- The basic axioms of TB and some results
In this article, we present only the basic axioms and main results from TB. In TB, there is initially no physical space, no time, and no world of ultimate particles that constitute all physical bodies around us, but there is an object that is inherently unobservable, namely byuon
with discrete states. It has an internal vector property expressed in the form
Where is the byuon length, real (positive or negative) quantity that depends on index = 1,2,…..,k.. Quantity
is an internal potential whose modulus is equal to the cosmological vector potential.14–16 This potential is determined by the byuon’s properties, so it is referred as internal one. By definition, quantity
can be either real or purely imaginary. All multitudes of states
relative to index i can form one-dimensional space
in which the distances between byuon states are determined as the difference between their lengths (Archimedean metrics). Discrete time, time quantum
, and space quantum
in one-dimensional R1 formed by byuon states (
) are introduced.
- Statics: We believe that in the set
, there are meant no static states with time
- Kinematics: Depending on whether the vector
is real or imaginary, the length x(i) is positive or negative, decreases or increases in magnitude, free byuons (i.e. not interacting one with another) can be only in one of the four so called vacuum states (VS) II+, I+, I-, II-.
Let us introduce the following definitions:
- A free byuon is in the state II+ if it’s positive length discretely, in a quantum of time
, increases by a quantum of distance
with the speed of propagation (increase in length)
is the speed of light).
- A free byuon is in the state I+ if its positive length discretely, in a quantum of time
, decreases by
. In this case
- A free byuon is in the state II- if the modulus of its negative length grows by
in time
. In this case
- A free byuon is in the state I- if the modulus of its negative length discretely, in time
, decreases by
. In this case
The byuon residence in one VS or another has a probabilistic character and is described by wave function, which corresponds to four VSes.14–16
The byuon concept allows us to express fundamental physical constants and properties of the surrounding world based on the quantum characteristics of the byuon VS only: space quantum
and modulus of cosmological vector potential
The following basic hypothesis was introduced in.14–16 Let us assume that observed three-dimensional space
is formed as a result of minimizing the interaction potential energy of byuon VSs in R1 formed by them. More exactly, space
is fixed due to the dynamics of objects that appear due to the interaction between byuon VSes. Dynamic processes thus arise in space
for objects with the minimum residual positive potential energy of interactions between byuon VSes, resulting in the wave properties of the elementary particles that arise. In other words, the theory allows us to find values of all other fundamental constants and the main properties of the surrounding world by establishing only three constants:
, Fundamental spatial scales are determined by the relations
where k, N, and P are calculated periods of interaction between byuon VSes. Speed of light
. Note that the speed of light appears in the TB due to variations in them, and there are no velocities greater than the
in the TB. Plank’s constant
and elementary electric charge
are integrals of motion in the dynamics of byuon VSes. The constants of all interactions are determined; e.g., the vector constant of weak interactions is given by the expression
. The masses of all leptons, proton,
and meson are calculated. The energy density in the Universe (
) is also found, the Maxwell equations are derived, the physics of dark matter and dark energy demonstrated, the magnitudes of the galactic and intergalactic magnetic fields are calculated, and so on.
The TB predicts the following new physical phenomena:
- new non-gauge force of nature,
- -new quantum information channel in nature.
It is shown in14–16 that if we direct the vector potential of some magnetic system opposite to the vector
then any substance will be thrown out the region of certain weakened summary potential
since the masses of particles are proportional to the modulus of the vector
. Unfortunately, the processes of origin of the bulk mass of such particles as the electron and the proton can be influenced upon only with very small probability, about 10-44, but the action on the formation of their geometric space, i.e. on the mass of the pair “neutrino-antineutrino” (
) equaled to
(the minimum energy of four-contact byuon interaction
), is possible with the probability 1.14–16
A great number of experiments on investigating properties of new anisotropic interaction on installations of various physical nature by different groups of experimenters in a number of institutes, is described in.14–16 Among those investigations are experiments with high-current magnets, with torsion and piezo resonance balances,17–20 with gravimeters and attached magnets,21 with a system of two quartz resonators,15 studies on changes in b-decay rate of radioactive elements22,23 and on heat releases in plasma devices.24 The results of investigations have shown that the new interaction rejects any substance from space regions in which the vector potential of some current system has a component directed opposite to the vector
. The force is maximum when the angle between the vectors
is equal to 130°–135°. This corresponds to the action of the force along the generatrix of a cone with an opening of 90°–100° and an axis parallel to the vector
having the following coordinates in the second equatorial system: right ascension
, declination
A new principle for the motion of space vehicles that was based on using physical space as a support medium was described for the first time in.14 It was shown in16,25,26 that any object reduces the magnitude of the modulus of
wherever it is located in physical space due to interaction between the potentials of the physical fields of elementary particles and
. This comprehensive reduction in
is called the information image (II) of the object and is characteristic of it only since it is codified by coefficients
, in a complicated series of terms for varying
through the field potentials of the object. If the object returns to its own II as it moves, this place will push it due to the action of a new force associated with the reduction in
. A long-term experiment to investigate a new force for vehicle propulsion was carried out in Italy from January 26, 2013 to February 28, 2014.16,26 The maximum of the new force was equaled 0.5N but
TB determines the average density of substance in the Universe taking
and, hence, its characteristic dimension
. Then the total energy in the Universe can be represented as
Its value is
, and the corresponding equivalent mass
. The uniformity of distribution of substance over the sphere with the radius
gives the density of substance in the Universe
, which is really observed.27
- TB for the short hard gamma ray bursts
As was indicated in TB, any value of index i can be always re-denoted by j and then j=0, 1, 2 corresponds to reference points (new beginnings). Re-denoting i+1 by
etc. leads, depending on reference points, to formation of three families of subspaces embedded in each other.14–16 So,
can be represented as
at any moment. The new Universe birth process can have a beginning in anytime too if the values k, N and P are integer numbers. But in this case we can’t take in (2) the time of potential energy minimizing of byuon VSs interaction in
because we have ultimate particles with their potential physical fields and all known interactions in R3 by this time. Therefore the time of the minimal act (minimum action h/2) in process of an object formation with E>0 from byuons will be from 10-22 s (the time of strong interaction28) till 10-17 s (electromagnetic interaction). Then we shall have from (2) an appearance of object with energy from 1050 erg till 1055 erg. We think it is the initial source for realization of a short hard gamma ray burst. The possibility of this event is very small (10-60) because we must have k, N and P in the set of integer numbers. It isn’t zero because the variation of physical field potentials in the Universe can create this situation. Using this process we can explain gamma ray bursts by the known physics. VS of byuon II+ and I- describes the photons in TB. They must have the energies in the range from 102eV until 107eV.
- TB for the gamma ray bursts connected with supernovae (SN)
This correlation takes place in nature6 but not every SN produces a gamma ray burst. It is the first problem. The second problem is huge energy of gamma ray bursts more than the values released during SN explosions.
Let us show a decision of these problems using TB and new non-gauge force of nature. The new force has nonlinear and nonlocal character as variation of summary potential
. The
contains potentials of all existent fields of all possible sources (Earth, Sun, Galaxy, etc.), and the new force can be represented as a complex series in terms of changes in this summary potential
. The first term of the series is
where is the number of stable particles (electrons, protons, and neutrons) in the test body,
is the difference in changes of the summary potential AΣ at the location points of a test body and sensor element,
is the gradient in space of the difference potentials
; is the general spatial coordinate (
can be the length of an arc of a circle, or the characteristic size of the test body, according to the specific experiments);
is the first coefficient of the series.14,15
It’s shown in the experiments with space thruster model16,25,26 that for a rest time
( time of II existence) in the process of a body revolution during less than 0.1s the value of the new force decreases rapidly. TB explains this phenomenon in the following way. If
then ultimate particles can’t “remember” a value of summary potential
in the process of its internal physical space forming. It will not “feel” the difference potentials
in the process of the body revolution in the space thruster model. So, if matter in the process of the SN explosion moves from strong gravitation potential (
) toward weakening of gravitation potential (
) then we can have the situation shown in Figure 1 and the realization of the new force action for an acceleration of matter in the process of the SN explosion. The author of29 have developed this mechanism for accelerating of cosmic rays (CRs) with the application of the new force theory too. It was shown that CR can reach energy exceeding the Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin limit of
. g Is the gravitation field action direction; F is the non-gauge force action direction;
. It’s shown in22 that the value (
) can be about 1015G. If we take
(for example, then summary mass for electrons will be about 1024g ) and the distance (L) of the new force action equaled with a radius of the Sun (
) then the work by the new force will be about 1054erg. We can see that such values of energy are observed in the astrophysical investigations.6 But this is the initial energy. So, the process of SN explosion can realize the gamma ray burst if the conditions shown in Figure 1 are satisfied.
Figure 1 The diagram of the summary potential change in the process when matter flies away from the SN explosion for the non-gauge force action realization.