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Journal of
eISSN: 2373-6453

Human Virology & Retrovirology

Opinion Volume 5 Issue 4

Patient Derik

Charlie Walter Gorham

Computer Information Systems Consultant, USA

Correspondence: Charlie Walter Gorham, Computer Information Systems Consultant, PETS Counselor, Playwright, HIV Survivor, Jacksonville, North Carolina, USA

Received: March 25, 2017 | Published: April 5, 2017

Citation: Gorham CW (2017) Patient Derik. J Hum Virol Retrovirol 5(4): 00158. DOI: 10.15406/jhvrv.2017.05.00158

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The patient name is Derik. During our encounters, I discovered he suffered a lot of the same symptoms that I had from during my experience with HIV. These symptoms were frequent headaches, nose bleeds, unable to eat regular staple foods such as eggs, citrus fruits, not being able to hold food down, eyes turning bloodshot red, unable to see clearly at times and the list goes on and on. But when I asked him about his treatment plan, he didn’t have one though he visited an HIV Specialist every three months as I was. This doctor did not have him on any kinds of medications.

I asked him to visit my physicians, and he complied getting no results from his doctor. Upon visiting my doctor at that time of 7 years, he was immediately placed on an HIV regimen. When he went back to his former doctor to ask why she never diagnosed him as infected let alone have him on medications, she explained that she didn’t think he needed the drugs. With all the issues, he experienced, she gave no reason as to why he was not on any mediations.  He was last known to be doing very well and living a good life now that he knows what is wrong with him health wise.

When Derik found out his condition his health failed quickly like another person I knew in the early 90's when the medication and knowledge was not as widespread as it is today. Because of my Peer Education Training Site, PETS HIV Counselor training sponsored by Duke University, I would not have known how to help him cope with the news and learn to love himself and trust others again. That training has helped me be able to help so many others facing the same news.

Patient DB

This guy I met doing HIV testing door to door during the week of World AIDS Day. Bob like Derik was displaying symptom I was very familiar with. He tested positive for sure and was given information as well as a consultation about how the virus works and what he should be doing to help himself live through the difficult time. He had boils on his bum and thrush in his mouth as well as soars that were caused by excessive dry skin. I helped him get social and economic services through the clinic I visited Carolina Family Health Care Center in Wilson NC. There was treated and the last i heard from him grateful that I stopped by to give him that test.

The mental state of Bob was much different that Derik. Bob was not upset or worried. he was more concerned for the people he had slept with than himself. His attitude was amazing. he listened to the information I had provided for him. He did what he had to do to get better and he responded to treatment very well unlike Derik whose treatment took a while to become effective. Both Derik and Bob complied with their regimens requirements and took their medication regular. Like me they exercise regular and maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle free from drugs and alcohol and stresses of this world. At least I hope they are continuing in their ways and not falling or succumbing to life struggles.



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