Effect of bisphosphonates on the anterior region of the mandible in a patient. A proposal of a clinical case Julio César Chi Rivas,1 Lucia María Escobedo Batista2 PDF | Full text | Share
Gut health and skin health connection: a case of probiotic-associated contact dermatitis resolution. Implications for radiation therapy Renee Badolato,1 Marco Ruggiero2 PDF | Full text | Share
Ultrasonographic findings in right hypochondriac quadrant in patients with acute abdomen diagnosis Francisco Romero-Valerio,1 Ethel Raquel Felipe-Cardoso,2 Adriana Bustos-Valdillo,2 Jessica Camacho-Ruíz,3 Brenda Paullette Morales- Hernández4 PDF | Full text | Share
Iodinated hydrogel as a tissue fiducial marker for image-guided radiation therapy in bladder cancer Huong Ho, Alice Thomson, Damien Bolton, Yee Chan, George Koufogiannis, Kevin McMillan, Farshad Foroudi, Daryl Lim Joon, Michael Chao PDF | Full text | Share
A Buddhist philosophical framework for understanding the experience of cancer and radiotherapy Marco Ruggiero PDF | Full text | Share