Personalized medicine in prostate cancer: future perspectives for tailored treatments Alitto AR, Gatta R, Meldolesi E, Masciocchi C, Damiani A, Lanzotti V, Valentini V, Mantini G PDF | Full text | Share
The importance of cancer rehabilitation after breast surgery Stella Maris Glowinski PDF | Full text | Share
Understanding hidden perspectives in biology of cancer - approach to its prevention and management Jatinder Pal Singh Chawla,1 Gurmukh Dhaliwal,1 Inderjit Dhaliwal2 PDF | Full text | Share
Breast biopsy: the harvesting of lymph nodes presenting as lumps in a Nigerian community indicates that preventive cancer education is succeeding Wilson Onuigbo PDF | Full text | Share
Effectiveness of video assisted teaching (VAT) on knowledge and pre procedural anxiety level of patients undergoing mammography aims, Kochi Rani Merlin Babu,2 K T Moly,1 Priya Thomas1 PDF | Full text | Share