There has been lot of interest in different kinds of rate constant which characterizes different enzymes.1–5 Most enzymes studied may be described as industrial enzymes because of commercial objectives, which include production of industrial fuels, bioethanol,6–8 production of bulking agent, water retention agent, thickeners etc.4 Some of the products are highly important in a wide range of nutritional, cosmetic and pharmaceutical applications.10–12 The hydrolysis of starch from various sources is widely studied.12–16 Most of the industrial enzymes studied are usually mesophiles and most often, thermophiles of microbial origin.17 This research focuses mainly on a polymer called potato starch and human salivary alpha amylase which, has similar capacity and function as pancreatic amylase. It is not a misplacement to use salivary amylase (EC as a model for this study because its normal activity is evidence of good health. It is a maker for various health indices.18,19 It has been observed that direct entry of starch into the small intestine, by–passing partial digestion in the oral cavity results in substantially less starch digestion in the small intestine and glucose absorption.20 These observations make it worthwhile to treat human salivary amylase exclusively.
Unlike polysaccharides whose degree of polymerization f (the number of glucose molecules in a molecule of a polysaccharide) are quite large requiring much longer duration of assay on the assumption that the polysaccharide is totally amenable to total amylolysis, the hydrolysis of sugar whose f ranges from 2–5, as pointed in a submitted manuscript.21 is much more straightforward. “For instant if n moles of maltose are totally hydrolyzed, 2n moles of glucose should be yielded; thus the rate constant for the production of glucose molecules is twice the rate constant for the hydrolysis of maltose”.21
As in a parallel paper, submitted elsewhere, using Aspergillus oryzea alpha amylase as an enzyme model, this research is not concerned with mechanism of enzyme catalyzed reaction, but such mechanism cannot be detached from the rate of formation of the desired and/or any by product. However, most often the rate of formation of the product is the focus to the exclusion of the rate of the process or the mechanistic steps to give the product. The mechanism by which glycosidic bond is hydrolyzed is a process which requires time.22,23 This view and the fact that it may be a rate limiting step, has been expressed in a submitted paper treating another homologue. Therefore, so long as challenges such as need for energy for worthwhile purpose, athleticism/labour and health challenge such as diabetics which requires regulation of blood glucose level are common experiences, it is instructive to consider as part of the objectives of this research the formulation of an additional, simple, and verifiable mathematical models similar to Eq. (1a) anchored on basic principle that can be used to determine the parameter, exp (k t) and D[S0] given [S0] where k, t and [S0] are the pseudo–first order rate constant, duration of assay and concentration of the substrate and, more importantly, for the determination of the rate of hydrolysis of glycosidic bond, the duration of which is part of the total time taken to yield the product.
The significance of the intended objectives is better appreciated if cognizance is taken of the fact that it is the hydrolysis of the bond that is the rate limiting step; this is the reason while thermophiles in particular are less active at low temperatures due to low conformational flexibility of the active site domain, unlike psychrophiles whose cold temperature environment does not inhibit its activity because its active site domain is already in a state of conformational flexibility, eliminating the need for higher temperature dependence.17,24 Apart from swallowing starch–rich diet, by–passing partial digestion in oral cavity as suggested elsewhere.16,20 a complex process of gene transplant coding for amylase with lower capacity to hydrolyze glycosidic bond or ingestion of capsules encapsulating such enzyme may also enhance the control of digestion and plasma sugar level in diabetics. Extract from natural sources, Moringa oleifera,25 may also aide the control of diabetics, though it is not certain whether amylase is susceptible to direct and indirect effect of the extract at its active site.
Formulation of unification equations–the theory
Rate constant in particular, for most enzymes, hydrolases in particular, are regularly studied for different reasons. The most studied is the pseudo–rate constant which according to Butterworth et al.1 may not be accurate on the basis of the mathematical formalism applied in its determination and in particular, the rate constant otherwise called turnover number,23 The rate constant equation, (Eq. (1a)) below is another expression which is often cited by astute and higher mathematical biologist,26,27 as shown below. According to Tzafrifri,26 and, Schnel and Maini.27 the equation was original work of Goldstein,28 and Cha et al.29
Where v, k2, Km, and [E0] are the velocity of hydrolysis of starch, rate constant for the production of reducing sugar maltose, Michaelis–Menten constant, and the concentration of the enzyme respectively; The parameter
expresses the sum of the mass concentration of free substrate and substrate involved in complex formation with the enzyme,27
,27 where [S], [S0], [C], and [P] are the concentration of free substrate, total concentration of substrate, concentration of enzyme–substrate complex, and concentration of product respectively. The attraction for the equation is initial unfamiliarity and for its inspiring capacity for application to answer or proffer solution to another question vis–à–vis barrage of criticism against linear plot for the determination of kinetic parameters.30
The issue regarding the equation is that Michaelis–Menten constant
must be in mol/L. Consequently the molar mass of the substrate must be known in order to maintain dimensional consistency. However, the view that “
”gives information about the proportion of enzyme present as enzyme–substrate complex (ES) as well, but for the reaction at steady–state, i.e. while the enzyme is actually ‘at work’, busy in turning over substrate”,31 may be examined with caution. If Km remains the substrate concentration at half maximum velocity (vmax) and vmax /k2 = [E0], vmax /k2/2 ¹ Km/MS where MS is the molar mass of the substrate. Otherwise, (vmax /k2/2)–1Km=MS which may not be the case, if for instance maltose is the substrate. Besides, hydrolysis of glycosidic bond in sugars whose degree of polymerization » 2 occurs one after the other coupled with dissociation of the complex leaving behind a fragment and maltose, the product, for instance, after each hydrolytic action.
A complex equation such as Eq. (1a) unlike the usual or conventional simple expression such as vmax/[E0] ºv(Km+[S0])/[S0][E0] is far more encompassing bringing relational link between variables which characterize the activity of an enzyme with element of conservation principle despite paucity in its use. This may not belie its usefulness as supported by Baici’s view that “A classic paper is not necessarily one that has been, and continues to be, cited at a high rate. It can also be one that marked a starting point and stimulated the growth of an entire branch of science”.31
Once again as in a submitted manuscript,21 in which a different homologue is addressed the following equations below lead to some quadratic equations that may serve as a unifying equation for different variable including in particular, pseudo–rate constant, k, for the change in the concentration of the substrate with progress in amylolysis. In line with intellectual honesty and integrity it is imperative to state that Eq. (1) through Eq. (22) had been derived in another manuscript treating another homologue of alpha amylase of microbial origin.21 It is repeated in this research so as to preclude doubt regarding the basis or origin of Eq. (22) below.
Where f, [S0], NA, and Mx is the degree of polymerization, mass concentration of the substrate, Avogadro’s number, and molar mass of the substrate if the entire chain of a polysaccharide is hydrolyzed otherwise it can best be described as the molar mass of that part of the substrate hydrolyzed, which ensures dimensionless parameter, bG. The basis of Eq. (1) is that if the degree of polymerization of a polysaccharide is ϕ, and Mx is the molar mass of the part of the substrate hydrolyzed, the number of glycosidic covalent bonds should be ϕ – 1. However, for the purpose of this investigation, a simple expression for the total number (ϕ) of glucose molecule is given as:
Where k and t are the pseudo–first order rate constant for the utilization of the substrate and duration of assay. Equation (3) is derivable from first principle,32 as follows:
such that
. Marchal et al.33 determined pseudo–first order rate constant taking into cognizance mass conservation law [mmol/(kg dw + H2O)]. The authors,33 recognized the addition of water to the hydrolytic process. In this paper, however, the number of bonds that can be hydrolyzed given appropriate hydrolase is f –1 where, f is as earlier defined. There is need to add that with human salivary alpha amylase only some of the bonds need to be hydrolyzed. For convenient sake exp (k t) for
and exp (– k t) (1/exp (k t)) for
are to be used subsequently.
Equations (1b) and (3) show mass concentration of the substrate converted to product. Consequently, if the mass of the product is implied in line with mass conservation law division by the molar mass of the product, if certain gives the number of moles per unit volume. In this case f should be the degree of polymerization of the product. On account of this, the following relationship may hold:
Where b may be referred to as a proportionality constant if M3 is taken as the molar mass of the product, maltose. It may be necessary to point out that Eq. (3) and its appearance in Eq. (4) is from the expression as explained earlier from first principle.
Equation (4) is premised on the fact that for every mole of maltose yielded, one mole of the glycosidic bond is hydrolyzed. This is equivalent to the loss of two glycosidic bonds from the polysaccharide. Rearrangement and elimination of the parameter NA gives:
Rearrangement of Eq. (5) gives:
Let Eq. (8a) below holds temporarily for the purpose of brevity.
It is necessary to bear in mind that the reducing sugar produced within specified duration of assay is not necessarily from one polysaccharide. Just as k2 is expressed as vmax/[E0], where k2, vmax, and [E0] are the rate constant for the production of reducing sugar, maltose for instance, maximum velocity of the production of the reducing sugar, maltose in this case, and the molar concentration of the enzyme, the equivalent rate constant, k2[S] (not a pseudo–rate constant) for the transformation of a given amount of the substrate, being equal to the mass of the product in line with conservation law is:
The term transformation is simply the breaking and making of bonds before the departure of the product. In Eq. (9a),
is simply an expression of the ratio of the molar concentration of the enzyme involved in complex formation to the molar concentration of product obtained from the concentration of hydrolyzed starch that was transformed to product or more precisely, the molar concentration of hydrolyzed glycosidic bonds (for each glycosidic bond hydrolyzed one maltose molecule is given), with known value of M3. Therefore, if D[S0] is taken as mass of product, in line with mass conservation principle, then M3 becomes the molar mass of the product – maltose for instance – and k2[S] should be @ k2. The approximation is indicated because of imperfection in every assay.
Equation (9b) is obtained by replacing M3 with Eq. (8b). In Eq. (9a), k2[S] a 1/M3. Thus,
Where, for the purpose of brevity, Q is
Substitute Eq. (8b) into Eq. (10) to give:
If k2[S] is replaced by Eq. (9a) the result is:
Rearrangement of Eq. (13) gives:
Equation (9a) could be rearranged to give:
The purpose of Eq. (16) is the determination of a slope (SL (1)) which could be used to find another expression for M3. The slope from the plot of v t (or [P]) versus D[S0] ([S0] exp ((k t) -1)/exp (k t)) can be expressed as:
Equation (17a) leads to Eq. (17b).
From Eq. (17a)
Substitution of Eq. (18) into Eq. (15) gives:
Meanwhile, [P] = v t and Eq. (18) is substituted into Eq. (10) to give:
Rearrangement of Eq. (19) and substitution of Eq. (21) into it gives the following after simplification,
As stated earlier in the text (Eq. (17b))
. Therefore, substitution into Eq. (22) gives:
However, Michaelis–Menten equation can be substituted into Eq. (23) so as to replace v and [P] which is º v t. The result is:
In Eq. (25),
. Therefore, substitution into Eq. (25) gives:
Rearrangement of Eq. (26) gives:
Simplification of Eq. (27) gives:
Cross multiplication by [E0] gives vmax on the left hand side of the equation. But as stated earlier in the text, D[S0] = [S0] (exp (k t) – 1)/exp (k t). Substitution into Eq. (29) gives first:
Simplification and rearrangement of Eq. (30) gives:
Making exp (k t) subject of the formula gives after rearrangement:
Knowing that v t = [P], Eq. (22) can then be transformed into a quadratic equation as follows. As indicated in submitted manuscript,21 treating another alpha amylase of microbial origin, Eq. (33) below is obtained by the expansion of Eq. (22) to give:
Equation (33) is as it is after cross multiplication, because D[S0] = [S0] (exp (k t)–1)/exp (k t). Further rearrangement gives:
Let, for the purpose of simplicity, c = (exp (k t) –1)/exp (k t). Thus,
As already stated above, D[S0] = [S0] (exp (k t)–1)/exp (k t) such that Eq. (34a) can be rearranged to give:
Equations (22) and (36) are equivalents. However, Eq. (35) which leads to Eq. (36) enables the determination of b as follows. First is the expression as follows.
A plot of v t (or [P]) versus D[S0] in Eq. (16) (M3 = 324) gives the slope, SL(1) which is = k2/324k2[S]. Therefore, k2[S] /k2 = 1/324SL(1). The implication is that k2[S] < k2 because 1/SL(1) < 324 (or @ 324). The conversion of [P] to D[S0] (i.e. 324[P]) takes into account mass conservation law,33–36 and accounts for the fact that hydrolysis involves the uptake of water molecule which adds to the total weight of the product and substrate.33,34 The substitution of the conversion, D[S0]/324 into Eq. (35), leads to:
Simplification gives:
Meanwhile, from the plot of [P] versus [S0] (Eq. (16)) is the slope, SL(1) =
(where M3 = 2´162) which upon rearrangement gives
. Substitution of the latter into Eq. (38) gives, after rearrangement.
And calculation gives,
It is very clear that Eq. (39) is a general one in which the parameter to be determine is the slope, SL(1) from the plot of [P] versus D[S0].
The most important objective of this research is the determination of the rate constant for hydrolysis of a glycosidic bond or the rate at which water molecules partake in the hydrolytic action being the rate limiting step. As in submitted manuscript, the formulation of the equation requires that b should not appear in any of the equations. The idea is very recent (in submitted manuscript treating microbial enzyme), and for quick reference, the formulation is presented in appendix section.