intensit planning deep Research in Leukemia.. It_ is easy to begin with scientic studies about probable strong correlation between sumary radiation of new potential Oncologic Patient since year 2015. I suppose working with competent usage random Samplings datas from – Collections. As it_ is derived by computer support of living databases EHRs with clever Data-mining „Coilections of deep Unique individual history repeated individual radiation as to probable pre-carcionomic leukemic Patients“….with rational re-classification on common cauntable Bases with regards to the most frequent and various strong, types, sum ionisation in Health care of individual Patient documentation for last 5year ago! Our Hematologs CZ are constant overworked extremaly and without a Motivation to open most important Medical Research of geneses problems Leukemic Patients CZ. I regret to be a Leukemic Patient too, since October 2012 after many redundand repeated heavy RTG images in January 2012..
In duration about last 3years, there are used the expensive bio-chemotherapy to eliminate only some partial identified harmful elements from leukemic Blood of older Patients. Both -Classic Chemotherapy so as Bio-chemotherapy have always very individual structure, dosasge, timing and very different stochastic efficience, risks and it_could offer with limited timing to chronical acceptable improvement prolongation Life with frequent some variant fuzzy additional problems in Quality of individual next Patient Life. There are used in Research the new schemas to prescript Medicaments with various individual rational dosage and timing by new Cybernetics rules for usage: Best mathematic strategies in competetive repeated risky Games“.!
There are similar situation in all countries of The World Health Organisation OECD with everywhere dramatic growing mortalities of Leukemic Patients with Age over 55+. I am just suggested you a next strategic Views of Cybernetics and individual geneses as explanatory elementary Example - in my individual orthopadic and leukemic Patient risks, as Criminal and Statistician and Logic Examine Quality Health care by experiences CZ, with multilateral scientic explaining criminal background my Patient needless systematic inforced illegal Los of my Healthy status in standard Orthopadic Surgeon praxes with repeated many fatal medical illegal mistakes contrary guaranted Health care with rules for medical decision by principles „Based Evidenced Medicine, explicit with safety guaranced legal usage Medical Devices – Orthopadic implants. So we are thinking so as on casual logical genese of my next individual Diagnose Leukemia B-CLL with dramatic continual growing my durable Patient Stress and with casual deriving my Leukemia after needless redundand individual strong inforced repeated RTG ionisation without a protective personal equipments for minimize ionisation and allways with many times repeated false geometric interpretation RTG image sof many Physicians – contrary Technical Imaging, contrary Biomechanics, contrary Legal conditions to guarant the accuracy by mechanical assembling Products in human body and namely with judicial dehonesting next my private civic Human rights CZ to participate in legal judicial independent judicial processing in justified Court trials CZ: with justified and validated criminal evidences only with respects to view of Palintiff too, including respects to Czech Order Laws allways!.
In Orthopady CZ, Medical Radiology CZ, in functional testing of used Orthopadic implants in human bodies….there are some repeated many similar serious situation with usage Technical exact rules in backrounds to accept sufficient Technical and Processing, ordering sequentital partial medical activities, with respects to technologic sufficient knowledges in Biomechanics OECD, in Geometry 3 D in OECD so as in CZ. We accepting usage of the same rules by argumentations as in Criminal Logics, so as for evaluation many coherent aspects for safety Health care for Patients CZ in medical processing - but in CZ praxes,…there are defined specific „acceptable“ Czech illegal habits to ignoring multiscientic rules for legal usage Medical Devices by Logical harmonised all Technician interfaces to Medical interfaces - in daily medical workflow, there are namely repeated many medical mistakes so as in evaluation legal Health care of Patients in the Knowing Medical Institutes CZ including. I am remembering:: We should respect allways all rules by principles Conformity Aassessment CE in harnonised Laws EU/CZ! When there are in some medical processing at least ONE partial illegal technical or medical activities, THEN WHOLE PROCESSING SHOULD EVALUATED AS RESULTING - FALSE, ILLEGAL, never it could be evaluated with usage BINARY LOGICS or Criminal testing as acceptable - Trueth or Lege Artis CZ“!
There are unbelieve todays situation in mortalities of Patients CZ in undertaken typical repeated known risks on the same medical workplaces for Medical Radiology, in similar equipment in Surgeon Halls in network hospitals CZ…And we could take it in future _ clever mutual scientic multilateral statistic and technologic consequent international comparison to eliminate Mass repeated fatal medical mistakes CZ by Artificial Intelligence - for example with concentrate to rules for prevency Patient known risks by rules in similar consistent Clusters with_sharing of usage similar Diagnostics, simila Treartmwents, the same Orthopadic implants by unique principles Conformity Assessment „CE“ or by similar regulations by FDA in US - namely for usage Medical Devices in Orthopady Clinics network OECD?
I have rocommending to usage random Samplings in similar comparable Clusters of Patients, with usage similar RTG workplaces, similar medical radiologic processing, with similar interpretation processing with many frequent similar repeated illegal medical mistakes - and with similar archiving documents in databases EHRs, with_sharing best common respectbale origin Bibliothecs of PATTERNS, for example by_sharing processing and statistic parameters from finished Official Tests_of new Medical Devices with „CE“ marking for all common world Market!
My individual case is a criminology introductory to explain main principles to comparison multilateral scientic Tests for Exmple with Diumension of Sample with ONE UNIQUE COMPARABLE ENTITY….with open international duscussions about Legalities in medical orthopadic workflow CZ with consistent comparison to praxes in similar Orthopady Clinics in other States of OECD with the same used Medical Devices – for Example – set THA, The Bicontact S, noncemented, Stem in nominal Dimension 13 mm in standard Design Type „ N“ from producer - B. Braun, Germany in the World Market Orthopady Clinics OECD!.
It_is just very commical petrificated situation of todays Health Patient in prevency ionisation risk in medical workflow: We are able to be carefully copntrolling safety, mandastory Clinic Planning, with continual measurement of Sum inonisation radiation by all medical staff with mandatory used of radiation by usage detectors for our medical staff CZ on all radiological medical workplaces OECD – but we have solviung no systematic prevency and algorithm for sum_ caunting or measurement ionisation radiation for growing radiation risks of each individual Patients OECD parallely, for example: in dental or Kidneys Health care with CT, RTG, PET…. there are none prevency for Mass Health care by dangerous parallely intenssieve ionisation in Neurology, Surgery, Orthopady, Oncology treatments, Traumatology, Psychiatry, in Internal Medicine, etc. The carcinomic processing could starting so as by the first ionisation, each individual redundand ionisation of Patient is ILLEGAL, but the Physicians never are caunting the needless crippled and preliminary dying their Patients. The Mass medical mistakes are paid with shorten Life of Mass Patients.
The Patients are used in workflow in Medical Radiology – as a used working material without adequated prevency of individual ionisation with biological sumarised risks, testing legal preparing Clinic Plans, testing functionality of Medical Devices - Implants in human body in surgeon Hall – and in our Hospitals CZ we are just not able to predict or to measurement and calculate continually and with prediction each growing increases of ionisation risks for each next Planning radiologic medical acts with sumarised all actual history of last sequential radiation sequential.loading stages in critical contriolled time - for last 5years ago for each Patient CZ, OECD – in mostly frequently and parallely taken Health care in many Medical Clinics of the Hospitals for each defined individual Patient in complicated Medical processing.. We are probable without a like hood scientic reliabilities and legality of working processing by Producers Mass Health care for Mass Patients CZ in year XXXX, nor for Patients OECD!
The Physicians CZ are sincerely smiling to my suggestion to classified all types_of similar Medical Radiology standard acts and ionisation increases in sum dangerous acceptable loading - in similar class for similar Patients with similar ordering safety next planning sequential processing with carefully limiting the safety and timing STOP – for each next dangerous ionisation activites for safety defined time to prevent casual correlation to risk a casual derived Leukemia CLL with statistic reliability probable for the 98 % of all our yearly comming Patients – in Outdoor or Indoor Health care in Providers network or in Hospitals OECD!
The Physicians CZ are smiling for my authorised suggestion by Utility model 21532 CZ 2010 of mandatory Samplings to evidence by independent mandatory independent multilateral Audit - for example as 3% of proportional random Choice from Yearly additional increases of all Input/Output with Health electronic Patient documentation in living Database EHRs in Clinic in year XXXX – it means to analyse carefully Technical, Medical, Organisational Legal and Safety Qualities of yearly Produce Health care in year XXXX - in a like hood Medical Clinics in network hospitals OECD – See you my authorised Utility model 21532 CZ 2010 „The Equipment for Search and Retrieval usage sufficient information to reuse for Mass repeated similar strategic decision making with risk and with computer support“. We should accept implementing the industrial continual method to manage Mass produce Health care in stratificated similar Orthoopady Clinics CZ in network similar Orthopady Clinics OECD with_ sharing the best medical experiences, organisational, IT support in Know-How – in similar slustering Patients by the similar Diagnoses, similar Treatments, similar usage Medicaments, similar usage Medical Devices in similar Medical processing with efficience prevency of similar repeated fatal needless medical mistakes - And we could see: we are working without regards to minimize the similar Patient risks in many standard medical Diagnostics and Treatments in cooperating often Querry many Medical Branches, for example in Traumatology, Orthopady, Oncology, Neurology!
For Patients over AGE 55+, there are frequent heavy Blood deseases as Facts till rest of their Life. For me_the first visiable manifestation of the new serious Health leukemic problems began since October 2012 with parallely heavy Attacks with a Gout, with dermatologic fire in my right plegic instep and so as there were arisen inflammations of heavy phlegmone, there were firstly Crtash of my Blood Serum with 5x more Sum of B- Leukocyties of normal standard, but none of my Physicians in Dermatology Clinic was able to detect the Diagnose Leukemia B-CLL I was private finding tragic new Diagnose for next 5months!
I have got preliminary worse blood circulation and full destructure all mooving musculature in my right calf as a causes_of tragic full plegia of nervus ischiadici since false implementing the set Total Hip Arthroplasty with the Crash:„ Fausse route Stem“ since surgeon Hall in November 13, 2007, when the catastrophic Situtation CRASH was realised without feature The mandatory Clinic Plan and with diagnostic fatal Crash till after 11 days in a next other rehabilitation Hospital and the inforced me the reoperatiion of Orthopady primary confusion was realised till after 17 days of the polytraumatic surgeon situation since November 13, 2007. It should be diagnostic CRASH on the surgeon hall immediately –by Diagnostics by biomechanical perfect functional testing product – set THA in my Patient body! Do you not understand to Product invoid, nor to Laws for qualitiy installing the Orthopadic Implants? Nor to mandatory Cetificaction Education for every Users of Medical Devices ?
Most of part similar crippled Orthopadic Patients were usual dying nearly immediately in duration 2 weeks – when the proximal breacking of femoral bone are diagnostics later as in first 3 days from view of heavy Polytrauma. The other rest lesser living crippled orthopadic Patients are usual dying in duration of fisrt year: after consequents and complication of first time of Polytrauma - on the growing immediately various heavy complication namely with blood circulation problems, there are known frequent more risks to postraumatic Shock, mortalities for internal Massive Blooding – on other complication after inforced next Anesthesy by additional reoperational orthopadic activities,,there are more frequential predicted statistic casual next higher number of postoperational Strokes, there are by Statistician studies to predict more frequent Infarcts of Myocards, there are predicted so as with growing high parallely probability more frequently trombotic complication, pneumonic flushes, immunologic complication, infects in long profiles surgeon implanting cuts, etc-sometimes this is complement with many repeating medical inforced radiologic ionisation radiation-again with many fatal mistakes in interpretation of Radiologs contrary rules Geometry 3 D and with sum growing cuasalities to arise probable so as additional Diagnose„ Leukemia B-CLL“ for me: including after strong and fully REDUNDAND needless my additional RTG ionisation in the Knowing Medical institute CZ in January 2012 despite the judicial Question was very simple: It was orthopadic implanting set Total Hip Arthoprasty realised by principles Lege Artis CZ since November 13, 2007?
Thanks, for such Mass repeated illegal stupidities from Orthopads CZ, Radiologs CZ, Forensic Doctors CZ to a needless crippled Patient CZ without functional biomechanical assembling product without Clinic Plan and contrary prescribed product accuracy–set THA, Bicontact S, noncemented, with regards Technician requirements of harmonised Laws EU/CZ, Directive 93/42/EEC Medical Devices, resp. Czech Law No. 22/1997 for dangerous product by rules„CE“ Conformity Assessment, including Medical Devices „CE“ in Common Market EU/CZ, with explicit many duties for Producer Health care and Medical staff! Orthopads CZ, Radiologs CZ, forensic Doctors CZ are smiling to my exact and legal knowledges for legal processing usage Medical Devices „CE“, there are many carefree potential Murders of Patients CZ.1–3
My Orthopad MUDr. Franbtišek Vurm began to implant set THA in November 13, 2007 namely the set with_ regulatiion all usage dangerous Products by EU rules Conformity Assessment „CE“, it_is adequated so as for set Typ Bicontact S, noncemented from producer firm B. Braun Germany. But Orthopad was working, without mandatory individual Clinic Plan illegaly – as there are explicit casual mandatory legal condition of Surgeon processing – he was working only intuitive and blendy without regardas to my preliminary dysplastic declination of femoral neck – it_is explicit defined as illegaly results in harmonsed Laws EU/CZ . It was realised namely explicit in contradictions to my preliminary radiologic defined dysplastic declination femoral neck in my Health radiologic preliminary documentation and it was ignoring contrary to elementary explanation of Producer_invoid, contrary education by rules of Producer and by Certification „CE“ processing of all Users, and contrary by mandatory usage only the firm installing instruments and only by firm installing injteroperational measurement instruments, including usage Orthopadic installing firm masks for the Stem in set THA.. Orthopad was realised implanting processing contrary explicit Technician requirements od Directive 93/42/EEC Medical Devices. There are many declared Technician processing EXPLICIT duties with continual and timing, per-operational controlling all Technical and Medical legal Quality of Orthopadic partial and sequential implanting processing. But many Orthopads CZ call such illlegal intuitive styles in medical workflow as CZ acceptable species: „Lege Artis CZ“.
The Patient CZ has no Constitutional support of The Police CZ and from Czech Knowing Medical Institutes to argument without Guarance of Criminal Logics, Processing continual technical controlling „step by steps“ and with verification legal „Trueth“ in regards to Constitutional Guarance to participate of the Plaintiffs including in dealing of each Court Trials CZ by Czech Order Laws!
None of Medical Processing could be evaluated as Lege Artis OECD, when there are content at least One of partial illegal mistakes–ot means Technical or Medical, sequential or timing, procedural or biomechanice functional or anchoring orthopadic mistakes, etc.
The Judges CZ are Mass accepted the biomechanic false Court Medical Messages and then Judges are deriveing illegaly fatal Mass_of false medical Hypotheses in Clourt Medical Message-contrary fixed rules of Biomechanics, Radiologics, Logics in Implanting orthopadic compomemts in safety and functional placement in human bodies….The Judges CZ are accepting false absurd Court testimonies of Physucians CZ contrary explicit evidences CRASH of implants in Geometry 3 D, contrary rules of Criminal traceing, Criminal Logics and without regards to Constitutional Human Rights CZ to validate some criminal evidence sof medical illegal mistakes by judicial Court dealing with participation so as Patients CZ including.
On the Figure 1, you should to see results, Czech paraphrases„ Lege Artis CZ“ – when the Culprits Physician CZ from The Regional Hospital Mladá Boleslav CZ- they are working in Complot with the creators of Medical Clourt Message - with Forensic Doctors CZ from the Central Army Hospital Prague CZ and with a famous Jourist in procedural one sides dealing of the Court trial to rescue lack of legal and technical responsibilities of Producer Health care and lack of technician legal conditions in workplaces of medical staff – it was protocled by the Judge - JUDr. Vojtěch Cepl: Then the punctuare mooving of metalic stem caused Crash of my proximal fermoral bone querry, it caused destructure the musculature of my calf, including of destruction of functional Nervus ischiatici by intensit long timimg pressure of a blooding tissue and arisen the Oedem in fatal duration_for many next weeks – namely since Novermber 13, 2007. The spice of Stem was mooving with false trajectory the spice in illegal direction in 13.68 grads – illegaly, out of femoral Axe since November 13, 2007. But despite in the Knowing Medical Insitute was argumented with the false Forensic Medical Hypothese about legal continual working medical staff Orthopady Clinic by rules„ Lege ARTIS CZ“including placement set THA. it was petrifiacted with the same false repeated criminal arguments in the Court Medical Message No. 36 C 181/2009-123 since March 27, 2012 till todays without a legal, technical, biomechanical correcture. Despite i have been immediately protested by written to the Judge, so as by my Court Speach, so as with next asking to support of The Criminal Depertement Police CZ, because there are not able to realised the same Criminal traceing of the stem as a pheasible Postoperational phenomenons as a truth „By postoperational happend Patient Fall“! It was for all Participants of the Court Trial ignoring - without a likehood Doubts with sure definitely. But all my oponents petrificated wisdom false medical Testemonies from The false Court Medical Message till my inforced Death.:
Figure 1 Implanting set THA, Bi contact S, non cemented. Producer B. Braun Germany, as called LEGE ARTIS CZ“!
Figure 2 Re operational Protocol for re implanting SET THA, since November 30, 2007.
See you on the translating of the reoperational official Surgeon Protocol of the prime Orthopad MUDr. Pavel Šedivý from the Regional Hospital Mladá Boleslav CZ since date November 30, 2007. On the Figure 2 there are clear – by the reoperational reposotions of articial dysfunctional joint with false biomechanical and geometric primary assembling by implanting primary set Bicontact S, noncemented since Health status from date November 13. 2007 – there were detect the false rasped and full illegal crumm hole in proximal fremoral cavity as the criminal Trace of assembling „ Fausse route stem“ it means with punctuare colise with partial laterál wall of femoral cavity, it_is mortal injury“ in the proximal internal forming the Socket, it_is very rare per-operastional situation with many comjplication so as for next procedural right placement the reoparational Stem, it_is typice criminal traceing – with creating CRASH by the false orthopadic hitting the stem in illegal direction by usage orthopadic hammer – there was never diagnostic any lenghtwise crack, maybe after a postoperational Fall of patient with characterisitc cracking results by fisxed Proximal Punct and with radiation mooving of the spice stem onlu, but it wasn´t able with the spice was situated definitely false just in the November 13, 2007, when the Patient was in full Anesthesy and Orthopad MUDr. František Vurm was false illegal implanting the Stem - out of the regular functional biomechanical coaxial position, with the metalic spice of the stem should be carefully mandatory planning in Clinic Plan - on the perfect planning Positions in installing functional distal punct defined on defined Spice by all 3 coordiantes Xi,Yi,Zi in functional and legal controlled so as in postoperational right depth the spice in my femoral cavity in Geometry 3 D. It_is allways to renovate all criminal evidences contrary false-right Criminal Biomechanical Evidences in a like hood Orthopadic_screen with a right usage installing firm radiological masks B. Braun Germany - in the same scaling and on the same sagittal so as in radial direction scanning position with independent criminal Geometric controlls – the unificated functional Length of both installing Puncts_of_the Component Stem (proximal and distal installing basic defined puncts) both in femoral axe and with biomechanical functionality, anchoring.
It must be allways fixed on a likehood well uprighting RTG images on the likehood well preparing Clinic Plan, preparing the radiologic orthopadic RTG table, with controlled prescribed mandatory position of RTG Emiters by next double parallely imaging – sagittal and radial -with mutual orthogonal RTG images, allways vertically to femoral axe…. for Mass usage the same public official Patterns: for Approvals of all produce by Protocol product with „CE“ - sets THA Bicontact S, noncemented, with the same Dimense 13 mm, with the same type of stem N, for all users working with Implants „CE“ by invoid and Users Certification in the firm B. Braun Germany - in a like hood Orthopady Clinics OECD, so as it could be realised in same medical processing so as with mistakes in my first postoperational RTG Image since November 16. 2007 on the orthopadic_screen with the same firm installing radiologic Masks! Medical staff from Orthopady Clinics Regional Hospital Mladá Boleslav CZ, so as forensic Phyisicans from the Central Armz Hospital Prague CZ – have no sufficient knowledges about criminal evidences legal implanting by Criminal Anrhropology Orthopady rules used in Forensic Medicine OECD! They never understand in Czech Republic to principles Pythagoriasn Theorem in usage Geomettry 3 D in Technical Radiology metalic elements, they are constant stupid - by my explanation in recommending my official Letter since July 17, 2012 – but I am a Victim of medical Gangsters CZ for me and for rest my life – and as for all next probable similar needless yearly illegal crippled Mass Patients CZ by false illegal usage Medical Devices contrary Technician requirements of Laws OECD!
Since the same false arguments it was derived till the false Judgement No 36 C 181/2009-221 from September 24, 2012„ as medical working in limits Lege Artis C“Z! I am sure – my Orthopads CZ, forensic doctors CZ and Criminalists CZ and so as State Penalty Officers CZ are inedicable till my inforced criminal Death…They all were never finding the objective Truth nor by Court trials CZ about my heavy needless illegal Crippling and preliminary biostatistic inforced my earlier priváte criminal Patient Death. All needless similar crippled. Patients CZ are allways dying officially„ Lege Artis CZ“ flatly only. It_is petrificated false explanation for ever! But similar ways there are yearly needless illegal heavy crippled and preliminary dying about 40 thousands of Patients CZ – allways after Mass illegal processing usage Medical Devices contrary Technician Requirements of Laws in daily medical processing with many petrificated illegal habits of Doctors in medical workflow.
Exept the sure to biomechanical false resulting Court Medical Message No. 36 C 181/2009-123 since March 27, 2012 - which false covered all legal real respopnsibilities of all Providers Health care CZ, responsibilities of medical staff CZ and responsibilities to create the justified validated Court Medical Message CZ – I should accepted as a powerless preliminary dying Patient CZ by the decision making of the Judge – the additional redundand inforced me many additional RTG images in The Knowing Medical Insitute without a like hood reliable context and without a reliable comments to text of The Court Medical Message – The Central Army Hospital Prague, CZ despite all evidences about illegal implanting the set THA in my body it was full sufficient evidenced from a legal interpretation the first origin postoperational RTG image since date November 16, 2007, when there were on the orthopadic_screen to evidence for ever – the false position of the metalic Spice-Stem in false coordinates Xi, Yi, Zi – the virtually intuitive visible coaxiality with false depth contrary installing firm instrruments, but with acceptation by all Orthopads CZ definitely as paraphrased trueth… „By the intuitieve view and by Physicians illegal observing the RTG orthopadic document in hands CZ only – „with fatal illegal Mass repeated medical mistakes in interpretation coaxialities in illegal angle 13,68 grads by acceptable tolerance angle +/- 1 Grads – as Lege Artis CZ“! It was repeated many times later so as of Decision making by forensic doctors CZ „as called in Medical Court Message as a Sufficient true evidences about the real Coaxiality the used Stem and femoral bone in Surgeon Hall since November 13, 2007 – with my postoperational hypothetical mythic Patient Fall with my private guilt with resulting - Punctuare destruction FAUSSE ROUTE STEM – with constatnt working medical staff CZ in processing limits - Lege Artis CZ allways“! UNBELIEVE INDECENCY TO MY PATIENT LIFE AND MEDICAL ETHICS IN ORTHOPADY AND FORENSIC MEDICINE!
Such stupidities could say and repeated only my very cooperative Murders with University graduation with commical Tittles - MUDrs, JUDRs… till todays, by formal reliable judicial procedural passive illegal assistence of Justice CZ and with ignoring my civic Human Rights CZ to live, to be Healthy…. so as contrary after my official next asking to support from The Criminal Police CZ, from the Ombudsman CZ, from The Constitutional Court CZ to guarance to my Constitutional Civic Rights CZ - for justified Court processing with validated justified Criminal evidences only – including at least rational respecting the Pythagorian theorem and actual Czech Order Laws!
I don´t believe on probablistic suspicious repeated so many changed sequential„ Happend “fatal medical mistakes in one judicial case, namely so as after my exact criminalistic explanations RTG image since November 16, 2007 in Geometry 3 D - by written in recommending parallely distributed letters of the Plaintiff for all participants of the dealing The Regional Prague Court trial CZ since July 17, 2012 before beginning the Court dealing in September 17, 2012. All engaged forešnsic experts CZ don´t finding PROCESSING SCIENTIC TRUETH, but my definite Silentium after my inforced criminal Death. The Judge JUDr. Vojtěch Cepl was protocoled in resulting Judgement:
I have never red this letter since July 17, 2012 of the Plaintiff – NOT TO BE DEPENDENT BY DECISION MAKING BY THE JUDGEMENT ON ONESIDES INFORMATION,
….. but Judge was excluding a like hood crtiminal explanation from by SPEACH of the Plaintiff too, it was explicit contrary basic Judicial Court processing guaranted rules by Czech Constitutional Human Rights! All other Particiopants of the Court Trial – Theky all denied all my Criminal evidences about medical Crime Act – illegal implantation set THA in my body since November 13, 2007 with my needless heavy crippling and with biostatistic sufficient evidences about serious shorten rest my Life about manyyears! All my Culprits and Forensic Doctors CZ are smiling me with covering a like hood Crime Act allways-as acceptable medical Results by Justice CZ in working limits medical staff„ Lege Artis CZ“, definitely!
It is just a wisdom as a strong Crime Medical Act CZ against me, undoubtly, it could be very dangerous for rest my next and more shorten life with everduring official signature on Biomechanical false Court medical Message so as of prime judicial Army Prosecutor CZ: - Collonel MUDr. Miloš Sokol Ph. D. including with redundand radiation and sumary probable critical influences to additional Diagnose ionisation radiation with caused_me so as resulting LEUKEMIA_B-CLL, allways as Health care in unbelieved limits„ Lege Artis CZ“. Set THA - Bicontact S, Noncemented, Orthopadic re-Implants - from producer - B. Braun, Germany ORTHOPADY CLINIC of The Regional Hospital Mladá Boleslav CZ,Realisation on Surgeon Hall: prime Orthopad MUDr. Pavel Šedivý, co-assistent and protocolling processing: Orthopad MUDr. Jaroslav Votočekm Orthopadic Patient: Ing. Antonín Cuc, * September 22, 1944, after prime implanting set THA since November 13, 2007–to reoparation THA right leg,-we prescribted firstly cefazolin i.v. 1g. We are working in usage again full Anesthesy, we applicate prolong Surgeon cutting in standard Input Profile to joint by „Watson- Jones“ We revident primary Artificial joint THA, the Heartbeat Patient is stabil, We are controlling biomechanic functions set THA since November 13, 2007 -, it_is mooving with biomechanic heavy worse resistence, we are reposing Artificial joint.
A SITUATION EXPLATION: Patient was controlled illgaly by Outputs with to late a postoperational defined Dg. Fausse route - till in other Rehabilitation Clinic Malvazinky, Prague 5 since Discovery Fatal Crash of implanting in date November 27, 2007 with inforced back relocation such Patient in Orthopady Clinic Mladá Boleslav to reoperating processing since November 28, 2007. It_is elegant to say from Culprits: PATIENT POSTOPERATIONAL UNHAPPY FALL, by medical working medical staff Lege Artis CZ only! I am very pride and happy to our Medicine CZ with Mass_of engaged Tittled Liars in Court Trials CZ, graduated as MUDrs, JUDrs. Against Patient CZ! Then we are relocating the ceramic Head from the proximal Stem, then we easy pull out so as whole primary metalic Stem. But we are just finding the querry hole in femoral bone „Fausse route“ – immediately the punctuare false hole_is placement very closed under the Trochanter Massimus in right leg, we just see by reposition - we folowed: The open Input in the femoral Channel is covering with Hard osseous encrustation, we are driling step by step the hard leyers of encrustation in cavity, then we should rasping the femoral cavity for a new placement next bigger Stem with standard Dimension 17 mm the Type Aesculap Bocontact S, we realised placement of new Stem, we used the same Dimension of ceramic Head 28/L, heartbeat of Patient is normal, we are revising the Socket with the false hole, we realise irrigation, reinserting of set THA, we reinsert carefully structure of gluaral musculs, finishing suture fascies subcuties, so as skin. Reoparetion Orthopady set THA finished–O.K. but: the traumatologic full plegia of my nervus ischidici in my right underknie is continous - it was needlesss full ignored for ever, despite the MUDr. P. Šedivý was graduated as a main Traumatolog-Orthopad! It could be revitalised by neurosurgical surgery till in duration 4months after tragic Polytrauma on Surgeon Hall since November 13, 2007! Just I have probable 8x worse risk to probable mortalities after Happend next Patient fall – with probable repeated breacking the proximal femoral bone! The forensic Physicans CZ have no Interests to predict my real Chance to live and participate with independent biostatistic very casual shorten Rest my orthopadic Patient Life - and with justified financial satisfasction and to appologize of my Culprits to me. It_is unusual fixed CZ habits by lack of medical Ethics my famous Murders CZ!
Signing reoperation Protocol: MUDr. P. Šedivý, MUDr. J. Votoček, Orthopady Clinic
The Patient criminal biomechanical explanation: The postoperational happend Patient fall – it never could be realised with the same criminal traceing of the Spice the netalic Stem – with the same trajectory as the punctuare destruction proximal femoral bone „FAUSSE ROUTE STEM“ as the Orthopadic Crash on surgeon Hall since November 13, 2007. The forensic Physicians CZ created wisdom the FALSE BIOMECHANICAL, GEOMETRIC, RADIOLOGIC – false Medical hypotheses in the Clourt Medical Message No. 36 C 181/2009-123 since March 27, 2012. It could be accepted only of Medical ineducable Gangsters and it_is legal covered of The Justice CZ contrary my official written protests since July 17, 2012 to the Judge JUDr. Vojtěch Cepl from the Regional Court Prague CZ, and parallely to the Head of Team Authors The Medical Court Message – Collonel, prime MUDr. Miloš Sokol Ph. D., as the Head of the Institute of The Forensic Army Medicine by the Central Army Hospital Prague, CZ!
Author declares that there is no conflicts of interest.
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