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eISSN: 2576-4470

Sociology International Journal

Review Article Volume 6 Issue 1

Analysis of the vocational orientation in the educational units of Ecuador

Gustavo Adolfo Santana Sardi

Entry Support and Promotion Centre Analyst, Technical University of Manabí, Ecuador

Correspondence: Gustavo Adolfo Santana Sardi, Bachelor of Science in Technical Education with mention in Computerized Accounting Diploma in Digital Learning Strategies Development Master in Educational Management Doctor in Educational Sciences, Entry Support and Promotion Centre Analyst, Technical University of Manabí, Ecuador

Received: August 04, 2021 | Published: January 31, 2022

Citation: Sardi GAS. Analysis of the vocational orientation in the educational units of Ecuador. Sociol Int J. 2022;6(1):25-28. DOI: 10.15406/sij.2022.06.00259

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Vocational Guidance, in secondary education, takes on a relevant value because it is the moment in which students must take good decision-making to choose their professional career, it is for this reason that the vocational and professional guidance processes need to be taken into account within the educational units with the dedication that these deserve.

The objective of this research is to analyze the Vocational Guidance in the Educational Units of Ecuador, so the research is documentary where different theories of various authors were used to give the respective analysis. From this perspective, the development of this documentary article is justified by the need to substantiate the importance of vocational guidance in the educational units, where many of the cited authors converge on the idea of prioritizing said professional intervention, so that students discover definitively their abilities, capacities and work potentialities that are decisive in the choice of a profession.

Keywords: vocational guidance, education, educational units, educational units


Nowadays, it is becoming more important and significant for young people who graduate from secondary education to be able to perceive the impact of the education received on the progress of a community, and that which they can pursue in higher education.

The University of Costa Rica, referring to vocational guidance, mentions that students in the vocational area, emphasize the aspects that are directly related to the process of vocational choice, however, despite the importance in their choice, the evolutionary approach always starts or is based on the curriculum, currently the development of vocational guidance despite being the one that encompasses the work context, the Ministry of Education does not systematize it as a process, only a guiding role is fulfilled by some teachers, which results in students choosing a career by bad decision. UNESCO,1 contributes within its work program to the generation of an innovative culture in teachers and educational institutions.

The vocational orientation of the student according to the action of the teacher allows to guide and strengthen the pertinent decision making that contributes to efficiently build their life project. The vocational orientation according to their professional expectations is specifically declined by human medicine as a career, psychology, civil engineering and business administration, which shows the interest in lucrative professional careers and social prestige.

On the other hand, Diaz2 mentions that there is a substantial way of reducing a person's time by recognizing the areas of orientation in which he/she has an advantage, when he/she receives vocational and professional guidance, so there is effectiveness and success in the person having saved resources and time specifically dedicated. Vocational guidance during the school stage becomes significant for the adolescent, since it is here that he/she decides his/her projected future as a person and professional in a society with confidence and security.

Vocational guidance is an integral element of an educational institution, but in a formal way it is constituted by cabinets with their own resources and qualified staff. From this position, Cortada quoted by Llancachagua,3 also mentions that vocational guidance orientations can be classified as follows: - Individually diagnose aptitudes, interests and vocational experience of children and adolescents. - Collecting and presenting occupational information, employment opportunities, attractive remuneration, difficulties, etc. - Schedule training and preparatory technical training in specific environments such as workshops, laboratories, etc. (p.25).

Ecuador is currently seeking to ensure the quality of professionals who graduate from the Education Units, with solid foundations in their training and, above all, based on a true vocation in their profession, which is evident in the agencies and regulations that have been created since 2012. The present document is framed towards the analysis of Vocational Guidance in the Educational Units of Ecuador determined as a process of help for the choice and professional development where this value is limited to the moment of choosing a profession. In addition to these orientations many other authors have configured similar concepts.


The OV began in 1908 in Boston, United States. In its origins it was very well accepted by its beneficiaries as it contributed directly to the generation of a motivated workforce.

Vocational guidance (OV) is analyzed in the complexity of the nature of human motivation and its regulatory function in decision-making in relation to a profession from functionalist, psychoanalytic and humanist conceptions, since this is based on the recognition of the dialectical unity between the subjective, active nature of the psyche and its social-historical determination, which conditions any position assumed. In this context, it is worth mentioning what Álvarez de Sayas4 mentions.

Several authors agree that in the process of reflection of vocational counsellors many questions arise in the guidance process: the educational aims, the objectives to be achieved, the selected contents, the methodological strategies, the social relations between the actors of the guidance process and the criteria of evaluation of the learning with the intervention.

In Peru, vocation is considered to be one of the most important components that influence a student's academic performance. The young university student does not always arrive at the university with a defined concept of his future as a professional, so his intrinsic motivation is less likely to have it well developed from the beginning of his career".5,6 Likewise, it can be generalized that, in educational institutions in Ecuador; career guidance has not been assigned the importance it deserves, so teachers, psychologists and directors do not encourage the development of this process because they delay it as students enter.

In Ecuador, one can very easily observe many young people in secondary education with the concern of choosing a professional career, this is due to a series of causal factors resulting from larger and more complex population-related structures that observe the effects of community instabilities and is observable in students who are in their third year of high school in this educational institution and according to the understanding of the students. by their nature, they discuss problems of absence, lack of texts, passive teachers, outdated methods of learning management, lack of learning resources, inadequate school environment.

In addition, to Condori7 determines, vocational guidance is of professional character, because it orients and guides the student to postulate, study, conclude and graduate in a professional career of technical character or of professional character, that is to say that it turns it into a professional of a specific profession, which will be able to assume it to satisfaction with vocation and efficiency or in a competent way in the entities of labor market that the society offers.

Within this context vocational guidance is of a specialist character in a profession, because the professional person specializes or makes him/her a competent specialist in the profession he/she graduates. For this reason it is important and pertinent to deepen part by part what concerns vocational guidance.

At the national level it was considered Jaramillo8 who attached, in the educational units have not given the respective importance, by the same teachers, psychologists and authorities of the educational units do not stimulate to give start to this process, postponing it until the third of baccalaureate when they are already the students are taking it, obviating the students in their development of a procedure for an adequate life. Apply appropriate methods and techniques and strive to help future graduates to develop appropriate educational activities; and know that vocational guidance is a technical means that allows us to take advantage of the best opportunities in the field of education, as they focus on the overall development of the student, taking into account their abilities and their points of view, both from a biological point of view and from an intellectual point of view.

In this investigation it is considered as beginning the problems that are lived in the educational units, with respect to the discordance in the demand of professions, which is related directly with the process of election of career that makes the students, the purpose is to analyze that motivates them step by step when choosing career as well as the skills and abilities that each human being possesses, on the other hand also the proposals of work that tries to motivate the students in the election of career must be considered.

In terms of vocational orientation, occupation can be understood as a continuous process by which a person evaluates and integrates his or her motivations, interests and abilities in order to choose the profession that best suits his or her personal identity. This means that a person is able to think about his or her personality in order to structure a life project that gives him or her satisfaction. Flores,6 in this way, it involves young people to discover their strengths and weaknesses, their scope and limitations, their opportunities and obstacles to accept themselves as they are; In this way, the young person is involved in the choice of their career, so the activity exists for the person and not for the person.

In Ecuador, the career guidance process is defined as a set of educational, psychological, social and individual or group counselling actions aimed at the students of an educational institution so that, individually and based on self-knowledge and available information, they can make appropriate vocational and professional decisions as part of the construction of their life project.9 Unfortunately, various research has shown that, at the Latin American level, 37% of students who enter a university career, end up dropping out due to factors related to dissatisfaction and little identification with it.10

To this problem can be added the little importance of vocational guidance processes by students, being a subject that has no quantitative qualification, students do not present the sufficient importance that these processes should have for making their decisions. However, the role of Vocational Guidance is to prepare the student to make good decisions beyond secondary studies, as mentioned in the General Regulations to the LOEI when it mentions that, "The comprehensive care of students in the process of formation is an indispensable component of educational action and must be organized and implemented by the Department of Student Counseling of educational institutions at all levels and modalities", Art. 58.

In Vocational Guidance apply several principles that seek to work from different approaches in order to develop in the student the capacities of adaptation and prevention in the face of possible problems that may arise in the course of educational and post-graduation life; therefore, the professional in educational sciences must be prepared to propose innovative strategies in this area.11 In terms of principles, four are explained, referring to the process of guidance action carried out by professionals in the area in the Educational Units.

  • Prevention It seeks the need to prepare students to overcome different crises in their development, Career Guidance takes a proactive character and anticipates all obstacles that may arise.12 When referring to promote and avoid problems, we are mentioning that career guidance should work early and timely, therefore, this work should be done in an integrative way with the participation of the family, students and teachers.
  • Development This principle seeks to evaluate the changes that occur over time, as well as to analyze others that persist regardless of the years; in the student there are some characteristics that strengthen their full development in terms of their own skills.12 Thus, other environmental and social factors play a role in this principle.
  • Of social intervention The perspective of this approach seeks to take into account environmental factors; therefore, the student together with the counselor finds the conditions of the environment that negatively hinder integral growth.13 Awareness is essential to achieve in the student an active attitude that enables change in the face of social factors, which intervene directly and indirectly during the guidance process.
  • Of empowerment Also known as empowerment, it means personal strengthening, it is one of the newest principles, and allows people or educational establishments to obtain passion and strength in their tastes and interests, motivate their will and internal strength predominates. In addition, it implies the need for the person to take an active role in the process of choosing their own career, it is not applicable when the subject has a passive role.14

According to the manual of the Ministry of Education,12 the importance of self-knowledge is established, and this process should be developed from the initial stages of school life, and takes into account: tastes, interests, skills and potential that the student has, the work of the counselor in the process of self-knowledge of the student is significant.

Another of the axes that the Vocational Guidance Manual (2015) points out is the information axis, which tries to provide the student with the best and most specific information, so that he/she can have more probabilities of choice after finishing secondary school. This axis is aimed at grouping all guidance activities and thus achieve research and deliver useful information for students, for the construction of their vocation, career choice and consequent construction of life project.15

In the process of OV there are also some factors that must be taken into account to meet the objective of the guidance action, professionals in this area should work activities to develop or discover internal factors of students as well as to analyze together the environmental, social and friendship factors that are part of the external factors of the process.

  • Within the internal factors we find identity, personality, skills, interests and significant experiences (Ministry of Education, 2015). Although we can also mention vocation as an internal factor since the student takes it as an unsatisfied need which is only satisfied with the professional path.16
  • External factors are circumstances that come from the environment surrounding the person, same that exert an important influence on their personal and social development.12 External factors are considered: family or family history, friends and society in general, it can be seen that the student is a being full of external factors, which guide him to make the decision of his professional life.

The assurance and the choice of a career for the professional future of every person, constitutes an event of transcendence forever. Throughout life human beings demonstrate vocational aptitudes for different areas in which they would like to perform in the future, so teachers are developing with them different strategies to stimulate the desires of children, the work of the teacher continues until the juvenile stage of college to increase the desire of the learner to choose a career that meets the desires and stimuli for their future career in society.

At the present time there are diverse institutions that apply training processes and at the same time of orientation so that their students can choose the careers that in a determined moment they will be able to realize for their labor process, in Ecuador the education had many implications to realize an approach of the children and in the later thing of the young people in the processes of knowledge of the labor areas.

Under this context, it is necessary to mention that another of the factors that influence in the problematic one adjusts to the cognitive capacity of the students, the same ones that establish their states of motivation and therefore make difficult the election of the university career where the subject is fully motivated, situation that in many of the cases induces them to choose a career like the last alternative within the limited range of educational offers and professionalization that the Educational Units offer.

However, the pressures that young people receive from the family and/or society are minimal, the same pressures that can condition their correct choice, orienting them to form part of an educational system where they do not feel comfortable or do not possess the necessary skills to forge themselves professionally.

Under this context, it is essential to mention that, the adequate vocational orientation allows the student to choose a career according to his abilities, capacities, potentialities, attitudes and aptitudes, since an inadequate choice would mark his educational and professional future and quality of life.

On the other hand, the process of vocational induction allows to verify the choice of the students in a constant and progressive way, with the purpose of avoiding mistakes, as well as the opportunity to generate and evaluate a series of occupational alternatives, the same ones that satisfy the needs of the students promoting in a safe way the generation of criteria of choice as a result of the analysis of their limitations as a temporary state that is being remedied as the educational process advances. Therefore, the implicit function demanded by an effective process of vocational guidance allows young people to effectively choose their professional career, without detracting from the states of insecurity and dissatisfaction in the face of the academic offers provided by higher education institutions.

An important aspect to point out within the Vocational Guidance, are the fortuitous events or coincidences that derive in educational opportunities projected to improve the quality of life of the people. Therefore, each of these factors is adjusted to the student's needs in order to plan his or her life project. Undoubtedly, vocational guidance as a discipline contributes to the effectiveness in choosing the educational offer. On the other hand, Molina17 emphasizes the Theory of Planned Chance, which arises as a necessity or amendment to the theoretical implementation of the teaching-learning process within the vocational aspects and, in those times it was significant, immersed in the Theory of Social Learning and decision making.


Through the bibliographic compilation it was shown that vocational guidance is a process that should go from the first years of education until the end of high school, which involves all educational actors such as teachers, psychologists, authorities and family members; and that all the information provided in this process serves so that, based on the correct decision making, students can consider an appropriate life project taking into account all the advantages and disadvantages.

It is necessary that the Educational Units of Ecuador train and provide adequate information to students who are finishing their secondary studies, in order to further expand the range of possibilities that the student has after concluding their student cycle.

The Educational Units must facilitate the educational offer of the Institutions of Higher Education as part of the previous analysis of the social needs where it is located, in order to coordinate a vocational intervention with the educational entities of different levels, so that they can improve the opportunities of entrance to the careers that they choose.

The OV is a continuous process of help, advice and approach to the subject for the development of their cognitive and motivational potentialities that enable them to consciously choose a profession and commit themselves to the quality of their training during the study of this, where all educational agents participate in the guidance actions (teachers, school psychologists, pedagogues, parents, community representatives).



Conflicts of interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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