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eISSN: 2572-8474

Nursing & Care Open Access Journal

Review Article Volume 8 Issue 1

Effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge and practice regarding first aid management of selected minor injuries among adolescents

Ms Rinu Joys, Dr. Sr. Tresa Anto, Dr. Angela, G suja Ann Joseph, Jaicy john

Vice principal, Jubilee mission college of Nursing, India

Correspondence: Sr. Tresa anto, Vice principal, Jubilee mission college of nursing, Jubilee gardens, kachery, Thrissur-5, Kerala

Received: December 02, 2020 | Published: May 13, 2022

Citation: Joys R, Anto T, Angela, et al. Effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge and practice regarding first aid management of selected minor injuries among adolescents. Nurse Care Open Acces J. 2022;8(1):1-2. DOI: 10.15406/ncoaj.2022.08.00229

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Objectives: The study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge and practice regarding first aid management of selected minor injuries among adolescents.

Materials and methods: Quantitative evaluative approach was used with Quasi experimental, one group pre-test post-test design

Results: nearly half 41.66% of the samples belong to 8th and 9th class, 39.16% of mothers were unemployed, 49.16% of the fathers had primary education, 40.83% of adolescents were having a monthly income ≤2300Rs. Significant increase was found in mean post-test knowledge score (24.09±2.04,t119=67.7 at p<0.001)and post-test practice score(24.4±1.91, t119=77.0 at p<0.001) after teaching through lecturing and demonstration.

Conclusion: structured teaching programme on first aid measures for selected minor injuries was effective in enhancing the level of knowledge and practice of adolescents.

Keywords: structured teaching programme, level of knowledge and practice, adolescents, selected minor injuries


Adolescent because of their activities and curiosity are at risk for injury and accidents. Three million adolescents are left with lifelong disability for unintentional injuries.1 Leisure and sport accidents were most prevalent in adolescents aged 5-17 years (38.9%). 50.9% of adolescents are affected with contusions, sprains and strains.2 It’s better to teach children on first aid than preventing occurrence of injuries.

Material and methods

Settings and design

It was a quantitative evaluative approach conducted in Government Higher secondary School Villadom among Adolescents

Sample size and sampling technique

Based on the pilot study findings, the samples selected for the study were 120 adolescents from selected school by Simple Random Sampling (Lottery Method).

Study instrument

  1. Section A: Socio Demographic And Clinical Data Questionnaire
  2. Section B: Structured Knowledge Questionnaire on first aid management of selected minor injuries: Bleeding from Minor Wounds, Epistaxis, and Ankle Sprain.
  3. Section C: Observation Checklist: To assess the practice on first aid management of selected minor injuries: Bleeding from Minor Wounds, Epistaxis, and Ankle Sprain.

Study variables

  1. Independent variable: STP on knowledge and practice regarding first aid management of selected minor injuries among adolescents from selected school.
  2. Dependent variable: The level of knowledge and practice of adolescents on first aid management.
  3. Socio Demographic and clinical data Variables: Age, sex, education, father’s and mother’s education, location of house, occupation of father and mother, monthly income, health professional in family, previous experience in first aid were the socio demographic characteristics included in this study.

Data collection procedure

The study was approved by the university, ethical committee and permission was obtained from school authority. Written consent was obtained from all the participants.

Structured knowledge questionnaire on first aid was administered along with demographic performa to all the participants following which the practice assessment on first aid for selected minor injuries bleeding from minor wounds, epistaxis and ankle sprain was done by objectively structured clinical examination (OSCE) method using observational checklists. There were 3 stations duplicated 3 times to cover up the timing with one observer and a simulated victim at each station. All observers were third year BSc Nursing students who had undergone thorough teaching on OSCE and First aid for selected minor injuries and the simulated victims were school children and  each participant have to rotate on 3 stations. After the assessment of knowledge and practice teaching was provided using lecture cum demonstration method of 20 minutes on next day. Post test was conduted on 14th day of teaching session.

Statistical application

Data gathered were analyzed using SPSS 20 version in terms of frequency and percentages, paired t test and chi-square tests.


In the present study, Out of the 120 samples more than half 59(49.16%) of the fathers had primary education, 47(39.16%) of mother’s of adolescents were unemployed, 100(83.33%) of the adolescents reside in rural area, 49(40.83%) of the adolescents were having a monthly income of Rupees ≤2300.

The overall mean post-test knowledge score (24.9±2.04) was significantly higher than the mean pre-test knowledge score (9.28 ± 2.62).  The overall mean post-test practice score (24.4±1.91) was significantly higher than the mean pre-test knowledge score (7.6 ± 1.87) (Table 1).

Sl. No.    






‘t’  value    

p value


Overall knowledge score     













Over all practice score












Table 1

Occupation of mother (χ2= 8.60, p = 0.04) had significant association with pre-test level of knowledge of adolescents on first aid management of selected minor injuries at p<0.05 level. Socio demographic variables such as education of father (χ2= 11.0, p = 0.01), location of house (χ2= 5.04, p = 0.02) had significant association with pretest practice score of adolescents on first aid management of selected minor injuries at p<0.05 level and monthly family income (χ2= 29.2, p = 0.000) had highly significant association with pretest practice score of adolescents on first aid management of selected minor injuries at p<0.001 level.


Present study found significant improvement in post- test knowledge and practice scores on first aid compared to the pre test scores.

Akbar Hassanzadeh conducted a similar study on effects of two educational method of lecturing and role playing on knowledge and performance of high school students in first aid at emergency scene. The study findings revealed that results of paired t-test showed that the score of knowledge in emergency first aids was significantly increased in both groups (p < 0.001). The student t-test showed that this increase in knowledge and performance after educational course was significantly higher in role playing method group compared to the speech method group (p < 0.001).

The strength of the study was that it empowered the adolescent students with first aid knowledge and practice with which they can serve the needy in the community. Researcher limited the study to first aid for only selected injuries: Bleeding from minor wounds, epistaxis and ankle sprain. Sample size was 120 which limited the scope of generalization of findings.


Present study made an effort to identify the existing knowledge and practice of adolescent on first aid measures and to provide them with structured teaching through demonstrations to enhance their knowledge and practice by which they can serve the community in an effective manner. It was found that adolescents had lack of knowledge and practice on first aid measures on selected minor injuries in the pretest assessment which were significantly improved after attending structured teaching programme. Hence the study concluded that the structured teaching programme was very effective in enhancing the knowledge and practice.



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©2022 Joys, et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and build upon your work non-commercially.