Review Article Volume 2 Issue 3
Member of the National Court of Water, National Water Authority, Peru
Correspondence: Edilberto Guevara-Pérez, Member of the National Court of Water, National Water Authority, Peru
Received: March 28, 2018 | Published: May 2, 2018
Citation: Guevara-Pérez E. Planning of applied research in water development projects in Peru. Int J Hydro. 2018;2(3):266-276. DOI: 10.15406/ijh.2018.02.00079
Peru is a country rich in water; but, like the other countries of South America, the spatial distribution, the temporary regime and the problems of pollution cause the country to confront conflicts related to the availability, opportunity and quality of the resource. Therefore, this paper describes the lines and research proposals to confront the problems that occur in the different stages of water resources development projects. It describes the particularities of the resource, the components of the exploitation projects and the different aspects that must be investigated to optimize the use of water within a sustainable framework.
Water is the most abundant substance in nature, is the main constituent of all living beings and is an important force that modifies the earth's surface; it is a key factor for the progress of civilization. Nearly 96.5% of the planet's water is found in the oceans. If the earth were a uniform sphere, this amount would be enough to cover it to a depth of about 2.6 kilometers; of the rest, 1.7% is in the polar ice caps, 1.7% in underground springs and only 0.1% in the surface and atmospheric water systems. Two thirds of the fresh water is polar ice and the rest is groundwater that goes from 200 to 600 meters deep. Most of the underground water below this depth is saline. Only 0.006% of fresh water is in the rivers. The biological water fixed in the tissues of plants and animals, represents about 0.003% of all fresh water, equivalent to half of the water contained in the rivers.1,2 Peru is a country rich in water, but the spatial distribution, the temporary regime and pollution problems make the country confront conflicts related to the availability, opportunity and quality of the resource. Therefore, it is necessary to undertake lines of research to analyze the problems mentioned in the different stages of water resources development projects and find solutions to this problem. This paper describes the particularities of the resource, the components of the projects and the different aspects that must be investigated to optimize the use of water within a framework of sustainable development.
The water cycle comprises four parts:
For millennia, humanity has considered water as a non-modifiable element of the globe, like air; and in antiquity, in an essentially rural world, water was greatly disconnected from economic circuits since the source, the river, the well and the cistern fed the populations without any cost or very low, depending on the servile condition or not of the workforce. Water was a gift from the gods. The aversion to modify the cycle of nature is evident even in the ancient Romans and city dwellers in particular. So they turned the mills night and day and fed giant fountains and hot springs. The nautical games needed the creation of specific circuses, the naumaquias. The historian Pierre Grimal calls Rome "the city of water", since eleven important aqueducts fed the city at the end of the empire. But, already to the 144 before J.C., the technique of the inverted siphons was dominated thanks to the use of conduits of lead, abundant metal in present-day Spain. According to bibliographical sources, the available water transported per inhabitant reached in Rome approximately 1000liters/day under the rule of Trajan (98-117 after J.C.). But this evaluation does not take into account huge leaks and losses of the old network. Fall Rome, then Constantinople, the taste for the fountains, for the water games and the hot springs is perpetuated and perfected in the Arab and Persian world, before penetrating again in Europe in the Baroque period. However, the fashion of thermalism only really took place in the eighteenth century and especially in the nineteenth century, with the rediscovery of the body and the cult of hygiene. Marienbad, Vichy, Baden-Baden, Spa, Bath and Montecatini flourished. In France, the Empress Eugenia promoted by her example the spas. Guy de Maupassant realistically describes in "Mont-Oriol" (1887), the birth of a thermal city in the countryside.3,4 Water was a gift from the gods as the source tree or holy tree of the Canary Islands, which captured water from the mist until 1610 and fed the pre-Columbian populations of the island of Hierro.5 For the Incas, Lake Titicaca was the center of the original world. In Aztec Mexico, Tlaloc was the god of rain. Symbolized by a frog or a frog, it was the divinity of the peasants. In fact, water was the essential factor in the stability and organization of the pre-Columbian peoples of Mexico. Finally, in the new world, around 1730, the coming of rain was still a divine phenomenon for Bartolomeo Arzáns, chronicler of Potosí, the largest American city of the seventeenth century.6
One of the sources of danger and conflicts of water are the diseases of parasitic, bacterial and viral origin related to water that is much expanded. Man propagates them by poor hygiene or by erroneous behavior in front of water. The parasitosis of water origin dominates very much the pathology of the inhabitants of the third world: malaria (1 million deaths per year, 100 to 150 million cases per year, corresponding 90% to Africa, and 300 million carriers of parasites), sistosomiasis (300 million people at risk), filariasis, etc. Among the bacteria, the cholera vibrio is still the most infamous in Europe because of the pandemic of 1854 (about 150,000 deaths in France). In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, seven global pandemics caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. Among viruses, hepatitis A is like cholera, a disease of dirty hands and contaminated water. To this entourage, we must add the dysenteries of parasitic, bacterial and viral origin very serious in the newborn. Among the historical risks of water are the great rains and historical floods; thus, the eight humid 1313-20 years affected all of Europe and produced in 1315-16 one of the worst famines of the Middle Ages. In Winchester, England, the hay did not dry anymore, the crops were ridiculous, the oxen lost their four horseshoes, the eels spread outside the ponds, etc. The price of grain reached three times the average calculated for the period 1270-1350. The number of deaths was not exceeded by the great plague of 1349. Beside natural calamities, the misuse of soils multiplies landslides and triggers erosion, especially in arid and semi-arid mountainous areas. But water has also served as a point of support for civilizations. Since ancient times, water control implied power in the Middle East, where it is particularly rare. The historian Wittfogel could speak of "hydraulic" civilizations based on the ownership and mastery of water management. The Egyptian, Assyrian and Sabaean civilizations are obvious examples of this. They flourished in environments that became sensibly as arid as they are today.
In the 8th century BC, the "quanats" - underground artificial channels that transport water over long distances - were invented by the inhabitants of Urartu in present-day Turkey. This exploitation of the waters, generally arising from the drainage of aquifers, will spread in Persia, Egypt, India, Greece, the Maghreb, where it is known as "foggaras", in the Canaries: the galleries, etc.7 Dan Gill proposes a scenario based on the Old Testament, in which the taking of Jerusalem by King David would have been done by taking the underground conduits of the city, fed by the waters of the Gihon fountain. However, the most obvious case of the importance of water was the fall of the kingdom of Saba, symbolically attributed to the destruction of the only dam of Marib (around the third century after J.C.). In the Surata of the flies of the Koran, the impiety of the inhabitants of that kingdom made it disappear because of water, the same element that had allowed its prosperity.8 Even today, Israel carefully monitors its water supply and only a powerful interconnected network is able to meet its needs. The Palestinian entity will quickly face the lack of water and, therefore, its dependence on the Hebrew state. Other well-known contemporary cases are those of the international rivers where the countries located upstream can control the flows of those located downstream. Egypt depends on the political situation in Ethiopia, the true water castle of the Nile, a country whose reservoirs and future intakes could render the Aswan dam and its irrigated agriculture obsolete. Roman law considered running water as a common thing and, therefore, the rivers of continuous flow and its banks were outside trade. In the feudal system, political-military power was always limited by rural communities, who considered water as a common good whose incessant renovation prevented the seigneurial appropriation. In France, the royal power by the Edict of the Mills of 1566 declared that part of the domain of the crown was formed by all the rivers and tributaries that carried ships; except for fishing rights, mills, barges and other uses that individual could have as possession. Water has been a source of irrigation in the world. The aridity of the soil retards and prevents the germination of the seed and the development of the plants; therefore, in places where rains are scarce, or in those in which the rainfall regime is not suitable for planting, the irrigation of the land is the only solution to maintain the productivity of the soil.
The science of irrigation is not limited to the application of water to the soil, but includes the entire process from the basin to the plot and from there to the drainage channel. Irrigation experts are concerned with the study of water sources, currents, their distribution and regulation, and the drainage problems that these irrigation practices imply. Throughout its history, civilization has been influenced by the evolution of irrigation. But water is also a victim of pollution. The pollution caused by man is essentially chemistry; but also physical, organic and thermal. Among the chemical pollutants are the heavy metals, with the massive use of pesticides, since 1885 in the vineyard with the "Bordeaux soup" (liquid based on copper sulphate for the protection of the vineyard). More recently, nitrates are introduced into water, by intensification of livestock and excessive fertilization in rich countries or by the lack of good latrines in third world cities. Also, for a short time, phosphorus has become a problem for the quality of stagnant water because it enriches excessively or deoxygenates, with the over-abundant fertilization of soils and the generalization of the direct drainage of water evacuated from houses. Paradoxically, the progress of individual hygiene and the use of phosphate detergents produced a pollutant that also affects the seas, such as the Adriatic, with spectacular and nauseating green tides.9‒13 Heavy metals are very controlled, since the diseases they cause are all the more dangerous the more they concentrate on the biological chain. Let's cite the lead (maximum threshold tolerated by the current European standard 0.05mg/l) with lead poisoning, an intoxication very widespread in Roman antiquity when the water conduits were of this metal. We can also cite mercury (0.001mg/l tolerated) with Minamata disease, from the name of the Japanese locality where this disease wreaked havoc after the Second World War, affecting men and cats that ate contaminated fish. But, since the 16th century, mercury constantly pollutes the rivers and waters of the Andes, especially around mining operations. The introduction of this chemical element in the metallurgy of silver, in 1572, initiates the formidable wealth of Potosí. Although built at an altitude of 4000meters and isolated in the Andes, the city had more than 150,000 inhabitants between 1610 and 1650, that is, approximately the same population as Paris at that time. Dozens of mills and factories installed in the course of the Ribera de Vera Cruz crushed the silver ore, at the beginning of the seventeenth century, to amalgamate it with mercury. Now, the old and the new silver ore scoriae are still licked by the arroyos of the high lands until the Pilcomayo, while the pollution caused by the mercury has sharpened downstream of the gold deposits in the rivers that descend towards the Bolivian, Peruvian and Brazilian Amazon. Intermingled in this historical account of the relationship between water and man are the lines of research that must be undertaken to avoid or solve the problems that emerge in the use of water resources.
Water, like air, is legally considered as a non-alienable common good. In some countries, however, this resource is privately owned and its possession is subject to certain rights of ownership or preference, creating ethical problems, although fortunately, the use is regulated, especially in terms of quality support and mitigation of the negative effects on the other resources of the basin derived from a bad use of water. For this reason, it has been considered convenient to include in this work the ethical and legal aspects related to the use of water. The content is based fundamentally on Guevara.11,12
Natural use of water
From the philosophical point of view, the natural, just or ethical concepts of water could be seen as a naturalistic fallacy, since Hume and Moore know that natural behavior has no connection with what is right or wrong, that is, there is no difference between fair use and natural use of water. If we accept that rivers and currents are not moral agents, it is even more difficult to establish the connection between ethical use and natural use, which forces swimming upstream against natural law and philosophy.
Events and actions are natural in several ways, which require differentiation:
Archaic use of water
The doctrine of the right of preference or lordship to justify its existence has coined the term of beneficial use, as a mixture of the ethical, the natural and the social; the first owner is required to make a beneficial use (includes vital biological, cultural and monetary use). But beneficial means archaic, because the logic is: if the right is older, it is better; that is to say that between competing uses, the preferential or header right dominates; whoever used the water first has the right of preference. If first, then more natural?, more ethical?. Right of preference has a clear legal content here, that is the law. Could the right of preference also have a moral content? or some biological or ecosystemic content ?. In the past, when the availability of water resources exceeded demands, the right of preference of seniors over juniors was not a problem. Currently, when uses are highly competitive, the manor does not allow access to surpluses, forcing the negotiation of rights and making the right of preference based on criteria of possession and need for stability of property rights and rapacity of current users who, when taking possession of the resource, did not consider the right of previous possession. The first Europeans who arrived to all parts of the globe claimed the discovery of the resources and claimed their possession (without taking into account the previous system of property rights) establishing the right of preference. Natural resources are not discovered, they are there and they should not be taken on property. Then another argument would be that of property in the sense of adequacy, not of belonging, which gives rise to the appropriate use of water; that is, that seniors can exercise their right of preference over the use of water, only while it is not against the vital interests of junior users or the ecosystem, for the benefit of future generations. This last aspect is consistent with the universally recognized water use priorities, in the following order: domestic, agricultural, industrial, other uses.
Economic use of water
The preemptive rights can be transferred by inheritance and then negotiated, converting said rights into not entirely moral facts, since the concept of water is passed as a preferential right to the concept of water as a commodity. The flow is no longer towards seniors, but towards money. There is no reason to think that the right of preference determines the use, that right has been washed and now use is determined by economic power. Control passes from the senior to the rich; that is to say, the economic forces prevail over the historical ones, passing from the archaic use to the economic use of water. Economical here does not mean efficient. Now, if before we were not sure that the right of preference was ethical, much less we are with respect to economic use. Although everyone can do what they want with their money, even acquire the right of preference for the use of water, but such use can not be to the detriment of the rights of others, that is, the proper use of the Water. In the strict sense of the natural, you do not pay for water but for the infrastructure implemented for its use, that is, you pay for water once it enters the distribution system. In connection with this we have the fact that normally the projects of hydraulic exploitation are very expensive to be financed by a person. Normally the funding sources are public or community; in those cases, the payment for the use or service is made by the Water Authority to amortize the capital used in the works; the water is still free, it is not left to the free market, it is paid for the service. In this modality, political and social criteria predominate.
Eco-systemic use of water
Ecology and ecosystem have the same root: oikos = house, they have to do with logic, the law of the home. Culturally, water is part of the home, we need it domestically, in agriculture and industrially; but first it is part of the home in a natural way. We are part of a community that includes soil, water, plants, animals, or collectively, ecosystem. This is probably the reason why the cultural use of water is free, as is air or sunlight. This is what constitutes the systemic eco-use of water, which also includes the reserves of scenic channels that can not be used. Using water ecosystematically the integrity, stability and beauty of the biotic community is preserved.
Unnatural use of water
Non-natural uses are those that are not desirable because they cause damage to the environment. There are several uses of water that are considered unnatural or inadequate:
From the considerations made on environmental ethics and the use of water, a series of research lines related to water resources are also revealed.
The management of water resources in Peru presents different realities in its three main geographical zones: the coast, the highlands and the Amazon. The coast, developed and densely populated, but dry, has large hydraulic infrastructures and a viable institutional framework for integrated water management. The mountain range, with abundant water resources, has little infrastructure, a large part of its population is poor, and its institutions for water management are generally traditional in nature. The Peruvian Amazon, with the lowest density of population and infrastructure in the country, covers half of the Peruvian territory and gives birth to the Amazon River. At present, the Government is carrying out an important transformation in the management of its water resources, previously focused on the development of irrigation in the coastal zone. The objective is an integrated management of water resources at the basin level that includes the entire country, not just the coast. Despite important advances, such as the creation of the National Water Authority, several challenges remain, such as:
History of water resources management and recent developments
During the last century, the Peruvian government has been the highest authority in the management of water resources and the main investor in hydraulic infrastructure. The hydraulic development, traditionally focused on the construction of infrastructure such as dams and irrigation to meet the growing water demand of a growing population and agriculture sector, especially on the coast. For example, in the 1950s and 1960s, the San Lorenzo and Tinajones dams, the largest in Peru, were built in the northern region. In the 70s, continued development of hydraulic infrastructure on the coast (MINAG). In the zones of the highlands and the Amazon, water resources have traditionally been managed through informal associations of users, the irrigation committees, which control the rudimentary hydraulic infrastructures. The Peruvian government has had little presence in the area, as well as state or international investments. Thus, at the beginning of the 21st century, Peru has a coastal zone with numerous hydraulic infrastructure controlled by structured and developed Users' Boards. In the highlands and the Amazon, with lands of scattered crops and less than one hectare, the implementation of User Boards is a process still being implemented. Irrigation committees continue to be an important actor in the management of water resources.
Surface and underground water resources
Peru has a large amount of water resources, with 106 basins and a per capita availability of 68,321m3 in 2006, well above the average for South America, 45,399m3. According to FAO14 estimates, the long-term annual rainfall average is 1,738 m. There is considerable seasonal variability in river runoff, with two-thirds occurring between January and April. In addition, Peru concentrates 71% of the tropical glaciers of the Central Andes. The Andes divide Peru into three natural drainage basins: the Pacific basin, with 279,689km2; Atlantic basin with 956, 751km2; and Lake Titicaca basin with 48,775km2.14‒16 According to data from ANA15 the dry Pacific basin, with 37.4km3 available per year, represents 1.8% of Peru's renewable water resources. Its 53 rivers, which flow westward from the Andes, supply most of the water in the coastal region. Only about 30% of these rivers are perennial. From 1984 to 2000, the average availability of water decreased to 33 million m3; and from 2003 to 2004, to 20million m³. The extraction for agriculture represents 14million m³ (or 80% of the total use of water) and for domestic consumption, 2million m3 (12% of the total). The Atlantic basin contains 97% of all available water and receives almost 2,000km3 of rainfall per year. Agriculture also accounts for 80% of water use while domestic consumption is 14%. The Lake Titicaca basin receives 10km3. In this basin, the agricultural use of water represents 66%, while domestic consumption is 30% shows in Table 1.
Basin |
Population |
Water availability |
per capita water availability |
Water use in |
Pacific |
70 |
37,4 |
2.027 |
53 |
Atlantic |
26 |
1.998,7 |
291.703 |
32 |
Titicaca Sea |
4 |
10,1 |
9.715 |
13 |
Total |
100 |
2.046,3 |
77.534 |
98 |
Table 1 key characteristic of drainage basins
Source: ANA16
Different external tributaries contribute about 125km³ per year to the Amazon River, in the Atlantic basin. The main tributaries are Napo, Tigre, Pastaza, Santiago, Morona, Cenepa and Chinchipe. According to figures from the National Institute of Natural Resources INRENA, the total amount of groundwater available on the coast varies between 35 and 40km3. There are specific data only about eight coastal valleys, with 9km3 of groundwater available. Approximately 1.8km3 are currently extracted on the coast. There is not enough information on the availability and extraction of groundwater in the highland and Amazon regions14 in Table 2.
Sector |
Water extraction in |
Water extraction in |
Urban |
367,0 |
19,9 |
Agriculture |
911,0 |
49,5 |
Industrial |
553,0 |
30,1 |
Table 2 Extraction of groundwater by sectors in the peruvian coast
Source: ANA16
Storage capacity and infrastructure
In 1980, the National Institute of Natural Resources of Peru (INRENA) established an inventory of Peru's water storage capacity, including lakes and dams. Peru has 12,201 lakes, of which 3,896 are in the Pacific basin, 7,441 in the Atlantic basin, 841 in the Titicaca basin and 23 in the closed Huarmicocha basin. INRENA reports that 186 lakes are used with a total capacity of 3km3 and 342 lakes with a total capacity of 3.9km3 are without any intervention. Currently, the largest number of lakes used are in the Pacific basin, with 105 lakes and a total capacity of 1.3km3, followed by the Atlantic basin with 76 lakes and a capacity of 1.6km3. Peru has 23 reservoirs with a total capacity of 1.9 km3 and has sufficient geographic conditions to build some 238 reservoirs with a total capacity of 44km3. The Pacific basin has 21 reservoirs with a total capacity of 1.8km3; the Atlantic basin has 2 reservoirs with a capacity of 0.06km3. The largest reservoirs are Poechos with a capacity of 1km3, Tinajones with 0.32km3, San Lorenzo with 0.25km3 and El Fraile with 0.20km3; all in the coastal region. (INRENA).
Water quality
The gradual decrease in water quality in Peru is due to untreated discharges, especially from the illegal mining industry (small-scale mining) and environmental liabilities, but also from municipalities and agriculture. Of the 53 rivers in the coastal zone, 16 are partially contaminated with lead, manganese and iron (mainly by illegal mining) and threaten irrigation and increase the cost of drinking water supply to coastal cities. Specifically, Ministery of Agriculkture of Peru considers the quality of the Moche, Santa, Mantaro, Chillón, Rimac, Tambo and Chili rivers to be "alarming". In addition, the 18 mining facilities located along the Mantaro River discharge untreated water into the main stream, threatening the water supply of the country's largest hydroelectric plant. Inefficient irrigation systems have generated problems of salinization and drainage in 300,000 ha of the coastal valleys (of a total irrigated area of 736,000 hectares), endangering the productivity of these lands. Drainage problems also affect 150,000 ha of the Amazon region. In the altiplano and Amazon zones, excessive deforestation produced by nomadic farming practices is causing erosion and soil degradation. In the mountains, between 55 and 60% of the earth is affected by this problem which increases the transport of substances downstream.
Management of water resources by sector
Drinking water and sanitation: Domestic consumption in Peru represents 7% of water withdrawal. The water and sanitation sector in Peru has made considerable progress over the past two decades, including increasing access to water from 30% to 62% between 1980 and 2004. Access to sanitation also increased from 9% to 30 % from 1985 to 2004. Progress has also been made in the disinfection of drinking water and wastewater treatment.
Despite these advances, water and sanitation services in Peru are characterized by low coverage and quality of service, as well as by the precarious financial situation of their suppliers. This, together with the lack of incentives to improve the management of the sector, has reduced investments to a minimum level, which is affecting the sustainability of supply.
Irrigation and drainage: Approximately 80% of the water extraction in Peru is used for irrigation; however, most of the water (70%) is lost due to the dependence on inefficient irrigation systems shows in Table 3.
Region |
Infrastructure (a) |
% |
Irrigation (b) |
% |
(b/a) |
Costa |
1.19 |
68 |
736 |
66 |
61 |
Sierra |
453 |
26 |
289 |
26 |
63 |
Selva |
109 |
6 |
84 |
8 |
77 |
Total |
1.752 |
100 |
1.109 |
100 |
Table 3 Area with irrigation infrastructure and irrigated areas (in thousands of hectares)
Source: ANA16
Hydropower: In 2006, 72% of Peru's total electricity generation (27.4TWh) came from hydroelectric plants with conventional thermal plants that only operated during periods of peak demand or when hydroelectric production was restricted by meteorological phenomena. Hydropower represents 48% of the total installed capacity. The extraction of non-potable water for hydroelectric generation represents 11,138million m³ per year. The largest hydroelectric facility in the country is the 900 MW Mantaro complex in southern Peru, operated by the state company ELECTROPERÚ. The two hydroelectric plants in the complex generate more than a third of Peru's total electricity supply.
Aquatic ecosystems: In Peru there are 12,201 lakes and lagoons, of which 3,896 are in the Pacific basin, 7,441 in the Atlantic basin, 841 in the Titicaca basin and 23 in the Huarmicocha system. There are also approximately 5 million ha of wetlands and 4500 ha of mangroves. The wetlands of Peru play an important role for rural communities. These wetlands are the source of animal and totora proteins, a plant that is used in the artisanal production of boats and floating elements. Estuaries are also essential for the reproduction of several basic marine species for the fishing industry. Other uses, such as industrial algae production and bird watching tourism, have not yet been fully developed. In 1996, the government implemented a National Strategy for the Conservation of Wetlands with the objective of increasing the amount of mangroves, swamps, estuaries and lagoons considered protected areas. Uncertainty about land ownership, industrial pollution, urban growth and deforestation continue to threaten the integrity of Peruvian wetlands. The Pucchún lagoon in Arequipa, of 5,000 ha, has been completely dried for agricultural purposes. The Pantanos de Villa, located south of Lima, were reduced from the original 5,000 hectares to 300 hectares in 1989 as a result of the urban growth of the city of Lima. When analyzing the situation of water resources in Peru, it is observed that this aspect constitutes a well-paid field for research.
The planning of projects of hydraulic utilization is carried out in several stages. From the definition of single-purpose or uni-sectorial projects, the consideration is given to those with multiple or multisectoral purposes and that of Integral projects. The latter are formulated as instruments for the organization of large areas of regional development, based on the water resource and the development strategies defined in the national plans for these areas and in the policies and strategies of water resources management. The hydraulic projects are framed within a broad context of territorial ordering in accordance with the guidelines on the matter dictated by the pertinent instance, aspects that also demand investigation oriented to the solution of problems. They begin with the construction of land reclamation works, that is, works for the regulation or control of river beds, drainage, viability and conservation of the basin. Land reclamation pursues as a fundamental task the execution of a program of exploitation of wide territorial coverage. As part of the integral development hydraulic projects, the construction of wells and lagoons, the works for the consolidation of already constructed irrigation systems, the infrastructure for small irrigation systems, the reservoirs for multiple purposes and the works of rehabilitation of the basins. The planning of hydraulic works is very complex. It usually happens that the solution of problems that in a first examination seem very clear; it is seen later, when a more detailed investigation is carried out, which depends on the previous solution of other more fundamental problems. For example, it is not uncommon for a water catchment area to require the construction of terraces as a means of combating surface run-off, and that, at the same time, it is impossible to build such terraces until some means of transport has been found. Rationalization of a land ownership regime based on excessive parcelling. Similarly, in some areas, the need for forestry reforestation is evident, but such reforestation will not be successful until some changes are introduced in traditional grazing servitudes in these areas. It also often happens that an aspect of the development of a reception basin depends on what is done in other places. The capacity of accumulation of water with which the reservoirs are projected will depend partially on the measures adopted to combat erosion in the land of the catchment area. The plans for the regulation of grazing depend on the possibility of having another source of fodder for the animals. All these aspects of the improvement of watersheds are interrelated, and careful planning is necessary if the works are to succeed. It is not easy to draw a line between planning and project. In general, planning refers to the formulation of decisions as to what should be done, and the project to the way in which it should be done. From the point of view of the Engineering, the project usually refers to the planning of the structures in detail as a guide for those commissioned to build them. The same can be applied to other aspects of a river basin improvement program, using the term "Project" to designate the planning of all the details of a practical program. However, it is more usual to use the term "Work Plan", in relation to those aspects of the works other than the structure project. Project is the set of studies and basic data that serve to define an exploitation for the use, control or conservation of the concomitant hydraulic and natural resources of a basin, and that allow estimating the advantages and disadvantages for the nation, which derive from assigning certain economic resources to initiate or improve the production of certain goods and services. In relation to hydraulic works, river basins are linked to flood control, irrigation, drinking water and electric power production, navigation, soil conservation, recreation and, in end, of all those works in some way related to the use, control and conservation of water resources, which are included within the concept "Environmental Systems".17,18
Stages in the planning of environmental systems
Project research or "recognition": the objectives of meeting the needs of the area are established through the optimal use of hydraulic resources and concomitantly, through the use of rational technology from the engineering point of view, it is also carried out in this phase, a rapid inventory of all resources, especially human, hydraulic, soil and forest resources, and the basic information of a hydrological, agrological, geological, topographic, socioeconomic and environmental impact, which allows for an diagnosis of the regional problem.
Project at pre-investment level: it includes two stages: profile or preliminary project and feasibility or final project. The profile concludes the inventory of all existing resources in the basin and carries out detailed studies of hydrological, topographic and socio-economic, and semi-detailed geology and agrology to determine the technical feasibility of the system of use. The structure defined in the study of recognition is dimensioned. In the feasibility or final project, the structural and hydraulic calculation of the different works is carried out and construction plans are drawn up.
Investment-level project: In this stage the specifications of each one of the components of the system are prepared and the construction, operation and maintenance programs and the environmental impacts of each phase are elaborated.
Economic Evaluation: Once the projects have been finalized, they are evaluated economically, estimating the social costs, the direct benefits of the project and the indirect and intangible benefits induced by the project, as well as the costs of mitigation measures of the environmental impacts. Below is a guide to the activities required for the development of Environmental Systems, which are sources of research lines oriented to solve problems:
Components of an environmental system of water use
"Integral project" is considered to be one that meets the demand for all possible uses, that is, flood mitigation, irrigation and drainage, electric power generation, navigation and supply to populations and industry. It consists of the following elements that can be considered hydraulically independent.18
The activities that can be developed to innovate in the improvement of each component of the harvesting systems constitute lines of research orientes to the solutiuon of problems.
Based on the policy guidelines for integrated water management, the sustainability of the resource is considered, with the purpose of meeting the social and economic requirements of development in terms of quantity, quality, and spatial and temporal distribution. It is necessary a National Environmental Plan that defines a series of strategies including scientific and technological knowledge in a comprehensive manner to establish behavior, quality, availability, use requirements, as well as the progress and appropriation of technology, essential tools for the assertive management, adjusting to the reality of the country. Other strategies must also be considered, such as concertation where water is a vital and determining element of the dynamics of societies; education as a basis in the construction of water culture, graduality with the purpose of prioritizing in regional, local and national contexts to achieve goals; citizen participation and decentralized administration. Therefore, lines of research should be established addressing issues of application such as hydrometeorological information processing, capturing, treatment and distribution of water to cover the different demands, urban cleaning, wastewater and related activities. In addition, the products and services for the defense and protection of the environment, the evaluation of alternatives for wastewater, wastewater treatment and management of water resources, the purification of water, the study of the various sources of water supply, the integrated management of watersheds, the study of lakes, the modeling of hydrosystems and the modeling of water quality.
General Objective of the investigation
Investigate, study, generate and implement tools that allow to know and manage water resources within environmental sustainability strategies, which affects the harmony between what nature offers and what is consumed.
Specific research objectives
The management of water resources implies a dynamic process, of continuous validation of the various stages involved, the pre-established policies, must be preceded by a diagnosis, to contemplate clearly defined objectives and priorities, and must establish the design of legal, administrative instruments, economic and investment, among others, that guide the formulation and development of programs to fully comply with the objectives. Within the national consensus on the administration of water resources, the definition of supply and demand and balance is considered as a conceptual framework, which should be one of the guidelines for research on water resources. The Constitution of the Republic of Peru of 1993 establishes foundations based on the rights and duties of citizens and the competence of public bodies in terms of conservation, defense and improvement of the environment. It is important to highlight the responsibility that each individual has with the environment, indicating that all activities likely to cause damage to ecosystems must be previously accompanied by environmental and socio-cultural impact studies. Water Resources Law aims to establish the provisions governing the integral management of water as an essential element for life, human wellbeing and sustainable development of the country and is of a strategic nature and State interest. Most of the municipalities of the country collect domestic wastewater and rainwater in combined sewage systems, to be subsequently discharged at different points in the environment without any treatment, on the soils or on the water sources that circulate through the municipality in different senses, bringing this as a consequence the deterioration in the quality of resources, impact of biota, negative impacts on the landscape, sedimentation in the channels of water sources and decrease of their transport capacity, floods in low areas, generation of vectors and foci of infection. The problem can increase when talking about industrial corridors from which multiplicity of liquid waste is generated with qualities that bring serious problems on the environment and the health of people.
Additionally, the Declaration of the United Nations (UN) on the human right to water and sanitation can be cited: Deeply concerned that approximately 884 million people lack access to drinking water and more than 2,600 million people do not have access to basic sanitation, and alarmed because approximately 1.5 million children under the age of 5 die each year and 443 million school days are lost as a result of diseases related to water and sanitation:
Due to the posed situation, there is a need to develop research processes aimed at the technical and economic solution to this problem, which can be supported in the evaluation of systems at laboratory or pilot scale and in which the real conditions that a community and its surrounding environment can experience as a result of controlled discharges of liquid effluents.
Why organize research/training of human resources around lines, programs and projects?: Due to the need to make the transition from the knowledge obtained in books in university with professional orientation where teaching is transmitting and schooled, to the knowledge obtained through lines of research developed by teachers/researchers/students in university with scientific orientation, where teaching is based on research.19 What are the tools of articulation, linkage and integration?:
i. Diagnosis of scientific research in higher education and research centers
ii. Formulation of problems- projects- programs
iii. Formulation of lines of research/training of human resources/extension
Definition of research lines
i. Common sense approach: channels or streams through which the investigation in an organization runs; map that guides scientific research according to the vision and mission of the institution in which the research is carried outGenealogy of a line of research
i. A research problem scientifically relevant and socially relevantConsolidated research lines
a.Research agents: institutes; centers; units; programs; chairs; laboratories.
b. Products or achievements: research results or progress; reports; books; Scientific work; procedures; patents; technological innovations.
Formulation of a research project
Strategies for problem solving and creativity in research
Research lines in water resources
The components/issues of the project given above can be used to take advantage of water resources (environmental system) and in the analysis of information:
i. Reservoirs with their related works (intake and spillway)
ii. Derivation works
iii. Driving works
iv. Distribution and sanitation works
v.Protection and conservation works
vi. Evaluation of environmental impacts and mitigation works
vii. Hydrometeorological, hydrogeological, geotechnical, hydraulic studies, etc.
The research proposal
The research proposal is the map that will guide the researcher to develop their research, optimizing time and resources. The proposal consists of the following elements:
The author declares there is no conflict of interest.
©2018 Guevara-Pérez. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and build upon your work non-commercially.