Research Article Volume 7 Issue 2
Chance-constrained Path Planning in Narrow Spaces for a Dubins Vehicle
Rachit Aggarwal,1
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Mrinal Kumar,1 Rachel E Keil,2 Anil V Rao2
1Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, The Ohio State University, USA
2Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Florida, USA
Received: April 07, 2021 | Published: July 23, 2021
Citation: Aggarwal R, Kumar M, Keil RE, et al. Chance-constrained Path Planning in Narrow Spaces for a Dubins Vehicle. Int Rob Auto J. 2021;7(2):46-61 DOI: 10.15406/iratj.2021.07.00277
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The problem of optimal path planning through narrow spaces in an unstructured environment is considered. The optimal path planning problem for a Dubins agent is formulated as a chance-constrained optimal control problem (CCOCP), wherein the uncertainty in obstacle boundaries is modelled using standard probability distributions. The chance constraints are transformed to deterministic equivalents using the inverse cumulative distribution function and subsequently incorporated into a deterministic optimal control problem. Due to multiple convex sub-regions introduced by the obstacles, the initial guess provided to optimal control solver is crucial for computation time and optimality of the solution. A constrained Delaunay triangulation mesh based approach is developed that ensures the initial guess to lie in the optimal sub-convex region. Finally, off-the-shelf software is used to transcribe the optimal control problem to a nonlinear program (NLP) using Gaussian quadrature orthogonal collocation and solved to obtain an optimal path that conforms to system dynamics. By varying the upper bound on probability of obstacle collision, a family of solutions is generated, parameterized by the risk associated with each solution. This approach enables discovery of special “keyhole trajectories” that can provide significant cost savings in a tightly-spaced obstacle field. Merits of this approach are illustrated by comparing it with the traditional bounded uncertainty approach.
Keywords: chance-constrained programming, path planning, collision avoidance, narrow spaces, triangulation
Path planning
In the present context, the objective of path planning is to determine a collision-free strategy from the initial state to a desired final state. The problem is often extended by introducing additional constraints such as agent dynamics with the aim to optimize a desired performance index. The application of this concept can be commonly found in numerous uses such as industrial robotic manipulators, mobile robotics, inventory scheduling, flight planning and is now emerging in self-driving cars and aerial robotics. The popular path planning techniques can be broadly classified into three categories: (i) combinatorial planning, (ii) sampling- based planning, and (iii) potential field methods.1–4 Combinatorial planning methods employ decomposition techniques5 like trapezoidal decomposition,6 visibility graphs7,8 and Voronoi diagrams9,10 to capture the connectivity of locations in the search space. An optimal solution on the graph is then obtained using graph-search algorithms such as the Dijsktra algorithm11 and the A* algorithm.12 These methods are resolution complete, meaning that they always yield a solution if it exists. However, they are often sensitive to discretization and degrade in performance for higher dimensions. Sampling-based planning methods, such as probabilistic road maps (PRM)13,14 and rapidly exploring random trees (RRT)15 search for a path in the collision-free space determined by incrementally sampling the domain space and simultaneously checking for collisions with obstacles. Unlike their combinatorial counterparts, the sampling- based planning methods are probabilistically complete, i.e. the probability of arriving at a solution, if it exists, tends to unity.16,17 In other words, these methods will converge to a solution if allowed to sample indefinitely. On the other hand, the potential field methods employ artificial potential field functions to attract an agent towards the final goal and repel it away from the obstacles18–23 These methods are suited for path planning in the continuous domain for both static and time varying systems, but the presence of local minima pose a challenge to convergence.24 In addition, cumbersome tuning of the potential fields may be required to prevent oscillatory behaviour in unstable potential fields near obstacles or passage through tight spaces between the obstacles.24 Optimal control based planning methods offer an alternative to the aforementioned approaches by using an explicit formulation of the cost function with various system and environmental constraints. We adopt this framework in the present paper.
Chances-constrained path planning
The presence of exogenous disturbances and/or modelling errors results in uncertainty in the agent’s state. Likewise, unmodeled or inadequately modelled processes in the environment (e.g. wind) and/or measurement errors can cause uncertainty in characterization of the obstacles’ shape, size and location. In a deterministic framework, obstacles can be modelled as deterministic entities using conservative approximations, thereby introducing a margin of safety, e.g. corresponding to the worst case realization of obstacle uncertainty. This approach invariably causes the domain of solutions to shrink, potentially accompanied by significant loss of optimality (increase in cost). In fact, it is not difficult to envision a scenario in which overlap among conservatively modelled obstacles causes the solution space to become disconnected, rendering the planning problem infeasible. An alternative to the deterministic approach is to allow the obstacles to retain their uncertain character by modelling their perimeter as a random variable (or a stochastic process for time varying obstacles), parameterized in terms of appropriately chosen probability distribution functions. The obstacle avoidance constraint can then be formulated as the probability of collision (agent infringing the obstacle’s probabilistic perimeter), stipulated to stay under a sufficiently low threshold, decided by the decision maker(autonomous agent or human operator) given its propensity for risk-taking (“appetite for risk”) and/or exigency of a given mission profile. Such a constraint is referred to as a probabilitistic constraint, or a chance-constraint. Alternatively, the probability of collision can be included additively in the cost function, to be minimized alongside other performance metrics (e.g. travel time) with an appropriate weight selected to penalize higher numerical values of the probability function. However, there usually exist no systematic methods to tune the weights in such a multi-objective cost function comprising of quantities with disparate physical meaning, e.g. travel time and probability of collision. The chance-constrained approach is preferred because it offers the decision making agent (a human operator or the autonomous agent) the opportunity to prescribe an explicit threshold of risk appropriate for the perceived level of uncertainty in the environment, along with the exigency of the mission profile, potentially modelled as elements of the overall mission cost. In other words, the chance-constrained planning framework creates an explicit portrait of risk-versus-reward tradeoffs that can aid decision making agency.
The literature on risk-aware planning spans a wide spectrum of application domains. This literature exists in primarily two contexts: (1) min-risk problems, with many employing prior models to assess risk, followed by a solution using search algorithms25,26 and (2) min-energy or min-time problems, in which the uncertainty in the system is posed as so-called chance-constraints. In the present paper, we are concerned with the latter categories of problems.
In the past, chance-constraints (CC) have been used for path planning by Marti27 and Blackmore and Ono.28 In,27 chance constraints, posed on the state and control variables, were translated to equivalent deterministic constraints using stochastic optimization and resulting problem was solved using deterministic dynamic programming. Blackmore and Ono28 formulated the obstacle avoidance problem in presence of polytopes with Gaussian uncertainty and introduced the concept of stochastic robustness, defined as “probability of state constraint violation set to be below a prescribed value”, which is the basis of recent chance-constrained optimal control problem formulations. Blackmore et al.29–31 presented different approaches for the evaluation of chance constraints in optimal control problems, where, unlike Robust Model Predictive Control (RMPC), the control was implemented for a finite planning horizon. A computationally intensive sampling-based particle technique for non-convex constraints with arbitrary uncertainty distributions was presented.29 Our prior work,32 proposed the “split-Bernstein” approach33 for evaluation of the chance-constraints by constructing their conservative deterministic approximations. A major challenge in obstacle avoidance problems is the presence of multiple convex sub-regions especially in presence of multiple obstacles. In an effort to address it,30,31 approximate the path planning problem for linear-Gaussian systems as a disjunctive convex program via the Booles inequality, which places an analytic bound on the probability of collision. Along similar lines, Arantes et al.34 and Okamoto et al.35 adopted mixed integer linear programming (MILP) approach to decompose the chance-constrained non-convex path planning problem into collision-free convex sub problems. Unfortunately, such decomposition-based convexification approaches invariably result in an exponential growth in computational complexity. Computational efficiency can be improved to an extent by employing heuristics which typically comprise of combinatorial or sampling-based methods.36–38 For example, the disjunctive convex programs30,31 are solved for global optimality using branch and bound techniques and the MILP34 is simplified by generating the enumeration sequence using Dijkstra’s algorithm. To compensate for computational complexity of MILP, Okamoto et al.35 employed a computationally fast approach exploiting the feedback control loop to “steer” the covariance for agent’s passage through narrow regions. Chance-constrained path was searched using RRT which is prone to miss paths through narrow spaces.38 The quest for suitable decomposition techniques still remains a common theme in obstacle avoidance problems. These techniques also aid in generating initial guess and yield “almost optimal” (without guarantee) solutions. In absence of decomposition techniques, the non-convex path planning problem can be solved directly and more efficiently but requires discretization and an initial guess in the feasible space, which offers no guarantee of global optimum. Such a guess is often provided manually or generated using heuristics.
In this work, we formulate path planning as a constrained optimal control problem with nonlinear dynamics and obstacle avoidance chance-constraints. We are especially concerned with scenarios in which obstacles appear in close proximity, such that the “worst-case”, bounded uncertainty approach to modelling their boundaries results in overlap among their extended perimeters. We assume that the uncertainty in obstacles arises due to additive uncertainty in the obstacle boundaries. Then, chance-constraints represent the probability of failure to avoid obstacles within a prescribed threshold of risk. The problem is transformed to an equivalent deterministic optimal control problem and solved using the Gaussian quadrature orthogonal collocation method. The problem of multiple convex sub-regions introduced by obstacles, particularly the narrow spaces between the obstacles, is addressed by unsupervised generation of an initial guess in the local convex domain containing the global optimum. This is achieved through triangular meshing and graph search algorithms to obtain a shortest path in the discretizes domain. By varying the upper bound on the probability of violation of obstacle boundaries, a family of paths is generated eliciting the optimal cost and risk of failure associated with each member solution. The merits of this framework are twofold: (1) the triangular meshing approach provides a guess that is closer to the global optimal. (2) it provides a direct approach of embedding the uncertainty in the chance-constraints and controlling the effective boundary inflation with an easily tunable risk parameter. The latter also empowers the decision making agent to evaluate and select the path that matches its risk appetite and/or perceived mission urgency. This technique is particularly useful in determining “keyhole” trajectories, i.e. paths through narrow regions in a cluttered environment.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents strategies for evaluation of chance-constraints. The optimal path planning problem with deterministic dynamics in an environment containing obstacles with perimeter uncertainty is presented in Section 3. Two paradigms for obstacle avoidance, namely bounded-uncertainty (robust obstacle avoidance) and chance-constraints are discussed. A special case in which obstacle uncertainty appears in a separable form in considered, leading to construction of equivalent deterministic constraints through the use of the cumulative distribution function of the obstacle boundary. Section 4 outlines the Gaussian quadrature orthogonal collocation method that is employed for solving the resulting deterministic optimal control problem. Further, as an extension to39 an improved initial guess generation procedure is described which employs graph search in a discretizes space to obtain a shortest path. This path serves as the initial guess for the optimal control problem. Section 5 presents studies to delineate the merits of the chance-constrained approach compared to the conventional approach. The comparison shows that chance-constraints provide a more explicit framework to model the perceived uncertainty to obtain optimal solutions as a function of safety margin characterized by risk. A discussion on inclusion of process noise in collision avoidance constraint is also presented in this study. Finally, the article concludes with a summary and directions for future work, laid out in Section 6.
Chance-constrained optimal control problem
Consider the following generalized form of a chance-constrained optimal control problem (CCOCP):
subjected to:
is the expectation operator and
is the probability function. In Eq. (1b),
characterizes the time evolution of the stochastic process
in presence of process noise
and control input
. The initial condition uncertainty in the stochastic process
is given by the pdf
. In Eq. (1c),
are deterministic constraints involving state and control variables. Note that such constraints can only be enforced when the dependent variables are deterministic in nature, i.e., when process noise
and initial uncertainty
are absent. Equation (1d) represents a generalized joint probabilistic (or chance) constraint for failure events. Here, the vector random variable
represents uncertainty in the environment, e.g. uncertainty in obstacles’ locations and boundaries. Each individual function
represents a failure mode and
represents the set of failure conditions, e.g. in a collision with an obstacle whose uncertain perimeter is denoted by
. Then,
is the probability of union of such events with an upper bound,
, also known as risk, with
. Alternatively, Eq. (1d) can be expressed in terms of success event as
where the lower bound
is referred to as reliability and
. In some circumstances, chance- constraints can occur as a collection of separate, individual chance-constraints, i.e.
, for
, as opposed to the single joint constraint shown in Eq. (1d). The key advantage of chance- constraints is that they allow accurate and faithful embodiment of uncertainty, especially environmental uncertainty in the formulation of constraints in an optimal control problem. The tradeoff is that the evaluation of the probability function,
, especially with joint chance-constraints, poses difficulties. Note that joint chance-constraints can be approximately decomposed into a collection of individual chance constraints as shown in the Section. 2.1. Later in Section. 2.2, an evaluation strategy is presented for the special case of individual chance-constraints with “separable uncertainty.”
Decomposition of chance constraints (CC)
When formulating a chance-constraint in an optimal control problem, it is preferable to express the feasibility of the path (rather than infeasibility or failure) in the available free space. Consider a set of conditions denoting path feasibility
, where
the state variable and
is the random variable denoting uncertainty. . Using the template in Eq. (2), successful collision avoidance above a reliability threshold can be written as the following chance-constraint
denotes the risk parameter with
. Separating the upper and lower thresholds in the above constraint, we get the following equivalent form33,39
Now De-Morgan’s law can be employed to formulate the chance-constraints in terms of the failure event. This results in set union form as shown below:
Booles inequality (sub-additivity of the probability measure) provides sufficient condition to show that if the sum of all individual CCs is less than the prescribed risk, then it is guaranteed that the union of all CCs is also less than the prescribed risk30,33,39 Therefore, Eq. (5) results in
We are thus led to a conservative approximation where each chance-constraint is assigned an allocated risk parameter,
. Finally, the decomposed chance-constraints can be written as:
Upper Bounds:
Lower Bounds:
It is important to note that the above decomposition not only introduces conservatism, but also requires determination of allocated risk parameters,
. However, the decomposition does reduce the joint constraint, which is hard to work with, into a set of individual of chance-constraints.
Deterministic transformation for separable chance-constraints
Chance-constraints, whether in joint form or separated as shown above, present the challenge of evaluation of the probability function,
. Let us consider an individual chance-constraint from Eq.7b with
implying that
can be evaluated using the following expression.
is the probability density function of the vector random variable
. Generally, it is difficult to evaluate Eq. (9b) and obtain analytic closed-form expressions.40 However, if we consider a separable form,
, then:
For the special case when
is scalar we have the following inversion
is the CDF of random variable
. Finally, we obtain
For Gaussian distribution,
can be replaced using exact analytical expression
.30 For non-Gaussian 1-D distributions,
can be computed numerically when
is a monotonically increasing function. A similar procedure can be adopted for evaluating decomposed separable chance-constraints. For this study, it is sufficient to consider only separable chance-constraints because the uncertainty in the obstacle perimeter (Section. 3.2) is adequately modeled as a one-dimensional random variable that is coupled additively with the obstacle's perimeter.
Problem statement
Optimal path planning problem
We consider the Dubins vehicle model to represent kinematic motion of the agent. This model is often used as a surrogate for path planning of fixed winged aircraft in constant altitude, as well as automobiles. In effect, the Dubins vehicle model is a reduced order model representing constant longitudinal speed with yaw control for lateral motion. The problem of optimal path planning while avoiding obstacles is formulated as a minimum time problem subject to the constraints as shown below:
subject to dynamic constraints:
terminal conditions:
boundary conditions:
Here, the agent dynamics are assumed to be deterministic. Note that since the cost function is the final time
, which is deterministic, the expectation operator is dropped compare Eqs.(13a) and (1a). In a deterministic framework where the location and size of obstacles are known precisely, collision-avoidance for circular and polygonal obstacles can be posed as the following path constraints.39
circular obstacles:
polygonal obstacles:
is the centre and radius of the ith circular obstacle, respectively, and
denotes the kth edge of the jth polygon. Equation (14b) represents the exterior of a convex polygon, characterized as the union of exterior half-planes formed by the edges. Non-convex polygonal obstacles can be accommodated by partitioning such shapes into convex polygons. In this work, the agent is assumed to be a particle of zero dimensions. For an agent of non-zero size, the above path constraints can be modified by adding a buffer equal to the distance of the farthest point on the agent’s body from the body centre.
Obstacle avoidance using chance constraints
In practice, precise obstacle information is not available due to mapping errors. An agent operating in a new, uncertain environment may only have rough estimates of obstacles’ characteristics. A common approach is to include a margin of safety through inflation of each obstacle’s perimeter. This causes the free space available for planning to shrink and often results in sub-optimal paths with significantly longer travel times. In a cluttered environment, boundary inflation can even cause the obstacles to overlap, thus rendering the solution space disconnected and therefore, infeasible. In reality, there may exist paths through the narrow spaces between obstacles, offering potentially significant travel time savings. We are thus motivated to control the free space through an appropriate safety margin that emerges from uncertainty in the knowledge about the obstacle. Typically, uncertainty in the obstacle location and/or size is modelled in two ways (a) through bounded uncertainty, (b) as a probability distribution.
Obstacle characterization via bounded uncertainty
In this approach, the upper and lower bounds on the obstacle boundaries are identified. These serve as the worst case depiction of the obstacle, leading to a conservative safety margin. Collision avoidance can now be expressed as shown below, circular obstacles:
polygonal obstacles
are safety margins corresponding to the worst case scenario for circular and polygonal obstacles, respectively. This is referred to as the robust approach in the remainder of this paper. As stated above, conservative safety margins can lead to a disconnected and consequently, infeasible solution space. While this occurrence can potentially be overcome by relaxing the safety margins, there exist no methodical tuning guidelines for determining the margins for each uncertain obstacle.
Characterization via a probability distribution
A natural extension of the bounded uncertainty approach is to characterize an uncertain obstacle’s perimeter using a probability distribution. Collision avoidance is then formulated as a chance-constraint, where the probability of successful obstacle avoidance is stipulated to be higher than a prescribed threshold:
circular obstacles:
polygonal obstacles:
are mean values of boundary parameters of the keep out zones.
are the lower bounds on successful avoidance of obstacle j. Conversely,
is interpreted as the risk of collision threshold for obstacle j. Parameters
are random variables with zero mean representing the uncertainty in respective boundary parameters. It is important to understand that a chance-constraint does not guarantee collision avoidance in the deterministic sense. Its proper interpretation is that in a sufficiently large number of trials, the optimal path would violate the obstacle boundaries in less than
fraction of trials. Moreover, such obstacle avoidance is performed in the path-planning stage. It is assumed that as a safety measure, the agent is equipped with reactive decision making capabilities to prevent collisions while tracking the optimal path should the true obstacle boundary exceed the one corresponding to the prescribed risk. This approach allows the decision maker to explore paths while being aware of the risks associated with them.
As mentioned in Section. 2, evaluation of the probability function in a chance-constraint poses the main operational challenge. However, the formulation shown in Eqs.(16a) and (16b) follows the “separable” structure discussed in Section.2.2 and thus can be transformed to an equivalent deterministic form via Eq. (12c), as follows
circular obstacles:
polygonal obstacles:
are the inverse CDFs of the random variables
respectively. Although these deterministic equivalent constraints have the form similar to Eqs.(15), they should not be confused with conventional inflation of obstacle perimeters in the sense of bounded uncertainty. The terms
provide a direct approach to first capture probabilistic variability in the perimeter and then tune the safety margin by choosing an appropriate risk. This formulation now allows us to use the existing deterministic optimal control problem framework discussed in the next section.
Solution of the optimal control problem
This sections outlines the steps required to solve an optimal control problem with deterministic dynamics and constraints. First, the Gaussian quadrature orthogonal collocation method is described, which transcribes the optimal control problem into a nonlinear program. Next, an approach for generating a suitable initial guess to help improve the convergence to the optimal path is presented.
hp-adaptive Gaussian quadrature orthogonal collocation method
Due to nonlinearities in the dynamics and constraints (Eq. (13) and (17)), it is generally not possible to obtain an analytical solution to the optimal control problem, hence numerical methods are used. In this work, we employ the Gaussian quadrature orthogonal collocation method. In this method, the state is approximated using a basis of global polynomials and is discretizes at Legendre Gauss Radau (LGR) collocation points. Despite the accuracy of the quadrature rules, non-smoothness due to discretization in the optimal solution leads to inaccurate solutions. This can be rectified by using a high-degree polynomial approximation, but when used with smaller intervals they may lead to longer computation times. Therefore, an hp-adaptive method is used which simultaneously varies the number of intervals (h method) and polynomial degree (p method) per interval, thereby allowing us to exploit the high efficiency of the collocation method as well as the smoothness of polynomials.41–43
The procedure for solving the optimal control problem using LGR collocation points is as follows. Consider the optimal control problem in Bolza form (Eq. (18)) defined on the time domain
, to find the state
and the control
, initial time,
, and the final time,
, that minimize the cost functional
subject to
The time domain
is normalized to the time domain
via the following affine transformation
In the hp method, the domain
is further partitioned into K intervals such that
, where
. Using the transformation in Eq. (19), the Bolza optimal control problem Eqs. (18a)-(18b) can then be reformulated as follows.3,32
subjected to
The state must be continuous at each interior mesh point, i.e.
, must be satisfied at the interior mesh points
. The next step is to discretizes Eqs. (20a)-(20d) using a set of
LGR points
in each interval
.32,39,41–43 Thus the state is approximate as
, and
, is a basis of Lagrange polynomials.41 Differentiating
in Eq. (21) with respect to τ and substituting it in the dynamics gives
are the elements of the
Legendre-Gauss-Radau differentiation matrix.41 This leads to the following nonlinear program (NLP).
subject to the constraints
is the total number of LGR points and (23e) is the continuity condition on the state and is enforced at the interior mesh points
. This transcribed NLP problem can now be solved using off-the-shelf NLP solvers. A software package GPOPS–II44 is used which transcribes the optimal control problem using LGR collocation method and invokes the embedded NLP solver – IPOPT.45
Initial guess generation
Most numerical optimization solvers require an initial guess for their iterative optimization algorithms. In path-planning problems with a convex cost function, the presence of obstacle avoidance constraints generates multiple locally convex domains, each with corresponding locally optimal feasible paths. To obtain globally optimal solutions, one could use branch and bound techniques46,47 but they usually entail high computational cost. It is desirable to provide an initial guess that lies in the feasible convex region that also contains the global optimal solution. Without prior mapping of the cost function for the complete domain, identification of such a local convex region poses a challenge.
This work presents a two-step approach for the generation of a suitable initial guess that is inspired by recent developments in the computer graphics community.48 The first step involves discretization of the feasible space using simple shapes, such as triangles or squares. This discretization is represented as a mesh which is used to create a graph on the available free space for trajectory generation. It is also advantageous to use a triangular mesh to discretizes the free space with narrow regions, unlike the more commonly used “square grid” based methods which suffer from resolution tuning to capture narrow channels, in particular the ones that are not axis-aligned. The second step involves the execution of a graph search algorithm on the graph obtained in the first step, leading to a guess path that circumvents all present obstacles. Recall that at this point, all probabilistically defined obstacles have been converted to their deterministic equivalents using CDF inversion, as described in Section. 2.2. Therefore, the outlined two-step process is applied to the free-space generated by the equivalent deterministic obstacles. Also important to note is that this approach does not take into account dynamic constraints (vehicular motion constraints). These are to be dealt with in the next stage, i.e. during the iterative solution of the optimal control problem, starting from the initial guess generated here.
Discretization of space via delaunay and constrained delaunay triangulation
Since the simplest closed shape in two dimensions is a triangle, triangulation techniques are common for generation of a discretization mesh and its associated graph on the feasible search space. One such common triangulation is the Delaunay Triangulation. Recall, for a given set of points (vertices), a Delaunay Triangulation (DT) is a mesh such that for any three vertices that form a triangle, no other point from the set lies inside the circumcircle of the triangle. A DT does, however, disregard obstacle boundaries, e.g. see Figure 1a. It can be seen that some of the DT edges do not align with the boundaries of the obstacles (shown in gray). Before a DT can be used as a mesh, circular obstacles (if any) must be approximated using higher order polygons. To address the concern of exclusion of obstacle boundaries in DT, we use Constrained Delaunay triangulation (CDT), an extension of DT that forces prespecified edges, called constrained edges, to be included in the triangulation mesh.49 CDT provides a valid discretization of the free search space, over which a graph search can be performed to determine a suitable guess path. See Figure 1b for an example: note that by constraining the edges of the obstacles (in gray), it provides a discretization of the free search space. Subsequently, a dual graph of the CDT is generated by connecting the incenters of the triangles, and is popularly known as the Voronoi diagram. The Voronoi diagram is modified such that the incenters are replaced by the start and end points of the trajectory for the triangles in which they are contained. Now, each edge in the Voronoi diagram is provided a ‘edge-weight’ by computing the Euclidean distance between its nodes. The resulting weighted graph is now ready to be solved using a graph search method.
Figure 1 Discretization via delaunay and constrained delaunay triangulation.
Graph search
The weighted Voronoi graph is searched for the shortest path connecting the start and final points using the A* algorithm12. Although CDT provides an efficient means to discretize the domain, it often contains sliver triangles (sharp triangles with large obtuse angle) that result in sharp and very long Voronoi edges. Such long Voronoi edges can adversely affect the quality of the initial guess path. To illustrate the effect of sliver triangles, consider the example in Figure 2. In this figure, the “optimal path” (dashed blue) indicates the path obtained through iterative optimization (Section. 4.1) starting with the shown initial guess path (green). The optimal path in Figure 2a has a length of 15.76 units and is not globally optimal. For this obstacle map, the global optimum (length 13.67 units) is shown in Figure 2b as the dashed blue trajectory. The corresponding guess path expected in its corresponding local convex domain from the Voronoi diagram is shown in green. The long Voronoi edges resulting from the sliver triangles in the lower region of the domain are the cause for the A* algorithm to disregard the path.
Figure 2 Potential issues with CDT due to sliver triangles.
(a) Locally optimal path (not global optimum) obtained using the shortest guess path
(b) Desired optimal path (global optimum) and its corresponding guess path (not the shortest guess path)
Methodology for generating initial guess path
In view of the discussion above, it is desired that triangulation (1) can be used to discretize a feasible free search space by honouring all obstacle avoidance constraints, and (2) should not contain sliver triangles. The former can be accomplished using CDT. For the latter, Delaunay refinement techniques can be implemented. A popular method called Chew’s second algorithm50 refines a DT (including CDT) and eliminates sliver triangles by enforcing the “circumcenter inside the triangle” condition. This is achieved by bisecting the edges that cause the circumcenter to be on its opposite side. This process is repeated until there are no sliver triangles in the mesh. To generate such a refined CDT, we employ the MATLABⒸ based mesh-generator tool called MESH2D51 which utilizes the Delaunay refinement strategy see Figure 3a. The remainder of the method - i.e. generation of the Voronoi diagram, its modification using the start and end points, computation of edge weights and computation of shortest path- remains the same. Figure 3 summarizes the steps for generation of the initial guess. Note that in Figure 3c, the resulting shortest path is irregular (contains jagged edges). This irregularity can cause large variations in the yaw control, leading to poor convergence of optimization. This is overcome by ‘straightening’ the path. By iterating over each individual point in the irregular path, the longest edge from the start point that does not violate the obstacle boundaries is found. The end point of this edge is now fixed as the start point and the process is repeated until the final point is reached. This straightening process is summarized in Algorithm 1. The straightened guess path, shown in Figure 3d, is close to the global optimal path Figure 2b, thereby validating the merits of the mesh-refinement approach. The steps for complete initial guess generation method, including the path straightening, is summarized in the Algorithm 2.
Figure 3 Initial guess generation: (a) Refined constrained delaunay triangulation mesh using MESH2D,
(b) Voronoi diagram - dual graph, (c) Shortest path using A* algorithm (d) Straightened initial guess path (arrows indicate heading angle θ).
Algorithm 1 path-straightening method
Require: Polygon obstacle nodes, edges
Require: Irregular Path (
Reduce irregularity
1: Initialize
2: while
3: Edge
4: if E crosses any polygon then
6: if
8: else
10: end if
13: else
15: end if
16: end while
17: Straightened Path
Compute heading angles
19: for
20: if
23: else
25: end if
27: end for
28: Straightened Path (full-state):
Algorithm 2 Initial Guess Path Generation
Require: Polygon nodes, edges, start point
and final point
1: Obtain CDT using MESH2D
2: Obtain Voronoi diagram: dual graph of the triangulation mesh by connecting the incenters of the triangles
3: Update Voronoi diagram: replace incenters with
in the triangles containing them.
4: Determine the shortest path using A∗ algorithm:
5: Straighten Path (full-state):
(using Algorithm 1)
Numerical case studies
In this section, the merits of chance-constrained path-planning in obstacle fields with narrow spaces are presented. Results are compared with the robust (worst-case) approach.
Path-planning scenario 1: problem setup
The mean obstacle boundaries are shown in Figure 4a. Agent speed is set to V = 10 length-units/s and
length-units. Boundary uncertainty (attributed to perception/measurement errors or a low-resolution mathematical model) is captured using a discrete random variable
, where
length-units. The robust (worst case) scenario results in inflated boundaries with
shown in red in Figure 4c, which indicates overlap among obstacles. Assuming that
follows a probability distribution given by the histogram in Figure 4b, a continuous distribution that represents the probabilistic character of the uncertainty in the boundaries is obtained by fitting a Gaussian density function,
, shown in red in Figure 4b. In order to employ the chance-constrained formalism described in this paper, we use this density function and the resulting probabilistic boundaries shown in Figure 4d. Comparative results of optimal path-planning for the robust model Figure 4c and chance-constrained model Figure 4d are discussed in the following sections.
Figure 4 (a) Obstacle map with mean boundaries, (b) Distribution of uncertainty in the boundaries, (c) Robust scenario - inflated obstacles, (d) Chance-constrained scenario - probabilistic boundaries.
Scenario 1: Robust planning (bounded uncertainty)
As described above, obstacle boundaries are inflated in size by a safety margin corresponding to the worst case realization of the parameter . As shown in Figure 4c, this causes overlap among obstacles and the resultant closure of the narrow channel between them. It thus leaves two possible locally optimal paths; curving around either side of the obstacles, such that each is locally optimal in its local convex domain. Moreover, one of the two paths could be the global optimal path. If the narrow space between the obstacles was not closed off, the path through that space could be the global optimal path. Selection of a local convex domain containing the global optimal path is in essence addressed through the selection of the initial guess path, as described in Algorithm 2. The discretization of the feasible region with refined CDT is shown in Figure 5a. The shortest path on the Voronoi graph and the straightened initial guess path are shown in Figures 5b & 5c. Subsequently, the optimal path subject to vehicular dynamic constraints (Eq. 13b) is determined by transcribing the optimal control problem to an NLP using the Gaussian quadrature orthogonal collocation method and then solving the NLP. The software package is used to transcribe the optimal control problem to an NLP using LGR collocation and then invoke the embedded NLP solver - IPOPT to solve the NLP. It takes about 3 seconds to complete both the initial guess generation and path optimization using on a laptop with Intel® Core™ i7 2.8 GHz processor. The resultant optimal path is shown in Figure 5d.
Figure 5 Robust Scenario (a) Refined constrained delaunay triangulation mesh (b) Shortest path in voronoi diagram using A* algorithm (c) Straightened initial guess path (d) Optimal path.
Scenario 1: Chance constrained planning
For the case of chance constrained planning, each obstacle boundary is modeled as a probability distribution. Subsequently, for each prescribed risk of violation, , the chance-constraints (CCs) are transformed to equivalent deterministic constraints using Eq. (17b). The method of initial guess generation remains the same. By varying the magnitude of risk, a family of optimal paths can be obtained, that are parameterized by the risk factor. For the range
, the family of optimal paths is shown in Figure 6a, where the risk parameter is increased in increments of 0.005. Select few optimal costs (travel times) and the associated risk are also listed in Table 1. The effect of inflation of boundaries (relative to the mean) decreases with an increase in the risk parameter. This results in paths that are closer to the mean boundaries and incur less cost. Beyond a certain risk value (in this case , i.e. a 3% risk of collision), the shrinkage in boundaries causes the opening of the narrow region (a “keyhole”) between the obstacles, thus allowing a path through the keyhole that is significantly shorter than paths around the obstacles. In general, it is possible to have a new family of solutions emerge when the risk parameter is increased above a certain threshold. Given a pair of starting and destination locations, and the arrangement of obstacles on the map, it appears to be a reasonable strategy to construct a family of solutions up to the maximum risk that is acceptable. Selection of mission trajectory is made by weighing the reward (less travel time) versus assumed risk (collision with obstacles) along each path in the family of solutions. For instance, in the present example, the keyhole emerges when the assumed risk of collision is increased from
(3%) to (3.5%), leading to a 30% reduction in cost Figure 6a. Given the exigency of the mission, this may be an acceptable increase in mission risk for the stated increase in reward.
Figure 6 Chance-constrained Scenario: (a) Optimal path (zoomed path inset), (b) Violation rate for CC with risk
(c) Violation rate for CC with risk
(d) Comparison of discretization-coarse used in transcription, finer used for verification.
Risk Value |
Travel Time (sec) |
0.02 |
20.51 |
0.025 |
20.5 |
0.03 |
20.47 |
0.035 |
14.32 |
0.04 |
14.32 |
0.045 |
14.31 |
Table 1 Variation of optimal travel time as a function of risk
Special optimal paths passing through narrow regions between closely situated uncertain obstacles are henceforth referred to as keyhole trajectories in this work. Their emergence is due to the chance-constrained formulation of path planning in a cluttered environment especially with tightly spaced obstacles. It presents the decisions making agent a relatively simple and methodical framework for modelling uncertainty in obstacle perimeters and then selecting the “most optimal path” from a family of paths parameterized by the easily tunable risk of collision with such obstacles. In particular, this approach presents an attractive alternative to the previously presented robust (worst-case) planning method, which in reality, reflects a design cantered around a statistically insignificant realization of the obstacles’ perimeters.
It is important to reiterate that chance-constrained path planning does not guarantee avoidance of obstacles. Instead, it provides “probabilistic” assurance that for a sufficiently large number of obstacle encounters, the agent will avoid
fraction of such encounters. For any path obtained via the CC approach, it can be verified through simulation that the actual violation rate is less than the prescribed risk threshold imposed during trajectory design. As an example, Figure 6b shows the empirically determined violation rate for the path corresponding to when checked for collision in 100,000 trials. The presence of peaks that exceed the prescribed risk is a figment of numerics and attributed to the violation of obstacle boundaries around the corners due to finer discretization of time (and resulting vehicular locations along the path derived from interpolation) used in the verification step, compared to the discretization of time performed by the hp-adaptive Gaussian quadrature orthogonal collocation method during solution of the optimal control problem. This is confirmed in Figure 6d, which shows the comparative time-discretization used for optimization (coarse) versus verification (fine). This anomaly does not discount the merits of the chance-constraint approach and can be resolved by changing how the corner points are handled in the transcription method. Outside of these peaks, the violation rate is verified to remain less than the prescribed risk value. In accordance with the law of large numbers, it was observed that verification results converge when using 100,000 sample of
i.e. the uncertainty in obstacle boundaries. Figure 6c shows another case
that emanates a keyhole trajectory. Once again, due to the numerical issues described above, two peaks are observed because this path encounters only two corners (pink trajectory in Figure 6a). Note that the compliance of one of the peaks (on the left) with the prescribed violation rate is a coincidence.
Scenario 1: Chance-constrained planning in the presence of process noise
In the path planning problem posed above, the agent dynamics were assumed to be deterministic in nature. However, in practice, there is uncertainty in the agent’s state due to input disturbances or model errors which can be included in the agent’s motion model as process noise. Such motion models are expressed using stochastic differential equations (SDEs). Generally, SDEs require a different optimization framework which is computationally more intensive than their deterministic counterparts.52
In this section, the chance-constrained optimal path planning problem with process noise in the agent dynamics is transformed to an optimal control problem with deterministic agent dynamics. We consider the special case of noise only in the steering dynamics (
equation in Eq. (13b)), allowing us to include the noise in the obstacle- avoidance chance-constraints.
Effect of noise on agent’s position
In the presence of additive noise in the steering input, the equations of motion (Eq. (13b)) can be re-written in Langevin form as follows:
is the formal derivative of Brownian motion and
is a scaling factor. In discrete-time, the equations of motions (Eq.24)) can be expressed as:
is the time-step and
is the increment of the Brownian motion process. To characterize the effect of noise in steering input on an agent’s position, we consider a mean state trajectory and control policy obtained from a previously solved path planning problem and generates an interpolated sequence of states and control policy with a fixed time-step size
. By substituting the mean states
and control policy
from the interpolated sequence, and Brownian increments sampled from in Eq. (25), a perturbed trajectory of states can be obtained. At each time step, k, it is found that the agent’s position deviates in the direction perpendicular to the mean trajectory by
as shown in Figure 7a. This non-affine transformation of
results in a non–Gaussian distribution for the perturbation
. However, for small values of
, the deviation may be approximated as
, such that it has a roughly Gaussian distribution given as
. For instance, if we select the steering update interval as
and steering input noise scaling factor
, then
. Alternatively, for some k (say k = 10 ), 10, 000 samples of
are drawn to obtain a histogram of
as shown in Figure 7b. In this case, the empirically obtained distribution fits the normal distribution
whose standard deviation is close to the analytically obtained value within 0.4% error. Note that for fixed
, the deviation
from the mean path follows a normal distribution that is invariant along the complete path. This uncertainty in the agent’s path, represented by
, can now be incorporated in the obstacle avoidance chance-constraints as described in the next step.
Figure 7 Uncertainty in agent’s position due to noise in steering input.
Inclusion of path uncertainty in chance-constraints
Recall the obstacle avoidance chance-constraints expressed in Eq.(16). As the distribution of
is invariant along the system trajectory, the uncertainty in the direction perpendicular to the mean path can be additively combined with the uncertainty in the obstacles boundaries as shown below.
circular obstacles:
polygonal obstacle:
Since the random variables representing uncertainty in the obstacle boundaries
and uncertainty in the path
are independent and Gaussian,
. Now, using Eqs. (12c), (26a) and (26b), the obstacles can be transformed to their equivalent deterministic form as shown below,
circular obstacles:
polygonal obstacles:
are the inverse CDFs of
Eqs. (13) and (27) represents an equivalent path planning problem with no process noise and can now be solved using the procedure described in Section. 4. As before, a family of paths is obtained by parameterizing the risk parameter. Recall that in the deterministic dynamics case, a prescribed risk of s = 0.035 resulted in a keyhole. For noise-perturbed dynamics, this is no longer the case, as the solution tends to weave around the obstacles from the right. The mean path is shown in Figure 8a. The risk must be stepped up to
(= 6.5% collision risk) and beyond in order for a keyhole to reappear. The solution for s = 0.065 is shown in Figure 8c. Validation of collision avoidance risk is shown in Figures 8b & 8d using 100,000 trials to achieve convergence in the empirically computed probabilities of collision along the system path.
Figure 8 Chance-constraint scenario with process noise (a) Optimal Mean Path with risk
, (b) Violation Rate for path with
, (c) Optimal Mean Path with risk s = 0.065, (d) Violation Rate for path with
Scenario 2: Chance-constrained planning
Consider the obstacle map shown in Figure 9b, where the closed shapes denoted in black represent mean obstacle boundaries. The uncertainty in the boundaries is
length-units, and the corresponding robust scenario (inflated boundaries) is shown in red in Figure 9b. For chance-constraints, the uncertainty is characterized using a Gaussian density function
as shown in Figure 9a, resulting in probabilistic boundaries represented in Figure 9c. Clearly, it can be seen that the obstacle boundaries overlap in the robust scenario. The resulting optimal path finds its way around the obstacles on the left. However when the chance-constrained approach is followed, Figure 9c and Table 2 illustrate a family of solutions for a range of risk values
. In this example, relaxing the risk beyond
(2% collision risk) leads to emergence of keyholes. Here, relaxing the risk from
, leads to 4.99% shorter path that passes through the space between the obstacles.
Figure 9 Scenario 2: (a) Distribution of uncertainty in the boundaries (b) Optimal Path in Robust scenario
(c) Family of optimal Paths in Chance-constrained scenario (zoomed path inset).
Risk Value |
Travel Time (sec) |
0.01 |
18.17 |
0.015 |
18.09 |
0.02 |
18.04 |
0.025 |
17.14 |
0.03 |
17.07 |
0.035 |
17.07 |
0.04 |
17.01 |
0.045 |
16.97 |
0.05 |
16.95 |
Table 2 Variation of optimal travel time as a function of risk for Scenario 2
Scenario 3: Chance-constrained planning
In this example, we consider a more cluttered environment shown in Figure 10, where the fuzzy orange boundaries represent obstacle uncertainty due to measurement error in remote sensing maps. This example is representative of a map with narrow spaces in a novel, cluttered environment. Even though a city-map setup has been used, the approach employed to ascribe perimeter uncertainty to the obstacles in general. We assume that a small unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) flying through the urban canyon at a fixed altitude can be simplified as a Dubins vehicle for this path-planning problem. This is usually a good initial design for UAVs because it accounts for kinematic constraints. Considering the speed of V = 10m/s with
and the boundary uncertainty represented using Gaussian density function
, a family of solutions is obtained. Figure 10 shows the optimal paths for two specific risk values. It was found that for
, a keyhole trajectory (shown in blue) emerges which is 4.05% shorter than the path corresponding to
Figure 10 Scenario 3: Optimal Paths in the Chance-Constrained Scenario for
In this paper, the framework of chance-constrained optimal control to optimal path planning in unstructured environments where the uncertainty in the obstacles can be modelled using probability distributions is studied. The occurrence of the random variable in separable form is leveraged to transform the chance-constraints to equivalent deterministic forms, thereby allowing the use of time-tested Gaussian quadrature orthogonal collocation methods to solve the resulting deterministic optimal control problem using an off-the-shelf NLP solver. Additionally, the problem of generating an initial guess when there are multiple convex obstacles in the path planning problem is addressed by developing an initial guess generation method. This method ensures that the initial guess created lies in the local convex domain that contains the global optimum. Furthermore, this initial guess aids the optimization solver in determining an optimal path that is subject to system dynamic constraints.
The chance-constrained approach in this paper was then compared with the traditional method of accounting for uncertainty in the obstacles by using safety margins that often correspond to worst case scenarios. Numerical results showed that the chance-constrained approach better enabled the decision maker to determine the optimal path as compared to the traditional approach. For the chance constrained approach, the optimal path was obtained by tuning the risk and analysing the reward-vs-risk trade-off. This approach is useful in the planning stages of determining optimal paths in unstructured environments. Furthermore, using the keyhole paths could result in significant reward (improvement in optimum) that outweighs the higher risk associated with traveling these paths. For example, an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) with limited flight range operating in hazardous environments could plan shorter paths while being aware of the associated risk. Needless to say, it is assumed that the agent is capable of performing reactive maneuvers in the event of impending collision.
As discussed in Section. 5.1, the chance-constrained path planning framework described in this paper can be refined by including non-convex obstacles and improved constraint compliance around the obstacles corners. Ongoing efforts show promising results. One such effort is applying the triangulation mesh navigation technique used in Triplanner toolkit.48 It discretizes the free search space into a series of adjacent non-overlapping convex domains and will be considered in detail in a future publication. An extension of this work to path planning in the presence of dynamic obstacles will also be explored in a future work.
The authors acknowledge support for this research from the U.S. National Science Foundation under grant CMMI-1563225.
Conflicts of interest
The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
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