Mini Review Volume 13 Issue 2
Omer, Israel
Correspondence: Praznikov Viktor MD, PhD, Atad street, 26, Omer, Israel, Tel 972 050 99 00 739
Received: March 04, 2022 | Published: March 31, 2022
Citation: Viktor P. Effective prevention and effective treatment oncological diseases with methods resonance destruction and resonance of creation. J Cancer Prev Curr Res. 2022;13(2):45-46. DOI: 10.15406/jcpcr.2022.13.00485
The article discusses two forms of resonance in medicine in the treatment of oncological diseases. The first form is the destruction resonance. It is well known and we have used it to destroy tumors. The second form of resonance is the resonance of creation. It leads to the restoration of degenerated or destroyed organs. We have used the resonance of creation to repair organs affected by tumors and to restore the immune system in patients.
In our previous work1,2 and in monographs2-7 considered two options for using resonance in medicine-the resonance of destruction and the resonance of creation. Resonance has been used for many years in the treatment of various diseases.7-11 In this paper, we will consider the possibilities of effective treatment and effective prevention of oncological diseases using the methods of resonance of destruction and resonance of creation. For the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, bioresonance therapy is used, which arose thanks to the German researchers R Fol, F Werner,12 Shimmel HW.13 In the diagnosis and treatment of bioresonance therapy, the so-called "nosodes" are used-wave copies of various diseases, including oncological ones, and "organ preparations"-wave copies of normally functioning organs. A feature of the use of nosodes and organ preparations in our work was that we used not only low potencies of nosodes and organ preparations, but also high ones,1-7 while in previous works we used only low potencies of nosodes and organ preparations.8-11
Using destruction resonance for treatment oncological diseases
So, the resonance of destruction is possible when using nosodes. Initially, testing (diagnosis) of the patient is carried out. On the device for bioresonance therapy, a nosode of an oncological disease is set, for example, "stomach cancer" and this nosode is tested in a patient. If the nosode is being tested, the arrow on the display does not reach the value 100 and falls, for example, at a value of 50, this indicates that this patient is diagnosed with stomach cancer. The task of the doctor using the method of bioresonance therapy is to select in the device selector connected to the computer that potency of the nosode "stomach cancer", which will enter into resonance with the nosode that is tested on the computer of the device in the patient. If the nosode is chosen correctly, it will resonate with the nosode that is initially tested in the patient. The effectiveness of this selection of nosode potency is revealed in such a way that when testing the gastric cancer nosode in a patient, together with the selected potency of this nosode, it leads to the fact that the original nosode, which is in the computer program of the device for bioresonance therapy, ceases to be tested.
Each organ, each disease has its own frequency of oscillations. A nosode with such potency is selected, which will have the same vibration frequency to create resonance and destroy, for example, a tumor. In the event that the potency of the selected nosode is not sufficient (the frequency of oscillations of the nosode is less than the frequency of oscillations of the tumor), the initial nosode in the bioresonance therapy device itself continues to be tested. In other words, under these conditions, the method used does not cause resonance and does not lead to the destruction of the tumor. Currently, existing bioresonance therapy methods use only low potencies that do not lead to destruction, in our case, destruction of tumors.11 In other words, the currently existing method of bioresonance therapy, which uses only low potencies, is not able to cause resonance with the tumor and destroy the tumor.
Since 2016, materials have been published that show that nosodes begin to acquire destructive properties most often when using high potencies of nosodes.1-8 So, in a patient with gastric cancer, a selected nosode of low potencies does not lead to resonance with the tumor and the destruction of this tumor. But when using high potencies of the selected nosode, testing the tumor in the patient already leads to resonance and to the fact that the original nosode, which is in the computer program of the device for bioresonance therapy, ceases to be tested in the patient. This means that the selected high potency nosode leads to the destruction of the tumor. Information from such a nosode is recorded on sugar grains, which the patient takes for treatment. As a result of treatment, the tumor is destroyed.
In the device selector for bioresonance therapy, there are a large number of different nosodes of oncological diseases. The use of these nosodes with the correct selection of potency is guaranteed to lead to the emergence of a destructive resonance with the tumor and cure the disease. 137 patients with various oncological diseases were treated, including those with metastatic forms, and there was not a single case when we could not select the desired potency of the nosode, and thus could not create a resonance of destruction. Thus, the use of destruction resonance leads to an effective cure of oncological diseases.
Using the resonance of creation for prevention oncological diseases
The occurrence of oncological diseases does not occur when the functional state of the organ in which the primary tumor can occur is completely normal. We have not found in the literature indications that a primary tumor can arise in an organ with a completely normal functional state. And, on the contrary, the oncological process occurs in those structures, in those organs that have undergone pathological transformations or as a result of degeneration, the senile process. The question arises-is it possible to restore the functional state of an organ that has undergone degenerative changes or a pathological process? If this is possible, then prevention is possible, prevention of the occurrence of an oncological process in a particular organ.
In our previous article1 and monographs2-7 it is shown that in the treatment of various diseases, not only the resonance of destruction, but also the resonance of creation is used. In senile diseases, in which the process of degeneration, destruction of an organ or part of an organ occurs, the use of the destruction resonance method to restore the organ is not possible. It is necessary to use those methods that restore the destroyed organ, destroyed tissue. And this method is the resonance of creation. It has been shown that the use of the resonance of creation is extremely effective in the treatment of degenerative diseases-diabetes mellitus, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, autoimmune diseases, etc.1-7 It is possible to create a resonance of creation in a patient with an organ preparation of one or another organ or part of it. It is not possible to create the resonance of creation with the nosode of this or that disease.
How is the resonance of creation created? The doctor has a suspicion that some organ of the patient is not functioning normally, although various methods of examination did not give an answer whether the organ is functioning normally or not. So, to answer this question-whether the patient's organ is functioning normally or not, it is necessary to test it on a device for bioresonance therapy. The doctor finds the desired organ, for example, the stomach, in the computer selector connected to the device for bioresonance therapy, and tests it on the patient on the device. If the organ is functioning normally, then during testing, the arrow on the computer display reaches the value 100 and does not fall. In the same case, if the organ does not function normally, then during testing the arrow does not reach the value of 100 and falls. The doctor needs to restore the functioning of the studied organ-the stomach-to normal. For this, the resonance of creation is used. As shown in the published article and in monographs,1-7 for this it is necessary to create a resonance between the organ preparation, which is in the selector of our computer and is tested in the patient, and the corresponding organ preparation, which must enter into resonance with the tested organ preparation in the patient. The organ preparation taken from the device selector is recorded and the potency (most often high) is selected for it, which will enter into resonance with the organ preparation being tested in the patient. The selected organ preparation with the required potency remains in the device for bioresonance therapy. If the potency is chosen correctly, then testing the initial organ preparation in the device selector leads to the fact that the organ ceases to be tested in the patient, i.e. the arrow of the device reaches the value of 100. If the potency of the organ preparation is not selected correctly, then the arrow of the device falls below the value of 100.
So, we have selected the potency of the organ preparation and thus it enters into resonance with the organ preparation that is being tested in the patient, as evidenced by testing. What is the meaning of the resonance we create? In contrast to the resonance of destruction, the new resonance of organ preparations created by us does not lead to the destruction of the organ. It leads to the restoration of the body. The doctor writes down on sugar grains the information that is available on the selected organ preparation with the necessary potency, and this sugar grain becomes a medicine for the patient. The patient takes sugar grains and is treated-the degenerated organ is restored. This is evidenced by the testing of the organ under study throughout the entire period of treatment. In the process of treatment, the computer arrow during testing gets closer and closer to the value of 100 without falling, and the doctor understands that the degenerated organ is being restored. Thus, the use of the resonance of creation can lead not only to the cure of those diseases that arise as a result of degeneration or senility (diabetes mellitus, Parkinson's disease, etc.), but also to the restoration of an organ that was in a state of degeneration or pathological condition. An organ with a restored functional state becomes immune to the oncological process. This is the meaning of using the resonance of creation to prevent the oncological process. There may be such conditions when, after the destruction of the tumor in a patient, the organ in which the oncological process took place remains in a degenerated state. Of course, it requires restoration, which is achievable when using the resonance of creation for this.
Thus, it has been established that the method of resonance medicine - resonance of destruction effectively treats the oncological process, and the method of resonance of creation leads to effective prevention of oncological diseases.
Author declares that there is no conflict of interest.
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