Prevalence of bacterial nosocomial infections in matibabu foundation hospital and ukwala sub county referral hospital in Siaya County Lucy Amanya Mutuli, Miriam Wepukhulu, Cecilia Mwani, Peter Bukhala PDF | Full text | Share
Diagnostic challenges of cryptococcus infection in Hiv patients Hussain Syed Iqbal,1 Sunil Suhas Solomon,1 Pachamuthu Balakrishnan1 PDF | Full text | Share
Phytoremediation enhanced with concurrent microbial plant growth promotion and hexavalent chromium bioreduction Vineet Kumar, Rishabh Omar, Shilpa Deshpande Kaistha PDF | Full text | Share
Bacterial genome and genomics: a perspective Abdolhassan Kazemi,1 Mostafa kazemi2 PDF | Full text | Share
The relationship between human campylobacteriosis and broilers Roy D Sleator,1 Brigid Lucey,1 James SG Dooley,2 William J Snelling,2 PDF | Full text | Share