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eISSN: 2377-4304

Obstetrics & Gynecology International Journal

Editorial Volume 4 Issue 3

Social spermatology is essential for male patients and society

Yoku Kato1

1Department of Infertility, Royal Bell Clinic, Japan
2Editorial board and Advisory board member, Obstetrics & Gynecology International Journal, MedCrave Group, USA

Correspondence: Yoku Kato, Department of Infertility, Royal Bell Clinic, Narumi-cho Mizuhiroge 93-195, Midori-ku, Nagoya, Aichi, 458-0801, Japan, Tel 81-052-879-6673

Received: March 28, 2016 | Published: April 4, 2016

Citation: Kato Y. Social spermatology is essential for male patients and society. Obstet Gynecol Int J. 2016;4(3):100-101. DOI: 10.15406/ogij.2016.04.00110

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Social spermatology is something that impact to society and helps men for their reproductive health. This is strongly connected to followed contents.

  1. Basic science
  2. Applied science
  3. Medical science
  4. Public health
  5. Education
  6. History
  7. Philosophy
  8. Industries
  9. Authorities

This idea is highly valuable for society, especially men and based on my experience through unreasonable medications of patients who could not conceive their baby due to that azoospemia or severe oligozoospermia were detected after 2 year timing method of treatments in Japan. To prevent these cases, I suggest that men need to go to clinic or hospital for medical examination of reproductive organs. Moreover, I would like to recommend that using donor sperm is better choice for infertility couple with emotional burden from severe male factor via artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization (IVF) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).

Firstly, in the 9th Conference of the Pacific Rim Society for Fertility and Sterility in 2013, Hamid Rushwan who was in the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics in UK and Sudan presented adolescent sexual and reproductive health as the global issues. He suggested that women did not check their functions of uterine and ovary until they presented infertility to conceive babies. Moreover, the youth is not perfectly familiar to visit gynecology department of clinic or hospital, which means that the dysfunction of their organ could not be found earlier. Based on these facts, I thought that this situation is same to males.

Secondly, I had experience that severe oligozoospermia of semen was observed by semen analysis after a couple tried timing method for several years. I thought that it is definitely waste of time for them. Men could not realize that their reproductive parameters are below the lower ranges of WHO semen analysis standard.1 The problems are due to various reason that patient presented mumps, genetic disorder as Klinefelter syndrome and other factors. Moreover, my friend told me that he wanted to examine his semen quality but he was hesitated to go to clinic with his wife. I suggested him that you can go to investigate your semen in department of urology in clinics or hospitals. This means that nobody know how to check their semen and reproductive health medically. Male factor infertility can be 6 categories, which are sperm delivery disorders, genetic causes, developmental causes, obstructive causes, hormonal causes and acquired infertility. But, it is not so known to a lot of people who live in the both of developed and developing countries.

Thirdly, the using donor sperm was only choice to obtain successful pregnancies for infertility couples who were related to severe male factors. The frequencies of artificial insemination with donor sperm were dramatically dropped in the two decade while the use of ICSI became widespread.2 In some indications including the patient with severe male factor, lesbian couple and single–parent, the use of donor sperm is inevitable to get children. The only two publications available of IVF and ICSI by using donor sperm were reported.3,4 Recently, donor oocyte is commonly used for aged woman to get a pregnant and children.5 However, there is little report of criteria of using donor sperm for medical doctor and infertility couple. To resolve this issue, I strongly believe that the research of using donor sperm in IVF and ICSI cycle should be definitely essential and conducted for understanding of standard for using donor sperm.

In summary, it is indicated that semen analysis should be clinically friendly to the youth and that one of the resolution is to use donor sperm conceive the babies for infertility couple with severe male factors.



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