Aims and Scope
Journal of Bacteriology & Mycology: Open access (JBMOA) is a multi-disciplinary open access peer-reviewed journal presenting novel research about bacteriology and mycology. Mycology deals with the study of biology, fungi, and their genetic and biochemical properties, their taxonomy and their use to humans as a source for tinder, medicine, and entheogens, as well as their dangers, such as poisoning or infection, where as bacteriology deals with the study of bacteria. This journal focus on classification, identification, characterization of bacterial and fungal species and the infection and health problems caused by these bacteria and fungus. JBMOA is delighted to accept research papers, review articles, short communications, case reports, mini-reviews, opinions, letter to editors, etc.
- Mycotoxicology
- Protistology
- Microbiology
- Bacterial Proteins?
- Bacterial Patterns
- Bacterial Phyla
- Bacterial Proteins
- Clinical Bacteriology
- Clinical Mycology
- Fungal Infections
- Fungal Pharmaceutics
- Fungal Proteins
- Probiotics
- Bacterial Enzymology
- Bacterial Adhesin
- Medical and Pharmaceutical Microbiology
- Microbial Cytology
- Microbial Physiology
- Microbial Genetics
- Systems Microbiology
- Industrial Microbiology
- Food and Dairy Microbiology
- Agricultural and Plant Microbiology
- Viral pathogenesis & Antiviral agents
- Environmental and Aquatic Microbiology
- Microbial Biotechnology
- Water Microbiology
- Medical and Pharmaceutical Microbiology
- Applied Microbiology
- Microbial Ecology
- Bioremediation
- Nano-microbiology
- Virology and Viral Therapy
- Anti-Microbial Agents
- Aquatic microbiology
- Medical Microbiology
- Intestinal Microbiology
- Environmental Microbiology
- Microbial Enzyme
- Microbes
- Microbial Genetics
- Soil Microbiology
- Molecular Microbiology
- Predictive Microbiology
- Diagnostic Microbiology
- Antifungals
- Antimicrobial Agents
- Antimicrobials
- Antimicrobial Activity
- Antinuclear Antibodies
- Clinical Microbiologist
- Clinical Microbiology Reviews
- Industrial Microbiology
- Bacteriology
- Microbial cytology
- Microbial physiology
- Microbial ecology
- Microbial genetics
- Cellular microbiology
- Evolutionary microbiology
- Microbial taxonomy
- Generation microbiology
- Astro microbiology
- Agricultural microbiology
- Plant microbiology
- Aero microbiology
- Pharmaceutical microbiology
- Oral microbiology
- Mycology
- Pathogenic Bacteria
- Viral Disease
- Mycobacterial Diseases
- Bacterial Infection
- Viral Infection
- Fungal Infection
- Medical Microbiology
- Hepatitis Virus
- Microbial Genomics
- Staphylococcus aureus
- Human Immunodeficiency Virus
- Cholera
- Ebola Virus Disease
- Rotavirus Infection
- Pathogenic Fungi
- Mushroom Cultivation
- Mushroom Hunting
- Mycology microscopy
- Clinical mycology
- Edible mushrooms
- Bioremediation
- Fungus Reproduction
- Fungal Evolution
- Fungal Biomass
- Fungal infections
- Epidemiology
- Veterinary mycology
- Biodiversity
- Symboisis
- Marine Fungi
- Mucormycosis
- Plant Pathology
- Medicinal Fungi
- Cellulose Inhibitors
- Biodegradation