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eISSN: 2576-4519

Applied Bionics and Biomechanics

Editorial Volume 3 Issue 5

The 5G hazards

Kshitij Shinghal

Department of Electronics & Communication, MIT, India

Correspondence: Kshitij Shinghal, Associate Professor, Department of Electronics & Communication, MIT Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh, India

Received: October 16, 2019 | Published: October 22, 2019

Citation: Shinghal K. The 5G Hazards. MOJ App Bio Biomech. 2019;3(5):105?106. DOI: 10.15406/mojabb.2019.03.00113

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It is my pleasure to write this editorial for journal of Applied Bionics and Biomechanics (MOJABB). With recent development in the Technologies we are expectantly looking forward for the advent of the 5G next generation mobile networks and internet of things. Where everything will be connected to internet and will be able to communicate with its environment. 5G and next generation mobile network promises us a new environment in which everything whether in your office, school, college or workplace will be connected to internet. The machines will be able to interact with each other. Now no worries, if your printer cartridges are empty because printer itself will interact and order new cartridges from store, your refrigerator may automatically order to replenish the supplies of your fruit juice and so on. According to latest survey 5G will connect billions of device 100 times faster than 4G. 5G will work in millimeter wave range, having frequency band between 30Ghz to 300Ghz. At first glance this situation seems to be very pleasant as ease of operating everything will increase as everything you can imagine of will be able to connect with every other device with the help of internet providing better user interface and ergonomics. However there is a severe downside of using 5G technology as very soon we are going to surround ourselves with invisible web of radio frequency. For tradeoff between efficient communications of internet enabled machines human will be more surrounded to radio frequency radiations. These radio frequency radiations are very harmful and cause serious health hazards. Although every other agency is denying to the potential risks of exposure to 5G radiations, but the risk is for real. A low powered RF (Radio Frequency) dissipation (millimeter wave) is very harmful to living beings. The longer the exposure time more is the risk. Exposure of RF radiation caused due to 5G mobile radiations is linked to cancer, headaches, depression, anxiety, sleep issues and other ailments. Even long-term exposures to 5G mobile radiations can cause a cancerous growth in heart. The 5G wavelengths can even result in serious skin diseases, allergies and various eye diseases like redness, dry eyes, soreness heaviness etc. 5G emits radio frequencies that can even damage DNA of human beings it can lead to mutations caring genetic disorders and crippled off-springs. Exposure to 5G radiations can even cause development of cancerous cells, tumors it can also result in oxidative damage which causes premature aging, disrupted cell metabolism. It is the high time to take necessary precautions to protect ourselves from 5G radiations.

Suggestive precautions:

  1. Maintains distance from 5g towers as much as possible.
  2. Periodic calculation of levels of radiations around your surroundings
  3. Purchasing and installing an EMF shield according to the level of radiations around your surroundings.
  4. Planting radiation absorbing trees around your home.
  5. Eating balanced healthy diet, regular exercise/yoga and practicing meditation.
  6. Get Earthing done for your household
  7. Switching off the wireless devices, Smartphones, IOT enabled devices at night.
  8. Practicing digital detoxification at least once in a week and for at least 15 days in a year. A real picture of advertisement by Soluna Resort, Ramnagar, Uttrakhand, India is shown in Figure 1 which offers digital detoxification.

Figure 1 Digital detoxification offered by Soluna Resort, India.

Using Faraday cage i.e. shielding made of aluminum wire/foil can be used to block RF waves. MedCrave Online Journal of Applied Bionics and Biomechanics (MOJABB) is an International, Peer reviewed Journal of advanced technological developments based on the science of biological systems. The journal solicits research papers for its forthcoming issue in all aspects of bionic science and engineering including fundamental understandings of animals and plants for bionic engineering, such as locomotion and behaviors of animals, structures, composites, morphology and physical properties of plants and natural materials, applications of such understandings in engineering, technology and designs. Journal accepts Research Papers, Review Articles, Short Communications, Case Reports, Mini-Reviews, Opinions, Letter to Editors, etc. in this field which will be enlightening the scientific community. On behalf of the editorial team of the journal I invite authors from all over the world to share their innovative research and findings. Further I assure that the contents submitted to MedCrave will enjoy more visibility and will be peer reviewed too. You can submit your works on any topic of your expertise within the scope of journal. Journal ensures to share only high-quality content, so there is no room for copied or doubtful content to be published. You can submit work on any topic relevant to science. The content should be unique, original and the presentation must be of potential interest to the readers. You can submit your research articles too. These research papers must be original and must be in the major field of science. The research articles can include the findings and the methodology you used. You can also compile your evidences that lead to your conclusions. So once again I beseech timely submission of research papers for prospective publication in upcoming issue of the journal.


I have based this paper on the materials collected from several courses I’ve attended. Some of this information is also featured in various tutorials available online. In addition, I have also consulted several web pages while writing this article. I would also like to thank Mr. Amit Saxena and Ms. Deepti Shinghal for their valuable support, without their help this article would have been impossible to complete.

Conflict of interest

The authors declare there is no conflict of interest.

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©2019 Shinghal. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and build upon your work non-commercially.