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International Journal of
eISSN: 2381-1803

Complementary & Alternative Medicine

Case Report Volume 12 Issue 6

Efficacy of naturopathy and yogic interventions on bilateral polycystic ovarian syndrome: a case report

Rosy Ayda Y

Department of Diagnostic Methods, Government Yoga and Naturopathy Medical College and Hospital, India

Correspondence: Rosy Ayda Y, Department of DiagnosticMethods, Government Yoga and Naturopathy Medical College and Hospital, Arumbakkam, Chennai, India, Tel 9840696194

Received: September 11, 2019 | Published: November 8, 2019

Citation: Ayda RY. Efficacy of naturopathy and yogic interventions on bilateral polycystic ovarian syndrome: a case report. Int J Complement Alt Med. 2019;12(6):214-215. DOI: 10.15406/ijcam.2019.12.00475

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Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a complex condition characterized by elevated androgen levels, menstrual irregularities, and/or small cysts on one or both ovaries. Prevalence rate ranges from 2.2% to 26%. Although many treatments are being in practice, this paper is intended to report on Naturopathic approach on a PCOS patient and the patient was taken for continuous observation. After 21days of Naturopathic and Yogic interventions, transabdominal ultrasonogram shown abdominal organs as normal. For many years, these non-pharmacological techniques have also shown their potential to prevent and intervene in a variety of systemic and life style disorders. This study found to be the effective to report the efficacy of Naturopathic and Yogic intervention in treating PCOS.

Keywords: polycystic ovarian syndrome, naturopathy and yoga, diet therapy

Introductory remarks

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a complex condition characterized by elevated androgen levels, menstrual irregularities, and/or small cysts on one or both ovaries.1 After PCOS is diagnosed, studies show that more than 50% of patients develop prediabetes or diabetes, and there is an increased risk of myocardial infarction, dyslipidemia, hypertension, anxiety, depression, endometrial cancer, and sleep apnea.2 Pharmacological Approaches includes Clomiphene, Antidiabetic agents, Aromatase inhibitors, Antiandrogens intake which causes adverse effects such as ovarian enlargement; ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome; multiple pregnancies; hot flashes; and gastrointestinal distention, bloating, discomfort, etc. Prevalence rate ranges from 2.2% to 26%.3 Although many treatments are being in practice, this paper is intended to report on Naturopathic approach on a PCOS patient and the patient was taken for continuous observation. In this study, we report the changes on PCOS noticed using transabdominal ultrasonogram.

Case description

Our patient is a 20-year-old unmarried woman, with a history of irregular menstruation associated with a gradual increase in weight since 6years. Past medical history has been significant for Bilateral Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome since 2years. On ultra-sonographic examination of the abdomen and pelvis the impression shown the size of right ovary as: 4.7x2.2x3.4cm, Left Ovary: 5.0x 2.3x 3.0cm with large polycystic appearing ovaries bilaterally. After obtaining informed consent we admitted her in our In-patient Department (IPD) of Government Yoga and Naturopathy Hospital in 23rd August 2018. Though advised, the patient was disinterested in taking the conventional medications. Since naturopathic interventions aimed to put right the life style improvement, she underwent treatments like Neutral Enema, Mud therapy, Diet therapy, Acupuncture and Yoga therapy at our IPD. Considering the basic principle of Naturopathy, i.e., accumulation of morbid matter, one of the main cause of disease has been taken in accounting for planning the line of treatment.4

According to Naturopathy as defined by Lindlahr,5 “The primary cause of disease, barring accidental or surgical injury to the human organism and surroundings hostile to human life, is violation of Nature’s laws”. Its main aim is to change the unhealthy living habits of people and to teach them the healthy lifestyle under the laws of Nature. Different modalities of Naturopathy are very effective in the fulfilling of this pursuit.6

Mud therapy gives coolness to the body. It dilutes and absorbs the toxic substances of the body and ultimately eliminates them from the body. Mud packs and mud baths are the main forms of treatment. Diet therapy exclusively includes the intake of raw vegetable salads, Fruit Salads, Vegetable and Fruit Juices, along with Moong Dhal Sprouts with 6 servings a day. Mud pack was given to both abdomen and eyes everyday once for duration of 20 minutes. Neutral water hip bath was given twice daily for about 20minutes.


A detailed history was taken at the time of admission. Pre blood investigations include resting blood pressure, pulse rate, respiratory rate and weight. Pre and post assessments were done using trans-abdominal ultrasonogram. Immediately after a week of intervention, 2kg of her body weight has been reduced from 70 kg to 68 kg and after 10 days of intervention our patient was provided with exclusive Juice diet with 6 servings per day. After 21 days of intervention, the patient took transabdominal ultrasonogram, and the impression was shown as normal. Pre and post treatment measures were summarised in Table 1.




Weight (kg)



PR (bpm)



BP (mmHg)






Right ovary size



Left ovary size

5.0x 2.3x 3.0cm

2.9x 1.6cm

Large polycystic appearing ovaries







 Neutral Enema


Approx. 15-30min

Neutral water hip bath



Mud therapy

 Mud pack to Abdomen and Eyes



 Full mud bath




 Sakthibandhasan series I



 Nadisuddhi Pranayama


5 rounds

Plantain leaf bath



Table 1 Demographic characteristics of pre and post assessment
BMI, body mass index; BP, blood pressure; PR, pulse rate Details of intervention is provided in Table 1.

Literature review

According to Naturopathy, diet therapy is the main modality under Naturopathy, which stresses that the food must be taken in natural or maximum natural form only. During raw juice therapy, the eliminative capacity of the organs of elimination, namely lungs, liver, kidneys and the skin, is greatly increased and masses of accumulated metabolic waste and toxins are quickly eliminated.6 Mud pack to abdomen and eyes has shown improvement in the microcirculation and vasomotion score as reported by Poensin D et al.7 It is the main modality that stresses that the food must be taken in natural or maximum natural form only.8 J.H Kellogg stated that the short cold hip bath produces active dilatation of the vessels of the lower abdomen. The thermic reaction produced, will heightens the nutritive processes in the parts concerned, and excites the contraction of the muscular structures of the viscera, thus influencing the pelvic organs, together with the various musculo-ligamentous structures which will support the pelvic viscera.9


A 21-day Naturopathic and Yogic intervention has shown clinically significant changes in PCOS in our case. The post investigation report infers that the naturopathic interventions as a valuable tool in managing PCOS. Our patient is under regular follow up to attain the sustainability of the results. Large-scale studies have recommended for better results. Yoga and Naturopathy systems, recently, are found to have a global spurt evidenced by a constant growth of their followers across the world.9 Their low cost structures; simplicity, inclination towards natural modalities and a consideration of the psyche besides other causes of an ailment are possibly the best reasons explaining this spurt. For many years, these non-pharmacological techniques have also shown their potential to prevent and intervene in a variety of systemic and life style disorders.10


This study found to be the effective to report the efficacy of Naturopathic and Yogic intervention in treating PCOS. Return to nature by the regulation of eating, drinking, breathing, bathing, dressing, working, resting, social activities and moral life, exercise our body towards health.


The author would like to thank Dr N. Manavalan, Principal, Govt. Naturopathy and Yoga Medical College and Hospital, Arumbakkam for providing valuable guidance.

Conflicts of interest

Author declares their are no conflicts of interest towards this article.


Creative Commons Attribution License

©2019 Ayda. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and build upon your work non-commercially.