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Journal of
eISSN: 2473-0831

Analytical & Pharmaceutical Research


 A Abiramasundari
Research student in B.V. Patel PERD Centre, India

 Abhijit Ghosh
Brigham Young University, American Samoa
Research Interest: Analyzed silicone from biogas and petroleum fuels by GCxGC, Analyzed fusel alcohols from commercial alcoholic beverages by GC, Identified benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene and xylenes (BTEX) and methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) in groundwater by GC and GC/MS, Identified of geosmin and 2-methylisoborneol (MIB) in Panama water by GC/MS, Analyzed TOC and hydrocarbons in produced water from oil field by GCxGC
 Anuja Rane
University of the Sciences, American Samoa

 Bala Vamsi Krishna Karuturi
University of Nebraska Medical Center, American Samoa
Research Interest: Drug Delivery, Targeted Delivery, Formulation Development, Drug Development, Vaccine/Immunology Research, Pharmacokinetics, Skin Delivery, Topical Formulations, Solid Dosage Forms and Drug Delivery Devices
 Jin Wang
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, American Samoa
Research Interest: Develop novelcompactiontechniqueswith pellet-containing granules forsustained releasetablets. Profilethe drugreleasepattern fromsustained releasetablets ormicroemulsion dosage form
 Marcellin Ndoe Guiaro
University of Buea, Cameroon
Research Interest: Clinical Biochemistry, Clinical Pharmacology, Undesirable effects of the HAART (Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy) among patients infected with HIV, Hepatology, HIV Immunology and Prevention, Hepatitis Viruses, Infectious Diseases control and Prevention, Immunology of Infectious Diseases, Blood Transfusion
 Mehul Kumar Patel
The State University of New Jersey, American Samoa

 Mohammad Azadi
Payame Noor University, Iran
Research Interest: • Fabrication and characterization of nanobiocomposite scaffolds for tissue engineering applications (such as bone, cartilage and skin) and drug delivery. • Synthesis of catalysts such as zeolites, SBA-15 and MCM-41 for chemical reactions. • Synthesis of metal oxides and mixed oxides for chemical reactions. • Preparation of new materials for industrial applications.
 Nagasamy Venkatesh
Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University, India

 Narendra Tirpude
CSIR-Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology, India

 Niket Kumar Patel
QS Pharma, PA as Staff Formulator, American Samoa

 Roshan Tiwari
University of Louisiana at Monroe, American Samoa

 Sean Essex
Thermo Fisher Scientific, American Samoa

 Venkata Suresh
Chalapathi Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, India

 Vivekkumar K Redasani
R C Patel Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, India

 Wen Shi
University of Nebraska Medical Center, American Samoa
Research Interest: Nanomedicine, drug delivery, molecular imaging, cancer diagnosis and therapeutics, tissue engineering and regeneration, peptide chemistry, protein formulation
 Xin Feng
Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education, American Samoa

 Yixuan Dong
Louisiana State University, American Samoa

 Yong Zhang
Senior Scientist, American Samoa

 Youya Gao
Baxter International Inc, American Samoa

 Samiyah Tasleem
University of Karachi, Pakistan
Research Interest: Pharmaceutical microbiology, Antimicrobial agent, Basic Microbiology, Immunology, Food Microbiology, Research methodology
 Sumeet Kapoor
Centre for Biomedical Engineering, India
Research Interest: Microbiology
 Rishikesh Gupta
Bundelkhand University, India

 Vaibhav Adhao
Dr. Rajendra Gode College of Pharmacy, India
Research Interest: Stability indicating method development on HPLC, Analysis & validation of several analytical techniques, Method development for dissolution and impurity profiling, Co-crystal Engineering, Development of MS-EXCEL sheets for various formulas for the dissolution studies, Assay and Related substances
 Farrokh Roya Nikmaram
Islamic Azad University, Iran
Research Interest: Thermodynamics and Kinetics, Molecular Modeling & Computational Chemistry, Simulation & Computational Chemistry
 Erhirhie Earnest Oghenesuvwe
Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nigeria
Research Interest: Pharmacology, Toxicology, ethnopharmacology, Phytochemistry, natural product research as well as ex-vivo and in-vivo experimental Physiology and Pharmacology Techniques
 Sevinc Kurbanoglu
Ankara University, Turkey
Research Interest: Analytical Chemistry
 Sukumar Dandapat
Ranchi University, India
Research Interest: Pharmacology, Nano biotechnology, Molecular Biology, Entomology, Microbiology
 Pedro Cesar Quero Jimenez
University , Cuba
Research Interest: Catalysis, Drug delivery, Hyperespectral imaging, Formulation of natural drug, Analysis & validation of several analytical techniques
 Raghavendra Kumar Gunda
Vels Institute of Science, Technology and Advanced Studies, India
Research Interest: Pharmaceutics
 Dafne Sarahia Guzman Hernandez
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico
Research Interest: Analytical Chemistry, Instrumental Analysis, Inorganic Chemistry, Validation of Chemical Analysis Methods, Electrochemistry
 Pedro Raymundo Santacruz Salazar
Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico
Research Interest: Nano technology, chemistry, physics
 José Ramón Cabrera Cepero
Delegate of the Ibero-American Pharmaceutical Organization in Cuba, Cuba
Research Interest: Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Clinical Trials
 Ediran Ericles Pontes dos Anjos
Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
Research Interest: Chemistry, Pharmacy
 Aline Domingos Gonçalves
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Research Interest: Chemistry, Chromatographic Methods, Emerging Contaminants
 Dayanne Gomes Da Silva
Federal University of Parana, Brazil
Research Interest: Cell culture, cancer, fatty acids, clinical analysis, pharmacology
 Amey Mahajan
Long Island University Brooklyn New York USA, United States
Research Interest: Pharmaceutical Development, Advanced Dosage form Design, Nasal Sprays, Topical or skin Disorders Treatment
 Mateus da Silva Mesquita
Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil
Research Interest: Chemical Engineering, Organic chemistry, General chemistry, Treatments and use of waste