Factors and challenges influencing the acquisition of clinical skills by student nurses during internship in Buea Health District, Cameroon Eta VEA,1 Njie IE,1 Njeodo V,2 Ngala E,1 Nsagha DS,3 Achidi AE4 PDF | Full text | Share
Mental health care of nursing students and professionals through the use of socioemotional competencies Diego Alonso Ubaldo Farro PDF | Full text | Share
Improving diagnosis and neonate-centered care Cristina Ortiz Sobrinho Valete,<sup>1</sup> Aline Albuquerque,<sup>2 </sup>Kalline Carvalho Gonçalves Eler<sup>3</sup> PDF | Full text | Share
Characterization of clinical-epidemiological factors associated with AMI in the ICU: a systematic review Claudia Gabriela Esquivel Franco, Adriana Mayela Cardenas Cortes, Brenda Fernanda Silva Saucedo, Roxana Martínez Cervantes, Hermelinda Guzman Daniel, Alma Rosa Quiroz Guerra PDF | Full text | Share
Nursing diagnoses in pre-hospital care of SAMU advanced life support Pamela Macena Pimentel da Silva,1 Isabeli Emily Chevonik,2 Larissa Marcondes3 PDF | Full text | Share