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eISSN: 2572-8474

Nursing & Care Open Access Journal

Opinion Volume 6 Issue 4

The tilapia skin in the second of burns treatment and third addition to more efficient is very low cost

Cristhian Enmanuel Ayala Gimenez,1 Amanda Guimaraes Camargo Bianco,2 Alexander Zahr Lordello,2 Ariela Mosmann Ribas,2 Chayenne Gomes Bueno Arantes,2 Eduardo Severo Monteiro,2 Elenice Pedroso da Silva,3 Elissandra Nascimento da Costa,4 Eloisa Christini Beutler,2 Fabio setti Ximenes,2 Fernanda Waitman de Oliveira Silva,5 Francisco Deleon Oliveira dos Santos,6 Lays Alexandre Bezerra,7 Maicon Baudouin Mazzo,5 Matheus Zahr Geronimo5

1Physiotherapist, Tres Fronteras International University, Paraguay
2Medical Student, Polytechnic and Artistic University of Paraguay, Paraguay
3Nurse at Unip University and Medical Student by Polytechnic University and Artistic Paraguay, Paraguay
4Nurse from the FINCA University, Medical Student by the Polytechnic and Artistic University of Paraguay, Paraguay
5Medical Student, Polytechnic and Artistic University of Paraguay, Paraguay
6Physiotherapist, Institute of Higher Education of Alagoas and Medical Student, Polytechnic and Artistic University of Paraguay, Paraguay
7Bachelor of Laws from the Faculty Reinaldo Ramos and Medical Student, the Polytechnic and Artistic University of Paraguay, Paraguay

Correspondence: Amanda Guimaraes Camargo Bianco, Medical Student by the Polytechnic and Artistic University of Paraguay, Paraguay

Received: June 11, 2019 | Published: August 30, 2019

Citation: Gimenez CEA, Bianco AGC, Lordello AZ, et al. The tilapia skin in the second of burns treatment and third addition to more efficient is very low cost. Nurse Care Open Acces J. 2019;6(4):142?143. DOI: 10.15406/ncoaj.2019.06.00197

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The purpose of this research is to demonstrate that it is possible to treat burns in a way that will reduce the patient's suffering. It is known that injuries due to burns are by their nature extremely painful, especially at the time of dressing change.

Burns are a serious public health problem, representing the second cause of death in infancy in Brazil. According to the Brazilian Society of Burns, it is estimated that in Brazil, occurring in about one million accidents with burns per year. Of these, one hundred thousand patients seek medical attention and about two and a half thousand will die, directly or indirectly, of their injuries.

In this situation, the teacher/coordinator, SOS burns and wounds of the Hospital São Marcos of Recife (PE), together with the team of researchers led by Professor Edmar Maciel, president of the Institute of Support for Burned (IAQ), proposed that the treatment of wounds arising from burns to the skin of tilapia has proved very effective, especially to avoid the pain that occurs at the time of dressing change.

It also informs that in addition to efficiency in healing the wounds, this treatment does not subject the patient to severe pain and discomfort at the time of dressing change, since, through this procedure, there is no need for dressing change; In addition there is no need for dressing change, which would be very important, because to avoid the patient's suffering, also showed that the skin of the fish has twice as collagen (type 1) that human skin.

In the year 2017 team of researchers conducted test with 60 patients and the results were very positive

The study revealed that in addition to the relief of pain and the patient's increased effectiveness of the new technique, the cost of treatment is much cheaper; because the conventional treatment is done with ointment and there is a need for dressing change every two or three days depending on the severity of injuries.

With all the benefits and adaptation of tilapia skin with human skin, there is no need to redo the dressing as in the conventional treatment. Inform although the survey has revealed that the new technique has reduced pain in 30 to 50%, which is of great significance to the quality of treatment.

In addition to all the benefits already reported, it should be noted that Brazil today is among the largest producers of fish in the world; and tilapia is 58.4% of which, ie, more than 280 tons, according to the IBGE, 2017. It is worth noting that 99% of the skin of tilapia are discarded, which means that the raw material is abundant and therefore inexpensive.

They are very significant figures and, unfortunately, is being wasted something very important for medicine; revolutionary product for patients with second and third degree burns.

According to Doctor Edmar Maciel, the idea of ​​using the skin of tilapia in burned arose five years ago, and today the research on the application has two and a half years. "The research involved the work of 49 professionals from the Federal University of Ceará, under the coordination of Dr. Odorico Moraes."

The method of preparation takes place with the removal of the skins of tilapia which are then washed with chain and put water in cool boxes to be sent to storage in the bank skins of the Federal University of Ceará, which after passing the initial sterilization, are sent to Sao Paulo, the Institute of Energy and Nuclear Research (IPEN), University of São Paulo (USP), which undergo a radioesterilização (procedure that eliminates possible viruses and ensures the safety of the product). When they return to the bank skins, after about 20 days, the skins are chilled, and can be used within two years.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended a skin bank in all municipalities with more than 500,000 inhabitants, but the reality in Brazil is another, as there are currently four units: São Paulo, Porto Alegre, Curitiba and Recife. Of these, there are only three that are active, namely São Paulo, Porto Alegre and Curitiba. As the percentage of burns is alarming, these three banks skins can meet only 1% of the respondent need in the country.

The lack of information, or even an efficient job of advertising by the health authorities, has caused a very low yield of fur donations. However, it is possible that with an effective outreach work the importance of this material, which is played out by the producers, you can enjoy the medicine, in order to meet demand, and prevent much human suffering.

The most important of this new health technology is that we have in the country abundant raw material and very low cost, which for sure will meet all our demands and possibly will prove a product with high added value for export.





Conflicts of interest

The author declares that there is no conflict of interest.

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©2019 Gimenez, et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and build upon your work non-commercially.
