Research Article Volume 5 Issue 3
The propagators for time-dependent mass harmonic oscillators
Surarit Pepore
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Physics, Rajamangala, University of Technology Thanyaburi, Thailand
Correspondence: Surarit Pepore, Physics, Rajamangala, University of Technology Thanyaburi, Thailand, Tel 0925202842
Received: November 12, 2021 | Published: November 23, 2021
Citation: Pepore S. The propagators for time-dependent mass harmonic oscillators. Phys Astron Int J. 2021;5(3):93-98. DOI: 10.15406/paij.2021.05.00240
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In this paper, the propagator for a harmonic oscillator with mass obeying the function of
is derived by the Feynman path integral method. The wave function of this oscillator is calculated by expanding the obtained propagator. The propagator for a harmonic oscillator with strongly pulsating mass is evaluated by the Schwinger method. The propagator for a harmonic oscillator with mass rapidly growing with time is calculated by applying the integrals of the motion of quantum systems. The comparison between these methods are also discussed.
Keywords: Feynman path integral, Schwinger method, Integrals of the motion,Propagator
The research in deriving quantum solutions for a harmonic oscillator with time-dependent frequencies or with time-dependent masses (or both simultaneously) have intensive studied in the recent years.1–7 The main reasons for time-dependent harmonic oscillator very interesting is the application in many areas of physics such as quantum chemistry, plasma physics, and quantum optics. For example, Colegrave and Abdalla8,9 presented that electromagnetic field intensities in a Fabry-Perot cavity can be described by a harmonic oscillator with time-dependent mass and constant frequency. The standard tool in solving wave function of Schrodinger’s equation for time-dependent harmonic oscillator is the Lewis-Riesenfeld in variant operator method.10 The another method to solve the time-dependent harmonic oscillator problems is Feynman path integral.11,12 The Feynman path integral is the formulation which is invented for calculating the propagator. The propagator represents the transition probability amplitude of the system or Green’s function of the Schrodinger’s equation. The Feynman path integral was applied to derive the propagators for a harmonic oscillator with strongly pulsating mass
and a harmonic oscillator with mass growing with time
by M Sabir and S Raja gopalan in 1991.3 The one aims of this paper is applying the Feynman path integral to calculate the propagator for a harmonic oscillator with mass obeying the function of
and then expanding the obtained propagator to evaluate the wave function. The another method in calculating the propagator is the Schwinger method.12 This method was first introduced by Schwinger in 1951 in solving the gauge invariance and vacuum polarization in QED. In 2015 S Pepore and B Sukbot applied the Schwinger method to evaluate the propagator for a harmonic oscillator with mass growing with time.13The another purposes of this article is employing the Schwinger method to derive the propagator for a harmonic oscillator with strongly pulsating mass. The alternative techniques in deriving the propagator is applying the integrals of the motion of quantum systems. This method was first presented by VV Dodonov, IA Malk in, and V. I. Man’ko in 1975.14 In 2018, S Pepore applied the integrals of the motion of quantum systems to calculate the Green function for time-dependent mass harmonic oscillators,15dual damped oscillators, and coupled harmonic oscillators.16 The final aims of this paper is employing this method to calculate the propagator for a harmonic oscillator with mass rapidly growing with time
The organizations of this paper are as follows. In Section 2, the propagator for a harmonic oscillator with mass having the function of
is derived by Feynman path integral method. In Section 3, the propagator for a harmonic oscillator with strongly pulsating mass is calculated by the Schwinger method. In Section 4, the propagator for a harmonic oscillator with mass rapidly growing with time is evaluated by the application of the integrals of the motion of quantum systems. Finally, the conclusion is presented in Section 5.
The Feynman path integral for a harmonic oscillator with mass obeying the law of
Colegrave and Abdalla9 demonstrated that the electromagnetic field intensities in a Fabry-Perot cavity can be described by a harmonic oscillator with strongly pulsating mass written by the Hamiltonian of
and is the frequency of a pulsating mass. This paper we will modify the time-dependent mass by imposing
. The Hamiltonian of this system can be described by
is the frequency of oscillator.
The Lagrangian corresponding with the Hamiltonian in Eq.(2) can be
expressed as
By using the Euler-Lagrange equation,17 the equation of motion can be
written as
The Eq. (4) has the solution in the form of
are constants and
. By imposing
, the classical path that connects the points
can be written as
The action of the classical systems can be calculated from
Substituting the Lagrangian in Eq. (3) into Eq. (7), the classical action becomes
Inserting the classical path in Eq. (6) into Eq. (8), the classical action can be obtained as
. (9)
As suggested by Feynman [10], the Green function for a quadratic Lagrangian can be written as
where the pre-exponential function
can be calculated from Pauli-Van
Vleck18,19 as
By applying Eq. (11), the pre-exponential function
. (12)
Substituting Eqs. (9) and (12) into Eq. (10), the propagator of this oscillator can
be written as
. (13)
The next task is calculating the wave function. Beginning by defining
the propagator in Eq. (13) can be rewritten as
By using the formula
The propagator in Eq. (17) can be modified to
The next step is applying the Mehler’s formula [20]
are the Hermite polynomials. The propagator in Eq.(19) becomes
By using the spectral representation of the propagator
The wave function of this system can be written as
The Schwinger method for a harmonic oscillator with strongly pulsating mass
This section is the evaluation of propagator for a harmonic oscillator with strongly pulsating mass by the Schwinger method.12The procedures of Schwinger method are presented in Ref.13The Hamiltonian operator for a harmonic oscillator with strongly pulsating mass can be written as3
By solving the Heisenberg equations
and imposing the initial conditions of
the position operator can be expressed as
. (26)
By using Eq. (26), the momentum operator
can be written as
By applying Eq. (26) to eliminate
in Eq. (27), the momentum operator can
be rewritten only in terms of
Substituting Eq. (28) into Eq. (24) and rewriting each terms of
in a time ordered form with
to the left and
to the right with the helping of the commutator
the time ordered Hamiltonian operator
can be written as
As presented in Ref.13 the propagator can be calculated by
is the function of
. The next step is integrating over time each terms of Eq. (30). The integrating of the first term in Eq. (30) can be obtained as
The second term in Eq. (30) can be calculated by
The third term in Eq. (30) can be integrated as
Finally, the last term in Eq. (30) can be evaluated by
Substituting Eqs. (31)-(34) into Eq. (30), the propagator can be written as
Substituting the propagator in Eq. (35) into the equation of
the result is
After solving Eq. (37), the function
can be obtained as
is the function of
Substituting Eq. (38) into Eq. (35), the propagator becomes
The final step is calculating
by substituting Eq. (39) into the equation of
The obtaining result is
which imply that
. The constant
can be evaluated by
applying the initial condition of the propagator
The constant can be obtained as
So, the propagator for a harmonic oscillator with strongly pulsating mass can be written as
The propagator for a harmonic oscillator with mass rapidly with time
This section has an idea from the calculation of the Green function for a harmonic oscillator with mass growing with time by S Pepore in 2018.15This paper will modify the Hamiltonian operator to
is a constant. The aim of this section is calculating the propagator corresponding to the Hamiltonian operator in Eq. (45) by the application of the integrals of the motion of quantum systems. Beginning by solving Heisenberg’s equation for
and imposing the initial conditions of
, the position operator and momentum operator can be written as
. (47)
By using Eq. (46) and Eq. (47), the integrals of the motion and can be expressed as
The Green function or propagator
is an eigen function of the integrals of the motion as
. (51)
By applying Eqs. (48)-(51), we can write
For solving the propagator, we must rewrite Eq. (52) and Eq. (53) to
Solving Eq. (54), we obtain
The constant of integration can be calculated by substituting Eq. (56) into Eq. (55) to obtain
Solving Eq. (57), the result is
Substituting Eq. (58) into Eq. (56), the propagator can be written as
The next step is calculating
Substituting the propagator in Eq. (59) into the Schrodinger equation
we obtain
Solving Eq. (61), the result is
The final step is finding the constant by using the initial condition of the propagator
The constant becomes
So, the propagator for a harmonic oscillator with mass rapidly growing with time can be written as
We have successfully derived the propagator and wave function for a harmonic oscillator with mass obeying the law of
by Feynman path integral, the propagator for a harmonic oscillator with strongly pulsating mass by Schwinger method, and the propagator for a harmonic oscillator with mass rapidly growing with time by the application of the integrals of the motion of quantum systems. The Feynman formulation base on functional integration. The Schwinger method concern with operator algebra. The method of VV Dodonovet.al is applying the integrals of the motion operators
. The pre-exponential function
in Feynman path integral comes from the summation over all fluctuation amplitudes of classical paths. In Schwinger method, the pre-exponential function
appears from the commutator of
In the method of VV Dodonov et.al, the pre-exponential function
comes from the fact that the propagators is the solution of Schrodinger equation. These differences may shows the nature of classical mechanics which the physical observables are real numbers and the nature of quantum mechanics which the physical quantities are represented by operators. The propagator approaches in this paper are alternative methods comparison with the Schrodinger wave mechanics which base on finding wave function and the Heisenberg formulation which requires applying the creation and annihilation operators to derive the eigen functions of Hamiltonian operator. In propagator method, the wave function can be calculated by expanding the obtained propagator. In the calculation point of views, the Feynman path integral more simply than the Schwinger and Dodonov et. al. methods which some Hamiltonian operators have difficulties in solving the Heisenberg equation. However, having several methods in calculating the propagators may be usefulness.
Conflicts of interest
The author declares there is no conflict of interest.
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