Review Article Volume 1 Issue 5
Decay of solutions for 2D navier-stokes equations posed on rectangles and on a half-strip
Padilha MV, Larkin NA
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Departamento de Matematica, Universidade Estadual de Maring
Correspondence: Larkin NA, Departamento de Matemática,Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Av. Colombo 5790, Agência UEM, 87020-900, Maringá, PR, Brazil
Received: June 26, 2018 | Published: September 27, 2018
Citation: Larkin NA, Padilha MV. Decay of solutions for 2D navier-stokes equations posed on rectangles and on a half-strip. Open Acc J Math Theor Phy. 2018;1(5):203-208. DOI: 10.15406/oajmtp.2018.01.00035
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Initial-boundary value problems for 2D Navier-Stokes equations posed on rectangles and on a half-strip were considered. The existence and uniqueness of regular global solutions on rectangles and their exponential decay as well as exponential decay of generalized solutions on a half-strip have been established.
Keywords: navier-stokes equations, lipschitz and smooth domains, decay in bounded and unbounded domains
The main goal of this work is establishing of sharp estimates for the exponential decay rates of solutions to initial-boundary value problems for the 2D Navier-Stokes equations:
is either a bounded rectangle or a half-strip in
with the homogeneous Dirichlet condition on the boundary of
The question of decay of the energy for generalized solutions had been stated by J.Leray1 and attracts till now attention of many pure and applied mathematicians2‒11. In all of these papers, the decay rate of
was controlled by the first eigenvalue of the operator
is the projection operator on solenoidal subspace of
Associated with stability questions, problems on dimensions of attractors and nonlinear spectral manifolds also have been studied.2,6,7
It is well-known that solutions of the 2D Navier-Stokes equations posed on smooth bounded domains with the Dirichlet boundary conditions are globally regular.9,11‒14 On the other hand, the question of regularity is not obvious in the case of bounded Lipschitz domains and unbounded Lipschitz and smooth domains. It has been proved that for Lipschitz domains, bounded and unbounded, there exists a unique global generalized solution.9,11,14
but it was not clear whether
at least for bounded Lipschitz domains.
In this work, we have established this fact for rectangles making use of ideas.15 The following inequality holds for rectangles
for a half-strip.
Our paper has the following structure: Chapter I is Introduction. Chapter 2 contains notations and auxiliary facts. In Chapter 3, existence and uniqueness of global generalized solutions on either bounded or unbounded Lipschitz domains have been established. In Chapter 4, regularity and decay of solutions on rectangles and on a half-strip have been studied.
Notations and auxiliary facts
be a domain in
Define as in:11
We denote for scalar functions
the Banach space with the norm
is a Hilbert space with the scalar product
The Sobolev space
is a Banach space with the norm
is a Hilbert space with the following scalar product and the norm:
be the space of
functions with compact support in
. The closure of
functions in
is denoted by
Define the auxiliary spaces which are projections for the solenoidal vector functions,
The space
is eqquiped with the natural
inner product. The space
will be equipped with the scalar produt
is bounded. If
is unbounded, we define the inner product as the sum of the inner products as following:
We use the usual notations of Sobolev spaces
for vector functions and the following notations for the norms:
i) For vector functions
The closures of
and in
are the basic spaces in our study. We denote them by
respectively.. Obviously
is a subspace of
Define the operator
Lemma 4.1 (The Steklov Inequality)16 Let
Proof. Let
, then by the Fourier series,
Inequality (4) follows by a simple scaling.
Lemma 4.2 (Differential form of the Grownwall Inequality) Let
Suppose that functions
are integrable and a function
may be of any sign. Let
be a differentiable function satisfying
Proof. Multiply (5) by the integrating factor
and integrate from
The next Lemmas will be used in estimates:
Lemma 4.3 (See: 11,14 ) Let
, then
Lemma 4.4 (See: 14 ) Let
. If
, then we can define the operator
such that
belongs to
Existence theorems
be a bounded Lipschitz domain. Given
consider the following problem:
equivalent to the variational problem given by,11
such that
for all
such that
Theorem 5.1 Given
there exists a unique generalized solution
to (8) such that for all
it satisfies the following integral identity:
Proof. The estimates that follow may be established on Gallerkin approximations.14,9 We estimate:
Estimate I -
Multiply (9) by
to obtain
It follows from here that
Integrating (13) over
, we get
Estimate II -
Derivating (9) and multiplying by
we get
By Lemma 4.4,
and (15) becomes
Making use of Lemma 4.2, we obtain
To prove that
is in
multiply equation (9) by
to get
In particular, for
we have
[19]. From this
By the Hölder inequality,
and by (18),
This and (16) imply that
Returning to (12), we calculate
This and (17) prove validity of (11) and consequently the existence part of Theorem 3.1. Uniqueness of the generalized solution,
has been established.9,14
Remark 5.1 Estimates
were established first for Lipschitz domains9,14 and were valid also for unbounded domains with a natural condition
We repeat them because we will need these estimates while establishing decay of solutions in bounded and unbounded Lipschitz domains.
Regularity and decay on rectangles and on the half-strip
Consider the Poisson problem in a bounded rectangle
Remark 6.1 It has been proved10 that for
the following inequality holds
It is easy to generalize this result for any rectangle in
Theorem 6.1 The problem (23) posed in rectangle
has a solution
Returning to the original problem for the Navier-Stokes equations,
is a vector function from
is a real function from
and making use of Galerkin approximations, we establish the following result.
Theorem 6.2 Given
the problem (25) has a unique solution
such that
depends on
Proof. Decay of
By definition,
making use of Lemma 4.1, we get
This implies
Returning to (12), we obtain
Then (29) implies
Decay of
Rewrite (15) in the form
Acting similarly to the proof of (29), we obtain
Hence (31) reduces to the form
By Lemma 4.2,
then by (14),
and it follows from (13) that
Decay of
In order to estimate
we will use Theorem 6.1. First write (8) as
We estimate
and by (30),
Returning to (9), we obtain
It follows by (38) and (34) that
By Theorem of de Rham,17 one can check that there exists
such that11
due to Theorem 6.1,
and by (42), we get
By the Sobolev theorems,
This implies
To prove that the norms
have exponential decay, we use the equality (10)
such that
for every
We calculate
Since the right-hand side of (44) has exponential decay for every
it follows
Returning to (9), we obtain the decay rate for the operator
It follows from (34) and (45) that
By (40),
Since now
substituting (34), (45), (46) into (24) and making use of Theorem 6,1, we prove
It means that a unique generalized soliution is regular.
The proof of Theorem 6.2 is complete.
Existence and decay on the half-strip
Theorem 7.1 Consider the half-strip
the following problem:
has a unique solution
such that
depends on
Proof. Obviously, the variational formulation of (47) is also (9). Repeating the proof of Theorem 5.1 (see Remark 3.1), we can proof the existence and uniqueness of the generalized solution18 to problem (47). Note that (14) holds for the problem (47). Using the Steklov inequality with respect to variable
we obtain
hence, similarly to (13),
By Lemma 5,
Since (31) holds for the problem (47), making use of Lemma 4.4, we estimate
which we rewrite as
By Lemma 4.1,
and (53) becomes
By Lemma 5, (54) provides
Returning to (35), we estimate
Decay for Pressure
In order to obtain decay for
we start with
is the dual of the space
repeating calculations of (38) and making use of (34), we get
Observing that (40) holds for the problem (47), we obtain
Jointly (55), (56) and (57) prove (48), (49).
In our work, we tried to respond some questions posed by J. Leray,1 namely, regularity of global solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations and their decay. Therefore, our results can be divided in two parts: the first one concerns decay of global regular solutions of the 2D Navier-Stokes equations posed on rectangles.19 It is known that there exist global regular solutions for the 2D Navier-Stokes equations posed on smooth bounded domains,4,10,11,14 but regularity in nonsmooth (Lipschitz) domains, such as rectangles, is not obvious. For bounded rectangles, we have established the existence of an unique global regular solution which decays exponentially as We demonstrated that the decay rate is different for different norms, see (26), (30), (36), whereis defined by the geometrical characteristics of a domain
The second part of our work concerns decay of solutions for the 2D Navier-Stokes equations posed on a half-strip. In existing publications,3–11 the decay rate of is controlled by the first eigenvalue of the operatorwhereis the projection operator on solenoidal subspace of It is clear that this approach does not work in unbounded domains On the other hand, our approach based on the Steklov inequality with respect toallowed us to estimate the decay rate of a generalized solution for the 2D Navier-Stokes equations posed on a half-strip.
We must emphasize that this estimate is the first in the history which gives an explicit value of the decay rate for unbounded domains. Results established in our work can be used in constructing of numerical schemes for solving initial-boundary value problems for the Navier-Stokes equations appearing in Mechanics of viscous liquid. From the physical point of view, decay estimates show that the decay rate of perturbations of solutions caused by the initial data is bigger for bigger values of viscosityand smaller values of the width and length of the rectangles and the width of a half-strip.
Conflict of interest
The authors declare that there are no conflict of interest regarding the publication of this paper.
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