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eISSN: 2377-4304

Obstetrics & Gynecology International Journal


Received: January 01, 1970 | Published: ,

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Objective: To know the patient satisfaction on colposcopy services in Royal Bolton Hospital

Methods: Questionnaire was given to patients in clinic to be filled after the colposcopy/procedure. Total 65 questionnaires were given and 50 were received. A self-devised questionnaire was used.

Results: Patients were very satisfied with the explanation at each step of colposcopy and felt that overall communication was excellent. All patients except one were very happy to recommend colposcopy to their friends.

Discussion & Conclusion: This suggests that the centre (RBH) is doing well. The primary health services could be trained at the RBH. The study performed is a very small study but touches a very important aspect of women’s health and corroborates with other studies.

Keywords: Colposcopy, Cervical smears abnormality, Patient satisfaction


To know the patient satisfaction on colposcopy services in Royal Bolton Hospital.1,2


Audit was carried out in the obstetrics and gynaecology of Royal Bolton hospital by Uma Pandey SSHO obstetrics and gynaecology. Questionnaire was given to patients in clinic to be filled after the colposcopy/procedure. Total 65 questionnaires were given and 50 were received. A self-devised questionnaire was used.


58% of patients had waiting time between 4-8 weeks (Figure 1). 40 patients felt that waiting time was appropriate. Majority of patients were not happy about the explanation given to them before colposcopy (Figure 2).

Figure 1 Waiting time between 4-8 weeks.

Figure 2 Explanation by GP/Practise.

40% of patients had colposcopy within 15 minutes. 36% had colposcopy between 15-30 minutes while 21% had to wait for more than 30 minutes. Only one patient had to wait for more than 60 minutes. Only 5 patients out of 38 complained that operation performed was uncomfortable (Figure 3).

Figure 3 Uncomfortable procedures.

Patients were very satisfied with the explanation at each step of colposcopy and felt that overall communication was excellent. All patients except one were very happy to recommend colposcopy to their friends.


58% of patients had waiting time between 4-8 weeks and majority of patients (40/50) felt that waiting time was appropriate. 40% of patients had colposcopy within 15 minutes. Patients were very satisfied with the explanation at each step of colposcopy and felt that overall communication was excellent. Patients were happy to recommend the colposcopy clinic at RBH to others.

26.5% patients were satisfied with the explanation give by GP regarding smear abnormality and need for colposcopy and procedure. 24.48% complained the procedure was uncomfortable.

This suggests that the centre (RBH) is doing well. The primary health services could be trained at the RBH. The study performed is a very small study but touches a very important aspect of women’s health and corroborates with other studies.3-5



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