These paper monitors the behaviour of fungi in slight heterogeneous phreatic bed, the study express the rate of pressure from diffusion on fungi deposition in the study environment, the refection of predominant deposition of diffusion were observed from the graphical representation. The simulation values generated the following results that ranged from 0.0024-0.0918, 1.0342-1.1842, 0.9054-0.0945, 1.087-0.02195, 0.0068-0.035, the study express the fluctuation base on the influence from this variables, the study area where there is fluctuation implies that diffusion deposition fluctuate in those strata, the reflection from this pressure were still insignificant as the concentration could not meet the required standard for quality groundwater to be consumed by human.
Keywords: numerical, diffusion fungi heterogeneous, phreatic bed, numerical modeling, concentration.
The cost of drinking water treatment and the taste and odor problems have increased significantly in the past decade. While nitrogen is a concern, phosphorous (P) is generally considered the most limiting nutrient. The majority of P loading to the lake in this area comes from surface-applied poultry litter. Of the 48,000kg/yr of phosphorous entering Lake Eucha, 69% is thought to come from poultry litter application as fertilizer to pasture and crops in the cost of drinking water treatment and the taste and odor problems have increased significantly in the past decade. While nitrogen is a concern, phosphorous (P) is generally considered the most limiting nutrient. The majority of P loading to the lake in this area comes from surface-applied poultry litter. Of the 48,000kg/yr of phosphorous entering Lake Eucha, 69% is thought to come from poultry litter application as fertilizer to pasture and crops in Excessive soil P concentrations can increase potential P transport to surface waters or leaching into the subsurface. This can have serious negative implications. Daniel et al. (1998) found that concentrations of P critical for terrestrial plant growth were an order of magnitude larger than concentrations at which lake eutrophication may occur Subsurface P transport is a less studied and understood transport mechanism compared to transport by overland flow, although abundant studies have reported its occurrence.1‒5 For example, Andersen and Krovang (2006) modified a P Index to integrate potential P transport pathways of tile drains and leaching in Denmark. Hively et al.2 considered transport of total dissolved P (TDP) for both base flow and surface runoff. Nelson et al.5 indicated that phosphorus leaching and subsurface transport should be considered when assessing long-term risk of P loss from waste amended soils. Kleinman et al.4 noted that the P leaching is a significant, but temporally and spatially variable transport pathway. From research on four grassland soils, Turner & Hunt et al.6 documented that subsurface P transfer, primarily in the dissolved form, can occur at concentrations that could cause eutrophication. Other researchers are beginning to emphasize colloidal P transport in the subsurface, as P attaches to small size particles capable of being transported through the soil pore spaces.7‒10 The Millennium Declaration in 2000 and the subsequent formulation of targets under the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) marked a fundamental change. As the official monitoring instrument for progress towards achieving MDG 7 target C, the JMP prepares biennial global updates of this progress. Prior to 2000, JMP assessments had been undertaken in 1991, 1993, 1996 and 2000. The results for the year 2000 survey are presented in Global water supply and sanitation assessment 2000 report (WHO/UNICEF, 2000), which contains data for six global regions: Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, Northern America, and Oceania. This report introduced a monitoring approach based on household surveys and censuses which has subsequently been refined. The methods and procedures lead to an estimate of numbers of people with access to improved water sources and improved sanitation. The Millennium Declaration in 2000 and the subsequent formulation of targets under the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) marked a fundamental change. As the official monitoring instrument for progress towards achieving MDG 7 target C, the JMP prepares biennial global updates of this progress. Prior to 2000, JMP assessments had been undertaken in 1991, 1993, 1996 and 2000. The results for the year 2000 survey are presented in Global water supply and sanitation assessment 2000 report (WHO/UNICEF, 2000), which contains data for six global regions: Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, Northern America, and Oceania. This report introduced a monitoring approach based on household surveys and censuses which has subsequently been refined. The methods and procedures lead to an estimate of numbers of people with access to improved water sources and improved sanitation. If the current trend continues, the MDG drinking-water target will be exceeded by 2015, but the sanitation target will be missed by about 1 billion people (over and above the 1.7 billion who would not have access even if the target were achieved). In the past, the JMP drew guidance from a technical advisory.
The Implicit Scheme Numerical Solution
But Velocity, v in meter per second (m/s).
Thus equation (1) becomes:
Converting the PDE to its algebraic equivalent equation by applying the finite different approximation technique for the implicit scheme, we obtain as follows.
Substituting equation (3) through (5) into (2) gives:
For cases where the initial and final conditions are given, boundary condition at the first node can be expressed as:
Hence, first node equation is expressed as:
Similarly, the last node boundary condition is:
For ; and for the first instance, we obtain as follows:
Arranging equations (6a) through (6i) in vector matrix gives:
Hence, at any point with time, the general form of the above equation is presented as:
Numerical Method were applied through the developed system to generate the governing equations, derived solution generated the derived model solution, this were simulated to monitor the contaminants at different depth, values of contaminant known as concentration at different depth were generated, this results are within the values of concentration from other experimental values from the same contaminant by other experts, validation of the developed model is a thorough concept for monitoring such microbes in deltaic environment