Application of a novel polymer-modified screenprinted gold electrode for detection of the anticancer drug doxorubicin Iva Dimitrievska,1 Katarina Aleksić,2 Perica Paunović,1 Smilja Marković,2 Anita Grozdanov1 PDF | Full text | Share
Assessing quality of life of cancer patients’ caregivers: criticism of past scale validation studies and proposal for new patterns of scale analysis and validation Diesbach BP,1 Cornide M,2 Esteban B,3 Garcia L,2 Moghadas O4 PDF | Full text | Share
Anesthesia for major oncological surgery in pregnant patient in the second trimester: case report Isabela Moreira Silva,1 Luiz Eduardo Imbelloni,2 Anna Lúcia Calaça Rivoli,3 Sylvio Valença de Lemos Neto,4 Ana Cristina Pinho,5 Livia Don Fonseca,3 Maria Eugênia Carvalho1 PDF | Full text | Share
Advances in the diagnosis and treatment of ovarian cancer Melisa Hunis,1 Adrian Hunis2 PDF | Full text | Share
Evaluation of student perception on medical teaching based on simulate experience workshops (SEW) Dr. Jesús Tatá Amoldoni,1 Dr. Nassim Tatá Canache2 PDF | Full text | Share