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Journal of
eISSN: 2373-633X

Cancer Prevention & Current Research

Proceeding Volume 6 Issue 4

Reducing cancer risks by minimizing substrate accumulation through regular timely exercise

Akbar Nikkhah

Department of Animal Sciences, University of Zanjan, Iran

Correspondence: Akbar Nikkhah, Chief Highly Distinguished Professor, Principal Highly Distinguished Elite-Generating Scientist, Department of Animal Sciences, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Zanjan, National Elite Foundation, Iran

Received: October 09, 2016 | Published: December 16, 2016

Citation: Nikkhah A. Reducing cancer risks by minimizing substrate accumulation through regular timely exercise. J Cancer Prev Curr Res. 2016;6(4):496. DOI: 10.15406/jcpcr.2016.06.00213

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This article delineates a mechanism through which timely regular exercise can reduce cancer risks by minimizing substrate accumulation. It is theorized that any substrate overload by eating more and burning less predisposes cells to oncogenesis. Thus, timely regular exercise is mandatory for maintaining a balance between nutrient supply and use in a variety of cells notably liver and the periphery.

Keywords: cancer, substrate, accumulation, exercise


It is already described how fitting substrate use and provision can affect carcinogenesis.1,2 The objective of this article is to underline the importance of timely regular exercise in maintaining a healthy balance between substrate supply and use by liver and peripheral cells that minimizes substrate accumulation over the circadian period. For cells to operate normally, ups and downs in substrate supply must be avoided. One practical strategy to maintain regularity with no major substrate accumulation over the circadian period is timely exercise since eating takes place regularly multiple times a day. This ensures that extra nutrient supplies to the body undergo oxidation for securing timely balances in cell dynamics. This is a key reason why daily exercise is necessary, particularly from a cancer perspective.3‒8

Running and evening exercise are examples of effective physical activities that contribute to normalizing cells substrate provision and use.9,10 These activities are thus considered anti-cancer.9,10 Physical activities with intense nature ensure that substrate overloads are minimized, thus thereby; cells perform normally under regular smooth substrate supplies. In a nutshell, any major eating occasion needs to be metabolically neutralized by an exercise occasion. However, since time is so short in today's busy times, it is postulated that a minimum of one daily exercise session is required to reduce cancer risks. The longer the exercise intervals, the less effective in benefiting the body and helping to reduce cancer risks. Such a timely regular daily exercise is a pragmatic approach towards structuring a lifestyle that optimizes human health.


Regular timely (daily) exercise as a pragmatic approach is deemed necessary to minimize substrate buildups in liver and peripheral cells to help minimize cancer risks.


Thanks to Iran’s Ministry of Science Research and Technology, University of Zanjan and National Elite Foundation for supporting the author’s global programs of optimizing science edification in the new millennium.

Conflicts of interest

Author declares there are no conflicts of interest.


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©2016 Nikkhah. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and build upon your work non-commercially.
