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Journal of
eISSN: 2373-6453

Human Virology & Retrovirology

Short Communication Volume 8 Issue 4

Urine Leukocytes and tendency of influenza virus

Muhammad Imran Qadir, Maira Ali Khan

Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Pakistan


Received: February 07, 2020 | Published: October 1, 2020

Citation: Qadir MI, Khan MA. Urine Leukocytes and tendency of influenza virus. J Hum Virol Retrovirolog. 2020;8(4):107-108. DOI: 10.15406/jhvrv.2020.08.00228

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We design the project to link influenza and leukocytes. In our research project one hundred people included. The subjects belonged to university. It was University from Pakistan Bahauddin Zakariya. The students were of age 21 to 25. There was a link between influenza and urine leukocytes.

Keywords: urine, leukocytes, influenza


Leukocytes are White Blood Cells (WBC) which includes in the measurement of complete blood cells (CBC). Normal level of white blood cells must be present in a body but higher level of it is a sign of infection. Normal WBCs are defending cells that fight against infections. High level of leukocytes in urine is a sign of kidney, bladder or urethra infections. In case of severe infections the level of leukocytes increases. Infections are up to dangerous levels for pregnant woman. If someone holds urine for a long time then he is most likely to have increase amount of leukocytes. Symptoms may be different for different individuals. Symptoms include strong smelly urine, pelvic pain. The men who have large prostates are at high risk of developing infections but woman are mostly affected to such infections. WBCs are in range of 4500-1100 per micro liter in bloodstream. Urine has lower amount of white blood cells than blood. Urine sample is required for the estimation of amount of leukocytes. Antibiotics are recommended to fight these infections. By staying hydrated one can avoid themselves from urinary tract infections.

In winters it is most difficult to avoid from infections like cold, flu. Viruses are more stable in the colder seasons and it sticks around longer. Influenza is caused by two types of viruses A or B. Flu is most aggressive virus and includes fever, body aches and fatigue. Public transport consumers, young children are particularly involved in getting sick. A person is most likely to have infections while in stress. Skin and saliva are barriers to infections. Our immune system requires strength to fight against infections. Sessional vaccines for flu are available to target those strains before you are going to be infected but sometimes our immune system itself fight against those strains we are already infected with.  We design the project to link influenza and leukocytes.

Materials and methods

In our research project one hundred people included. The subjects belonged to university. It was University from Pakistan Bahauddin Zakariya. The students were of age 21 to 25.

  1. Project designing

The project was designed by making a questioner. We took the urine samples of all the subjects and a dipstick was used to analyse the results. Dipsticks have ten regents on it and it gave results precise so it is the widely used method for urinalysis.


The table shows that there was a majority of individuals with negative test reports. The people who are sensitive for influenza showed greater percentage than for people who are not sensitive for influenza. Male showed a less percentage regarding flu tendency.


Negative (%)

75 (%)

25 (%)









Table 1 Link between urine leukocytes and tendency of flu


Negative (%)

50 (%)

75 (%)









Table 2 Link between urine leukocytes and influenza insensitive people


Flu sensitive

Flu Insensitive







Table 3 Positive test results among individuals


A recent study suggested that increase amount of urine leukocytes and bacteria elevate the liver infections as well. It elevates the urine tract infections. It is particularly affecting females. The link was also been done in past papers by having variables like influenza and blood group.


There was a link between influenza and urine leukocytes.



Conflicts of interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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