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eISSN: 2381-179X

Clinical & Medical Case Reports

Editorial Volume 2 Issue 6

The arrixaca apply stem cells to treat retinitis pigmentosa

Angel Molina Leon

Department of Clinical Neurophysiology, Rosell Hospital Clinic, Spain

Correspondence: Angel Molina Leon, Department of Clinical Neurophysiology, Sleep disorders unit, EEG and EMG, Rosell Hospital Clinic, Spain, Tel 651755856

Received: October 01, 2015 | Published: October 6, 2015

Citation: Leon AM. The arrixaca apply stem cells to treat retinitis pigmentosa. MOJ Clin Med Case Rep. 2015;2(6):153. DOI: 10.15406/mojcr.2015.02.00046

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clinical trial, patients, Alzheimer, EEG


The hospital Virgen de la Arrixaca, Murcia, is conducting the first phase of a clinical trial with stem cells autologous bone marrow patients who have retinitis pigmentosa. The objective of this trial is to verify the result-states having the injection of stem cells obtained from the patient's own bone marrow into the eye by intravitreal injection to see if modifi-car of a favorable way the visual could function eye. Retinitis pigmentosa is included within the denomi-nothing rare diseases, i.e., those with a low prevalence, since Aphek-ta less than five in every 10,000people. This disease, hereditary, degenerative and can lead to total blindness. Currently there is no treatment that EuP-da alleviate the alterations caused by this disease in the ge-netic layers of the retina.

The trial, which is being led by Dr. Ele-na Rodriguez has involving various services such as ophthalmology, hematology and neurophysiology. Seven patients are the first who are benefiting from this experiment anesthesia and it is being held in the unit cell production of the Arrixaca. Patient recruitment for this first phase Zó eat it in October 2014 and were 74 patients on requesting information. Finally, after conducting the necessary studies are seven patients who met all the criteria for inclusion in this trial. Those responsible for the Ministry of Health subrayan reconcile the need for research as well as assistance measures to make progress in the possible origin of the disease and seek treatment alternati -vos and effective. These experiments are se- Guidos with great interest by the Association of Retina Affected Region of Murcia (Retimur).

The electroencephalogram helps early detection of Alzheimer's

Angel Molina Leon empowers service tive neurotic clinical physiology at the University Hospital of Cartagena, located in the university hospital Santa María del Rosell, he said "fundamental is conducting an electroencephalogram (EEG) in detection and pre-coz of diseases like Alzheimer’s” diagnosis. The EEG "is a very enlightening noninvasive technique that provides a record of the electrical activity cerebral cortex of the patient and their use is very common in hospitals and services like ours," says the physician. Consists mainly through special electrodes register the Electric currents that form in brain neurons, which are the basis of the functioning of the nervous system. They can diagnose alter action of brain electrical activity that suggest diseases as epilepsy, attention deficit hyper activeness or dementia “in which, for example, we have detected 50 cases since 2012 in our area health, in collaboration with the dementia unit of Rosell “.

According to Dr. Molina , in patients with dementia or mental impairment and in cases of initial debut of the same, plus the completion of clinical EEG is essential " to our patients come to us department of neurology derivatives losses of sudden memory , altered level of Awareness, lost of memory often encountered etc ". It adds that " the waking alpha rhythm of a normal person is around 8-13 cycles per second Hertz. In these patients we find the pre-presence of normal EEG or focal or diffuse slowing that are initially Her-tzios 7-8 and advancing stages over two look-up-ness slows a 5-6 Hertz”.

The conclusions of the Ana- lysis in explaining often - mentation rate desfrag alpha- pa- parietal occipital 5-7 Hz and 7-8Hz -Hertzios defragmentation plotting seen in patients with Alzheimer ultimately background , have been accepted and published in the journal specialist Parkinson & Alzheimer's Disease. The service neurophysiology clinic, under the responsibility of Dr. Sobrino, is also integrated by doctors. Canovas and Molina and two in nurses and two assistants. At the unit several after tests, such as electroencephalograms and electromiogram’s of which were performed over 5,000 a year are performed.



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The author declares no conflict of interest.

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©2015 Leon. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and build upon your work non-commercially.