Centrifugal torques acting on a rotating ring
The ring is a typical component of gyroscopic devices that manifest the gyroscopic effects presented in Figure 1. For computing of the inertial torques acting on the narrow spinning ring with the mass M and a constant angular velocity of ω in a counter-clockwise direction around axis oz. is accepted locations of its mass elements m on the middle radius R. The centrifugal forces are generated by the mass elements of a spinning ring and resisted to the action of an external torque. The scheme for computing the resistance torque generated by the centrifugal forces is the same as presented for the spinning disc22.
Figure 1 Schematic of the spinning ring.
The resistance torque ΔTct produced by the centrifugal force fct.z of the mass element m is expressed by the following:
Where az is the acceleration of the mass element and y ym = Rsinα m is the distance of the disposal of the mass element along axis oy.
The change in the centrifugal force of the mass element is expressed by the following equation:
is the centrifugal force of the mass element m;
; Δδ is the sector’s angle of the mass element’s location; α is the angle of the mass element’s location; Δγ is the angle of turn for the ring’s plane (sinΔγ=Δγ for the small values of the angle) around axis ox.
The resistance torque produced by the centrifugal forces of the mass element is expressed by substituting the defined parameters into Eq. (1).
Where all components are as specified above.
The integrated torque produced by a change in the centrifugal forces is defined by the presentation of components of Eq.(3) in a form appropriate for integration. The axial component of the centrifugal forces is applied to the pseudo centroid at the ring’s semi-circle, which is calculated by the known integrated equation.
Substituting Eq. (4) into Eq. (3) and transformation yields the following.
Where the expression
is accepted as constant for the Eq.(5); the expression
is a trigonometric identity that replaced in the equation, and other parameters are as specified above.
Substituting Eq. (5) into Eq. (3), replacing
by the integral expression and converting by the integral form, the following equation emerges:
Where the first integral of the cosines is increased twice due to limits of integration, for the second integral of the cosines remains the same due to the symmetrical location of the centroid.
Integral Eq.(6) is solved and yields the following result
Thus giving rise to the following:
The components of Eq.(7) is expressed by the differential equation of time derivative
is the angular velocity of the ring’s precession around axis ox.
The defined components are substituted into Eq(8) and yield the following differential equation:
Separating variables of Eq.(9) and presenting by the integral form yield the following equation:
The integral solution of Eq.(10) yields the following
Substituting limits and increasing the result twice because of centrifugal forces act on the upper and lower sides of the ring, yield the expression of the total resistance torque Tct
Where J = MR2 is the thin ring’s mass moment of inertia.
Common inertial forces acting on the spinning ring
The solution for the common inertial forces acting on the spinning ring that generates the element of the precession torque ΔTin is similar as for the rotating disc22 and represented by the following equation:
Where fin is the inertial force of the spinning ring’s mass element, xm is the distance to the mass element’s location along with axis ox, other components are as specified above.
The distance xm is expressed by Eq.(3) with a change in the index of axis. The acceleration az is defined by the first derivative of the change in tangential velocity and is expressed by the following.
where Vz=-VcosαsinΔγ is the change in tangential velocity V, V=Rω, ωx=dγ/dt, t is time, and the other components are as specified above.
The element of torque ΔTin is defined by substituting defined parameters into Eq.(12).
Equation (14) is similar to Eq.(3) and xm is the same as ym. The following solution yields the equation for precession torque.
where all parameters are as specified above.
Coriolis forces acting on the spinning ring
The torque generated by the Coriolis force of the rotating mass elements is acting on the ring. The equation for the integrated torque should be defined. The solution to this problem is the same as for the spinning disc.22 The element of the resistance torque generated by the Coriolis force is expressed by the following
Where all components are represented above
Coriolis acceleration az is defined by the time derivative of the change in tangential velocity and presented by the following equation.
Where all components are as specified above.
The element of the torque generated by Coriolis force is defined by substituting parameters into Eq. (16) that yields the following.
The resulting torque of Coriolis forces acting on the centroid calculated by substituting defined parameters into Eq.(5) and expressed by the following.
Where the expression
is constant for Eq.(19),
is a trigonometric identity that is replaced and other parameters are as specified above.
Substituting Eq.(19) into Eq.(18), the component
is replaced and presented by the integral form that yields the following equation:
The solution of integral Eq.(21) yields the following:
Where the limits taken for the quarter of the circle are due to its symmetrical location and the value is the same.
The resultant torque generated by Coriolis forces increased twice due to the action on the upper and lower sides of the ring.
The inertial torque generated by the change in the angular momentum of the ring is presented by the equation:
Where all components are specified as above.
Attributes of inertial torques acting on the spinning ring
The resistance torques generated by the centrifugal (Eq.(12)) and Coriolis forces22)
act around axis ox in the same direction. The total initial resistance torque acting around axis ox generated by the external torque presented as their sum, whose equation is as follows
Where Tr is the total initial resistance torque acting around axis ox.
The torques generated by the common inertial forces (Eq.(16)) and by the change in angular momentum (Eq. (23)) are acted around one axis oy and present a total initial precession torque generated by the external torque presented as their sum, whose equation is as follows
where Tp is the total initial precession torque acting around axis oy.
Table 1 presents the torques generated by the inertial pseudo forces of the spinning ring. The inertial torques acting on the spinning ring demonstrates differ in the results compare with a spinning disc.22
Working example
The ring has a mass of 1.0 kg and a mean radius of 0.1 m, spinning at 3000 rpm and precessing with an angular velocity of 0.05 rpm. It is determined the values of the components for resistance and precession torques. This problem is solved based on the equations in Table 1.
- The torque generated by the centrifugal Tct and common inertial Tin forces
- The torque generated by Coriolis Tcr forces and the change in the angular momentum Tam
- The initial resistance Tr and precession Tp torques
Where J=MR2 is the mass moment of inertia of the ring.8,9
Type of the torque generated by
of action (%)
Centrifugal forces, Tct
Inertial forces, Tin
Coriolis forces, Tcr
Change in an angular momentum, Tam
Resistance torque
Precession torque
Table 1 Equations of the inertial torques acting on the spinning ring