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eISSN: 2379-6383

Public Health

Conceptual Paper Volume 9 Issue 4

Corona in New York city – panic, rumors, and misinterpretations: now we know that corona covid-19 is just the common cold, how can we understand what is happening in NYC?

Søren Ventegodt

Quality of Life Research Center, Denmark

Correspondence: Søren Ventegodt, MD, MMedSci, EU-MSc-CAM, Quality of Life Research Center, Schlegels Allé 4, 5tv, 1807 Frb C, Copenhagen, Denmark

Received: May 29, 2020 | Published: August 26, 2020

Citation: Ventegodt S. Corona in New York city – panic, rumors, and misinterpretations: now we know that corona covid-19 is just the common cold, how can we understand what is happening in NYC? MOJ Public Health. 2020;9(4):131-136. DOI: 10.15406/mojph.2020.09.00336

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The media is strongly and uncritically reflecting the belief that Corona virus COVID-19 is a deadly virus, that causes high mortality in NYC. The belief is coming from the World Health Organization WHO, who has estimated the infection mortality rate (IMR) to be 3.4%, but scientist all over the world is now based on mortality statistics and autopsy studies documenting that the IMR of COVID-19 is less than 0.01%. The stories in the media seem convincing, with pictures of mass-graves and mobile morgues in New York City, and terrible statistics of death in NYC presented in New York Times. There is an obvious mismatch between the information that comes from the independent scientist and the WHO, and many people take the media stories from NYC as a proof of COVID-19 being a fatal new virus. We have therefore looked into the media stories about the effect of the 2020 Corona pandemic on New York City and have been able to document for each story we have analyzed that the story comes from an interpretation of reality that is based on the preconceived idea that NYC is under attack of a deadly new virus. This means that when we look at the data presented in the story, we come to the opposite conclusion: there is nothing in the data behind the media stories that justifies the conclusion that a deadly pandemic is happening in NYC. The data is in line with the IMR of 0.01% found by the independent experts while the stories are in line with the IMR of 3.4% estimated by WHO. We warn the world that WHO most likely is following the interests of the pharmaceutical industry that funds WHO, and encourage the media to be much more critical and thorough in their research, so the media stories about COVID-19 can be less biased in the future.

Keywords: pandemic, corona, industry, virus, graves


The media has presented a number of stories that seemingly has shown the horrible impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on New York City. The stories have in different ways documented that Corona virus COVID-19 is a deadly virus, that courses high mortality in NYC. The information of a novel lethal Corona COVID-19 virus comes from the World Health Organization WHO, who (maybe with help of the pharmaceutical industry that funds it) has estimated the infection mortality rate (IMR) to be 3.4%. Independent scientists, acting as corona whistle blowers all over the world, have now analyzed the IMR of COVID-19 and based on mortality statistics and autopsy studies etc. they have documented that the IMR of COVID-19 is less than 0.01%.1–3 The stories in the media seems convincing, with pictures of mass-graves and mobile morgues in New York City, and terrible statistics of death in NYC presented in New York Times, but there is obviously a mismatch between the information that comes from the independent scientist and the WHO. While many people uncritically take the media stories from NYC as a proof of COVID-19 being a fatal new virus, people who are familiar with the research done by independent experts wonder how these stories have been made.

We have therefore looked into the media stories about the effect of the 2020 Corona pandemic on New York City. We need to analyses for each story the data the story is based on, and the story that came out of the interpretation of these data. We need to analyze if the story actually comes from the data, as a logic consequence of facts, or if the stories come from an interpretation of reality that is based on the preconceived idea that NYC is under attack of a deadly new virus.


The Corona COVID-19 pandemic has hit New York City hard. NYC stands as the living proof of the horrors of the new Corona virus, which has come to change our world and our lives. We are daily seeing horrible pictures coming from New York: Pictures of mass graves (Figure 1),4 of cooling trucks in the streets outside the big hospitals being filled with dead bodies (Figure 2).5

Figure 1 Collective grave at Hart Island claimed by the media to be new mass graves NYC has been forced to install by the many COVID-19 victims. This grave from Hart Island showing 60 coffins being buried in one go. This way of burying people who nobody cares for, has been the usual way to do it on Hart Island for many years.

Figure 2 Some of the 45 refrigerated trucks NYC as bought to be prepared for the mass-death caused by COVID-19 virus after warning from the WHO – a virus that in the end was found to be harmless and just the normal common cold.

NYC has reacted strongly to the news of the deadly COVID-19 hitting the city, which massive Luck-Down and emergency procedures. The media have also reacted strongly, bringing stories of never seen over-death in NYC.

New York Times published in April a statistic that seemingly documented that twice as many people died NYC in March 2020 than ever before (Figure 3).6

Figure 3 The faulty NYC statistic showing only 5,000 dead per month while we know that there are 12,000 dead. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the dead were probably counted much more thoroughly, making it look like twice as many people were now dying. However, we know from simple calculations that 12000 people actually die in NYC every month. This shows us, that the statistics are unreliable and faulty.

At the first glimpse, the statistic looks convincing, but at a second look it is obvious that something is wrong. According to the statistic, about 5000 people are dying in NYC every month, but we know that the real number is 12000 (see below), so the statistic is normally counting 7000 dead NYC citizens too little. During the pandemic, the number of dead in NYC raises a lot, but a realistic hypothesis for this is that the number of dead people suddenly are counted much more thoroughly than usually. This could easily explain the doubling we see.

How many people should die in two month a city with 10 million people? If people live in average till they are 70 years old, about 140.000 should die every year, and 12.000 should die every month.

But it does not stop there. The New York Times wrote April 27 2020: “The latest mortality data shows deaths reaching six times normal levels” (Figure 4).7

Figure 4 The horrible new of the deadly virus COVID-19 hitting NYC hard, making everybody living here panic. Must likely this statistic is manipulated, either to get support to NYC, or the market vaccines.

From March 11th to April 27th 2020 is 1.5 month, so 18,000 people would normally die in this period. If 27,000 people died in this period in NYC, it is 50% more than normal, not 600% more. Of course, this is still a lot and a true tragedy especially if young people are also dying. This must be very difficult to handle for a big city. The problem is that the qualities of US population statistics always have been extremely bad.

Could it be true that many more people are dying this spring than usually in NYC? Yes, it is definitely unlikely but it could happen. If it happens, it is not because of the COVID-19 virus, which we now from European trustworthy statistics know is not deadly at all, but because of the actions taking by the politicians who obviously have gone crazy in NYC.

It is now May 11th, 2020, and many people have started to question the reality of the COVID-19 danger, claimed by the World Health Organization8,9 after hundreds of doctors and experts in virology have taken the role of whistle-blowers, documenting that the mortality rate of COVID-19 is only 0.01% (1-3,10-33).

Nevertheless, the massive problems and suffering in New York City continues to be a good reason to argue against anybody, who knows the statistical fact, that Corona COVID-19 is not deadly, but totally harmless, and therefore just like any other the common cold.

What people continuously fail to understand is that there are two basic factors in play in the 2020 Corona pandemic: One is the new Corona virus COVID-19 itself and the other factor is what we believe about it, and how we react to it; especially important is how our politicians react.

There are many reasons for the political interventions to be very harmful for the people of NYC. There are many homeless people in NYC, there are many poor people here, many old people living alone, and many illegal immigrants without support of any kind. A Lock-Down of NYC, combined with strong fear of contact with strangers, might be extremely tough on these populations groups. Many old people are said to be found dead in their homes, because the people who are normally visiting them and helping them suddenly are not coming any more. What is happening in NYC is a true tragedy.

Another more likely reason of increased mortality is over-treatment.1 If you believe, COVID-19 is a dangerous disease you will treat it intensively, with intensive care, ventilators, and drugs. You will isolate the patients, putting a big, psychological load on the patients. It is well-known that unnecessary treatment and over-treatment is very dangerous.

About 15% of all patients at a hospital catches a hospital infection, often with multi-resistant bacteria. Many more get an infection when they come in a ventilator. The broad-working antibiotics are much more toxic than normal penicillin.

If many people with a common cold suddenly are put in ventilators, it is very likely that this unnecessary treatment is killing many people. This could kill hundreds of people, maybe even a thousand, but it can impossibly explain 50% over-mortality.

Before we make final conclusions about NYC, and especially about the claimed over-mortality in NYC, we need to question it, because it might be false information, which we believe it is.

We need to ask: How are the statistics we see in New York Times made? Could anybody with interest have manipulated them, making the numbers higher? Is there any way to control this statistic? Statistics are easily manipulated which could be a political motivated thing to do, to get support to the suffering NYC.

In a time where many people around the world now realize that Corona virus is not deadly, it could also be the pharmaceutical industry trying to prove the danger of COVID-19, to force the world to introduce the obligatory vaccination programs, the pharmaceutical industry has wished for.

It is peculiar that the WHO and people from the pharmaceutical industry continues to claim a mortality of COVID-19 on several percent when statistics from the European countries now have documented that there is no over-mortality at all because of COVID-19.1–3,8–33

Furthermore, if many people are dying in NYC, are they also normally living in NYC, or are they coming to the city to get medical care and hospitalization? Many elderly and dying people believe that the best health care service is found here, and might seek to NYC for treatment.

We are therefore looking forward to see the death statistics for USA and for New York State year 2020 and compare it to 2019 and 2018, to be able to answer the question: Do we really have an over-mortality in NYC, or just a very messy counting of the dead? Unfortunately, the national statistics might also be of so poor quality that we cannot trust what they show us. Researchers rarely use US population statistics because the quality is known to be too poor to be reliable.


The strongest impression of a disaster in NYC comes from the media. We have seen photos documenting mass-graves from Hart Island outside Bronx (Figure 1), which have chocked the world. Yes, there are such graves on Hart Island, but is this a new and unique thing? The story in the media goes that there are so many bodies that mass-graves have been necessary. But is this true?

The people buried at Hart Island are people who are not claimed by their family when they die. This is a normal procedure that they are buried here like that.4 If you count the number of coffins, you see in the mass-grave that there are about 60 coffins in the picture, being buried (Figure 1). This is not really a mass grave in the classical meaning of the word, with thousands of dead bodies stacked on top of each other. This is just a fast and practical way to burry people, who nobody cares about.

We have headed that this is always done on Hart Island. So, a normal procedure becomes a good story that travels all over the world: NYC has now to use mass graves! Maybe you see how the media make good stories out of nothing. Nevertheless, such stories convince a lot of people that NYC is having its Armageddon.

What about the cooling trucks collecting the bodies outside the hospitals? It is correct that NYC have organized 45 such trucks.5 But was it done out of necessity, or out of an expectation that it would be necessary, because of the WHO’s warning about a disaster coming? Yes, you guessed it correctly – the trucks were organized before they were needed. Of course, this is not the story you see in the media: The NY City management fear that people will die, so they organize cooling trucks. No, the media tells this story: Now so many people are dying that cooling truck have been taken into use to handle the enormous number of dead bodies. If you look carefully, you can see that the trucks are almost empty, not full of bodies. Therefore, the picture does not fit to the story. But who cares, if the story is good?

There might be many unknown reasons for such political decisions as the 45 mobile morgues. Maybe the normal procedures are just suspended because the NY state does not want NYC’s 500 undertakes to be infected by handling the bodies? Again, also here a political decision becomes the final proof of an incredible disaster.

In Italy, all dying old people were sent to the hospitals from their private homes and elderly homes. Because of clumsy health system management decisions, the hospitals and the morgues filled up with dead bodies. These pictures of hospitals and morgues floating with bodies where shared in all the worlds’ big media, and they “documented” the enormous amount of people dying in Italy of COVID-19.

However, when the death statistics finally came, the number of people dying this year in Italy was exactly the same as the number that died last year, and the year before!1 Everybody saw the overfilled morgues and heard about the horrible situation in Italy where so many people were dying. Except there was no deadly COVID-19 virus killing the Italians; what happened was a horrible mess coming from unfortunate decisions made by the politicians, who followed the advises coming from the World Health organization (WHO).8,9,28

We must expect the NYC disaster to follow the same pattern. And that is truly the problem we face with the media: They are very convincing, but they are definitely not reliable. The media are misleading and misinforming people, and in the Corona pandemic, this has happened more than ever before, possibly because many of the media is under influence of people and companies with money, which also has interest in the pandemic. This is very problematic. The world suffers brutally under the COVID-19 misinformation campaign, creating fear in every home on the planet.

As you might remember, WHO was found to be corrupt and untrustworthy during the false Swine Flu pandemic in 2009,34–73 and sadly, little has changed in the WHO since then.


When we look at the data presented in the story, we come to the conclusion: there is nothing in the data behind the media stories that justifies the conclusion that a deadly pandemic is happening in NYC. The data is in line with the IMR of 0.01% found by the independent experts while the stories are in line with the IMR of 3.4% estimated by WHO. We warn the world that WHO most likely is following the interests of the pharmaceutical industry that funds WHO, and encourage the media to be much more critical and thorough in their research, so the media stories about COVID-19 can be less biased in the future.

The fear created by the media can have very serious consequences for a lot of people. It is important so say that even if we know from Europe that there is no dangerous new Corona virus killing us, and that NYC is hid by mass-hysteria created by the untrue media stories, there can still be good reason to be worried about what happens in NYC. Because of inappropriate political decisions, social isolation of the week and old people, and because of the over-treatment that naturally follows fear and the rumor of a deadly virus, there are during the COVID-19 pandemic real threats to people’s health.

It might in the end of the day be, that we see a real tragedy in NYC. The tragedy is then not caused by a deadly Corona virus, but by irresponsible media, countless too helpful doctors, and at the core of the problem, naïve and over-protective NYC politicians, who has created the disaster by trusting the World Health Organization (WHO) in its declaration of a dangerous pandemic, while no dangerous virus exists.




The Danish Quality of Life Survey, Quality of Life Research Center and the Research Clinic for Holistic Medicine, Copenhagen, was from 1987 till today, supported by grants from the 1991 Pharmacy Foundation, the Goodwill-fonden, the JL-Foundation, E. Danielsen and Wife’s Foundation, Emmerick Meyer’s Trust, the Frimodt-Heineken Foundation, the Hede Nielsen Family Foundation, Petrus Andersens Fond, Wholesaler CP Frederiksens Study Trust, Else and Mogens Wedell-Wedellsborg’s Foundation, and IMK Almene Fond. The research in quality of life and scientific complementary and holistic medicine was approved by the Copenhagen Scientific Ethical Committee under the numbers (KF)V. 100.1762-90, (KF)V. 100.2123/91, (KF)V. 01-502/93, (KF)V. 01-026/97, (KF)V. 01-162/97, (KF)V. 01-198/97, and further correspondence.

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All relevant ethical guidelines have been followed; any necessary IRB and/or ethics committee approvals have been obtained and details of the IRB/oversight body are included in the manuscript. All necessary patient/participant consent has been obtained and the appropriate institutional forms have been archived. I understand that all clinical trials and any other prospective interventional studies must be registered with an ICMJE-approved registry, such as I confirm that any such study reported in the manuscript has been registered and the trial registration ID is provided (note: if posting a prospective study registered retrospectively, please provide a statement in the trial ID field explaining why the study was not registered in advance). I have followed all appropriate research reporting guidelines. I declare no competing interests. No external funding was received for this paper or the research behind it.


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