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Journal of
eISSN: 2473-0831

Analytical & Pharmaceutical Research

Opinion Volume 3 Issue 7

On Two Kinds of Equilibrium Constants in an Extraction System: Does an Interfacial Equilibrium Potential Control the Equilibrium Constant?

Yoshihiro Kudo

Correspondence: Yoshihiro Kudo, Chiba University, 1-33 Yayoi-cho, Inage-ku, Chiba 263-8522, Japan, Tel +81 43-290-2786, Fax -3126

Received: December 20, 2016 | Published: December 22, 2016

Citation: Kudo Y (2016) On Two Kinds of Equilibrium Constants in an Extraction System: Does an Interfacial Equilibrium Potential Control the Equilibrium Constant? J Anal Pharm Res 3(7): 00078. DOI: 10.15406/japlr.2016.03.00078

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Two kinds of equilibrium constants were discussed based on a thermodynamic cycle of overall extraction equilibrium. Consequently, it was clarified that the individual distribution constants of cation and anion into an organic (o) phase is controlled by an equilibrium potential at the water/o solution interface.

Keywords: individual distribution constant, interfacial equilibrium potential, two kinds of equilibrium constants, extraction constant, dissociation of extracted ion pair


O: Organic; Org: organic;


An extraction constant with the dissociation of the  ion pair has been defined as

Kex±=[ML+]o[A]o/([M+][L]o[A])   (1)

in a molar concentration unit.1,2 where M+ , L, and A  refer to a univalent metal ion, a ligand such as crown ethers, and a pairing anion as picrate and permanganate ions, respectively. This equation corresponds to the overall extraction equilibrium, M++ Lo+ AML+o+ Ao .1,2 and is expressed by the product of KM/ML(= [ML+]o/[M+][L]o) with KD,A(= [A]o/[A] .1

Kex±=KM/ML×KD,A  (2)

at given values of ionic strength. The constants,KM/ML(=KD,M×KML,org) and KD,A , are the functions of an interfacial equilibrium-potential difference (Δϕeq ).3,4 as follows:

log KM/ML= (F/2.303RT)(ΔϕeqΔϕM0') + log KML,org   (3)


(F/2.303RT)(ΔϕeqΔϕM0') = log KD,M  (3a)

log KD,A= (F/2.303RT)(ΔϕeqΔϕA0') .5 (4)

The symbols, KD,M,KD,A,KML,org,ΔϕM0' , and ΔϕA0' , in Eqs. (3)-(4) denote the individual distribution constant, [M+]o/[M+] , of M+  into an o phase, that of A  into the o phase, the complex formation constant, [ML+]o/[M+]o[L]o , for ML+  in the o phase (Δϕeq= 0 V because of the reaction in the homogeneous phase), a standard formal potential for the M+ transfer across the water/o solution interface, and that for A  across the interface, respectively.3,4,6

Combinations of the experimental KM/ML  and KD,A  values are infinite in the variation of Δϕeq . On the other hand, the combination of the KM/MLs  and KD,As  values which are defined as the KM/ML  and KD,A  ones at Δϕeq= 0 V  is only one. However, their products, Eq. (2), have to equal with each other by a compensation of the two Δϕeq  terms between Eqs. (3) and (4).4,6

Also, Eq. (3) is showing us an interesting fact in an equilibrium condition of the extraction system. For example, the log KM/ML value is not generally equal to the log KM/MLs  one. This reason is because the KM/MLs  value is of the condition of Δϕeq= 0 V , while the KM/ML  ones are of that of certain Δϕeq  values. The latter value (or also KD,A ) becomes a constant only under the condition that all the P,T  and Δϕeq values are fixed. That is, there are two kinds of equilibrium constants, KM/ML  (P,T ,Δϕeq  = constant) and KM/MLs  (P,T = constant) or KML,org , in the extraction system.

Moreover, this means that zero of the Eex± or ΔGex±  value, which corresponds to the overall extraction system of Eq. (1) and is related with zFEex±0=RTln Kex±(=ΔGex±0) at Eex±= 0 V , is not necessarily agreeable to zero of the Δϕeq  value at the water/o solution interface. In other words, the condition of

Eex±=Δϕeq,M+ (Δϕeq,A) = 0 V   (5)

Should be satisfied at the extraction equilibrium.3,4,6 That is, the relation, Δϕeq,M=Δϕeq,A=Δϕeq , holds in the extraction system.3,4,6 Here, the symbols, Δϕeq,M  and Δϕeq,A , denote the Δϕeq  value evaluated from the KD,M  and KD,A  ones, respectively; the front sign of Δϕeq,A in Eq. (5) shows the formal charge of A with the sign.5


Consequently, we can see that the two kinds of equilibrium constants, KML,org(P,T)  KM/ML(P,T,Δϕeq) , are present in an extraction system at the same time. With respect to this fact, Δϕeq  controls magnitudes of KM/ML  and KD,A  at least.



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