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eISSN: 2373-6437

Anesthesia & Critical Care: Open Access

News Volume 4 Issue 6

Presenting the Latin American Initiative for Education in Airway Management

Guiillermo Navarro,1,2 Quintero Kathleen1,2

1Director del Capítulo de Vía Aérea Difícil de la Confederación Latinoamericana de Sociedades de Anestesia (CLASA), Argentina
2Director del Grupo Entrenamiento en Vía Aérea Latinoamérica (EVALa), Argentina

Correspondence: Guiillermo Navarro, Argentina

Received: November 27, 2015 | Published: May 3, 2016

Citation: Navarro G, Kathleen Q (2016) Presenting the Latin American Initiative for Education in Airway Management. J Anesth Crit Care Open Access 4(6): 00165. DOI: 10.15406/jaccoa.2016.04.00165

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What is Eva La?

EVA LA is an Airway Management Course, developed by the Airway Management Commission of CLASA

CLASA (Confederación Latinoamericana de Sociedades de Anestesiología) is a group consisting of 21 members anesthesia societies in the Latin American region with a membership of more than 45,000 anesthesiologists. It is a nonprofit organization founded in 1962 to promote continuous medical education, scientific and technological advances in order seek best practices in anesthesia. EVA LA was conceived by the Airway Management Commission of CLASA in 2011, and held its first course in Rosario, Argentina in December 2012

CLASA membership

  1. Argentina
  2. Bolivia
  3. Brasil
  4. Chile
  5. Colombia
  6. Costa Rica
  7. Cuba
  8. Republica Dominicana
  9. Ecuador
  10. El Salvador
  11. Guatemala
  12. Haiti
  13. Honduras
  14. Mexico
  15. Nicaragua
  16. Panama
  17. Paraguay
  18. Peru
  19. Puerto Rico
  20. Uruguay
  21. Venezuela

The CLASA Commission of Management of the Airway was awarded with the prize “Best Scientific Development” in the CLASA Congress in Paraguay 2013.

EVA LA Professors

  1. Argentina

Guillermo Navarro
Ruben Allori

  1. Brasil

Marcio Pinho

  1. Chile

Haydee Osses
Mario Poblete
Jose Guzman
Sebastian Monsalves
Gabriela Rodriguez
Miguel Vega

  1. Colombia

Nelson Gonzalez
Juan Pablo Caicedo
Juan Carlos Rincon
Javier Esteban Toro
Mario Andres Zamudio

  1. Ecuador

Victor Mena
Hector Martinez
Marco Vinueza

  1. Mexico

Cecilia Sandoval
Juan Carlos Flores
Juan Carlos Gutierrez
Igancio Carlos Hurtado
Francisco Martinez

  1. Nicaragua

Alba Maysonet
Javier Bravo

  1. Panama

Kathleen Quintero

  1. Paraguay

Rodrigo Sosa

  1. Uruguay

Liliana Ciuffreda

  1. Venezuela

Alfredo Vetencourt
Xavier Marquez


The EVA LA Group is an academic and educational unit created with the goal of disseminating scientific information, acquired knowledge and evidence based studies as an essential resource in meeting international standards and improving patient care.

The First EVA LA meeting was organized by 12 anesthesiologists within CLASA from different Latam countries in Rosario, Argentina in December 2012 with 120 participants.

The course profile contains a full array of techniques, teaching methodologies and devices, in the form of plenary sessions, roundtable discussions, clinical scenarios and simulation workshops as well as hands on workshops in fiberoptics, videolaringoscopy, supraglottic devices, ultrasound, pediatrics and surgical airway techniques.

EVA LA teachers come from all the member countries of Latin America, as well as invitees from Europe and United States of America. To date EVA LA has trained more than 2000 anesthesiologists in the region.

EVA LA plans to offer 6 courses a year in order to train 1000 anesthesiologists annually.

-*Patience and Perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.*-
John Quincy Adams

Since 2011 The Airway Management Commission have been awarded to Argentina. Dr. Guillermo Navarro is the director of the Airway Management Commission.

Where have the EVA´s been held?

Plenary Sessions

Simulation and Hospital Workshops

Pro Con

Airway Ultrasound

Hands on Workshop

Interactive Sessions

Social Activities

Commercial Areas



Conflicts of interest

Author declare that there is no conflict of interest.




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