Opinion Volume 6 Issue 3
University of Palermo, Italy
Correspondence: Massimiliano Minaudo, University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy
Received: July 03, 2020 | Published: July 9, 2020
Citation: Minaudo M. Gamification, learning & marketing. Int Rob Auto J . 2020;6(3):103?104. DOI: 10.15406/iratj.2020.06.00208 DOI: 10.15406/iratj.2020.06.00208
gamification, game based learning, coding, computational thinking, computer science
Observation of the phenomenon, fact-finding investigation, direct experimentation in the classroom, survey of student, single case study, meta-analysis.
The gamification , that is the "ludicization" process, is nothing more than the use of different elements borrowed from games and therefore from game design in contexts that are not exactly playful. It is a concept that became popular in February 2010 thanks to the conference of Jesse Schell (an American game-designer) in Las Vegas.
The term, which derives from the word "game", is becoming so popular that it will soon be used in all marketing departments, but this could also be an understatement, which is why it must rightly be considered as an effective tool capable of propagating and spreading various messages or even pushing the user to certain behaviors and this would mean, above all for companies and educational institutions, the achievement of the objectives.
The gamification methodology was therefore also applied in the school environment precisely because the dynamics of the game encourage students to review the contents (of study in particular) in a certain period of time. In addition, within the game, dynamche are created that help the user to establish behaviors that positively modify skills and performance.1
This is why while, always in the field of education, the teacher sets goals and in companies he creates himself thinking about people. We can also add that the playful experience transcends the daily life and favors emotions never experienced before and here is the difference between paying attention to the subject and his motivations (from below) and producing to get something (from above).
School (where the children/students do not experience the same experience of the game because induced by others to a forced collaboration and end up getting bored instead of showing their skills) and Company must therefore be careful, certainly, it does not mean doing a whole game or play with everything.2
The areas of application are varied and intertwined: education, business and e-commerce, enterprise, apps and museums, social learning, military and job training even health or well-being and more as in the field of marketing and human resources up to Banks. The use of the game in contexts external to it, however, has twenty-year of origins. Some games, such as "serious games" or alternative reality games (ARG) or "advergames" have arisen for education and have a complete path (not like the original gamification from which they differ). Since the eighties there have been companies, institutions and designers, who have glimpsed the potential of gaming associated with everyday life giving life to the first tools to improve the advertising message or spread civil or military education to push towards the integration of VR/AR worlds.3
The evolutionary process involving the game mechanics is constantly evolving in conjunction with the game design studies, some basic mechanics have been used to guarantee stimulating experiences for users who have personally experienced satisfaction for their commitment and interest (Figure 1).
The characteristics of the gamified product are: the points or credits, that stimulate participation and some actions aimed at increasing the prize; the levels, that represent the means of classification regarding users based on the points (as is the case in the context educational-didactic and in work/business contexts); the prizes, that convey towards a greater commitment; the virtual goods together with the rankings (useful for the division of the players and therefore aimed at stimulating the desire to excel), that offer the possibility of collect more and more points and proceed with purchases/exchanges of objects (as in the case of customizing an avatar/character of the game).4
The mobile applications and especially Facebook have facilitated the viralization processes, in fact, the category of games in the current statistics on the use of the platforms (iPhone and Facebook) is predominant compared to the turnover generated also because the players have become familiar with the mechanics of the a video game (points, levels, awards and more). According to some studies conducted by the Seattle institute 40% of online players are women, element that allows us to conclude that the success of the "gamificaton" is linked to the community: users love to share success, feeling, competition.
The author declares that there was no conflict of interest.
©2020 Minaudo. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and build upon your work non-commercially.