Case Study Volume 10 Issue 1
1Energy 4 Life Centers, USA
2Qigenix, USA
Correspondence: P. Hollands PhD (Cantab), Qigenix, 6125 Paseo Del Norte, Suite 140, Carlsbad, CA 92008, USA
Received: December 15, 2024 | Published: January 6, 2025
Citation: Eckel G,Dart G, Wojciechowski L, et al. The SONG laser and the Eckel protocolTM in Parkinson’s disease: a case study. J Stem Cell Res Ther. 2025;10(1):1-3. DOI: 10.15406/jsrt.2025.10.00174
Background: This case study describes the benefits seen in 2 patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease. Our hypothesis is that the SONG Laser Protocol may have neurophysiological benefits in patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease.
Methods: This was a case study focusing on 2 patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease. The SONG Laser Protocol was delivered in a clinic setting along with the Eckel Protocol. The primary outcome measures were the neurophysiological benefits as assessed by use of the Parkinson’s Disease Questionnaire-39 (PDQ-39) and by clinical observations.
Results: Patient 1 showed moderate neurophysiological/psychological improvements following the SONG Laser Protocol. Patient 2 showed marked neurophysiological/psychological improvement following the SONG Laser Protocol. Both patients remain stable.
Conclusion: The SONG Laser Protocol and the Eckel Protocolä given together may have a beneficial effect on some patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease. A placebo controlled clinical trial is needed to confirm safety and efficacy.
Keywords: Parkinson’s disease, SONG laser activation, human very small embryonic like (hVSEL) stem cells, Eckel protocolTM
Parkinson’s disease (PD) affects approximately 8.5 million people globally. PD is a chronic neurological disorder which results in bradykinesia, resting tremor, rigidity, and postural instability. It is the second most common neurodegenerative disease after Alzheimer's disease. It is characterized by the progressive loss of dopamine-producing neurons in the brain. Current treatments for PD are symptomatic and do not prevent the disease pathology.1
The SONG Laser Protocol (formerly known as the QiGen Protocol) involves the activation of autologous human Very Small Embryonic Like (hVSEL) stem cells2 in Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) by a modulated red laser known as the SONG Laser.3 The mechanism of action of the SONG Laser is still the subject of ongoing research and a proposed mechanism based on quantum mechanics has been hypothesized.4 The SONG Laser Protocol is also proposed to be beneficial as an anti-aging modality,5 in the management of dementia,6 in Multiple System Atrophy-Parkinsonian (MSA-P) and Achromatopsia (both in press). The Eckel ProtocolTM is as described below.
This was collaborative work between Energy 4 Life Centers, 100 Park City, UT and Qigenix, Carlsbad, California, USA. The patients provided informed consent prior to receiving the SONG Laser Protocol. The SONG Laser Protocol is a modified autologous Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) procedure with minimal manipulation, and it is a closed procedure. As such it is a low-risk procedure and does not require Ethical Committee approval.
The Eckel ProtocolTM involved the following: Heavy metal analysis pre- and post-challenge, microbiome testing, full panel blood work up, and urinary metabolites of cortisol testing; correcting any imbalances that are found. The next step is the week-long Brain Regeneration camp which includes as the main lever, the SONG Laser Protocol (two of these within the week, intranasal and systemic). The patients also receive 5 bioenergetic acupuncture (LLLT/PEMF/Scenar technology), 5 - 90 minute sessions of hyperbaric oxygen (delivered in a stepwise fashion up to 2.2 ATM pressure), heart Rate Variability enhancing sound bowl frequencies, used pre-procedure and selected for use during the procedure. Homeopathics, essential oils, and coherent field creation during the procedure as well. One enhancement to the SONG Laser Protocol which was added is utilizing the mihealth device (Scenar technology) with biocell and nerve frequencies on the activation and treatment phase of the SONG laser protocol.
The patients in this case study both gave their informed consent to receive the SONG Laser Protocol.
This was a 73 year-old female patient suffering from Parkinson’s disease. She was taking Ropinirole at the time she received the SONG Laser Protocol. The patient received 67mL (approximately 1.34x108 hVSEL stem cells) of SONG Laser activated PRP intravenously (with a 5mL saline flush) and 1mL (approximately 2x106 hVSEL stem cells) of SONG Laser activated PRP intra-nasally. The SONG Laser was applied to the head and neck of the patient for a total of 16 minutes to enhance homing of the hVSEL stem cells. The patient also received the Eckel Protocolä as described above.
This was a 62 year-old female patient suffering from Parkinson’s disease. She was taking the following medication at the time of the SONG Laser Protocol:
Citalopram, Pantoprazole, Rytary, Rasagiline, Synthroid and Creon.
The patient received 50 mL (approximately 1x108 hVSEL stem cells) of SONG Laser activated PRP intravenously (with a 5 mL saline flush) and 1 mL (approximately 2x106 hVSEL stem cells) of SONG Laser activated PRP intra-nasally. The SONG Laser was applied to the head, neck, hips and knees of the patient for a total of 20 minutes to enhance homing of the hVSEL stem cells. The patient also received the Eckel Protocolä as described above.
Both patients were assessed using the Parkinson’s Disease Questionnaire 39 (PDQ39). The lower the score the better the outcome. The minimum score is 0 and the maximum score is 156.
Patient 1
The pre-treatment PDQ39 resulted in a score of 15.7 (see Table 1). Her post-treatment PDQ39 resulted in a score of 12.2 (see Table 2). The patient reported an increased feeling of well-being and a reduction in tremors.
Patient 2
This patient completed both a pre- and post-treatment PDQ39. The pre-treatment PDQ39 resulted in a score of 42.2 (see Table 3). The post-treatment PDQ39 resulted in a score of 26.8 (see Table 4). The patient reported an increased feeling of well-being and a reduction in tremors.
Patient 1 shows a moderate improvement in symptoTM as shown in Table 1 and 2. Her symptoms remained stable, and she reported a general improvement in her well-being and a reduction in tremors. Further treatments for this patient may bring her into the stable, normal category.
Patient 3 showed a marked improvement in her symptoms following the SONG Laser Protocol and the Eckel ProtocolTM as shown by the PDQ39 results in Tables 3 and 4. There was a reduction in tremors and an overall increase in well-being.
At the time of writing both patients remained stable and future repeat treatments may be used should the benefits decline with time. The mechanisms of action of the SONG Laser Protocol and the Eckel ProtocolTM in Parkinson’s is unknown and further basic research will help to clarify the mechanisms which may in turn result in further improvements in efficacy.
Rapid (some within minutes) benefits are often reported following administration of SONG laser activated hVSEL stem cells. We hypothesise that these rapid benefits are due to the biological action of SONG Laser activated growth factors, cytokines and platelet secretory products in PRP in addition to the secretion of growth factors and cytokines from activated hVSEL stem cells and exosomes. These are likely to be paracrine effects and to provide only temporary benefits. Sustained benefits may be attributed to the homing and repopulation of the stem cell niche and stem cell pool by SONG Laser activated pluripotent hVSEL stem cells. Further basic research work is needed on the attribution of these actions and a double-blind placebo controlled clinical trial will be planned to confirm the preliminary data in this case study.
The authors declare that there is no conflicts of interest.
©2025 Eckel, et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and build upon your work non-commercially.