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International Journal of
eISSN: 2576-4454



 Dr Agbasi Okechukwu
University of Uyo, Nigeria
Research Interest: Hydro - geological/Geophysical Investigation
 Dr Elnaz Haj Abotalebi
McMaster University, Canada
Research Interest: Urban Planning, Geography
 Dr Igor Markelov
University of Waterloo, Canada
Research Interest: Biogeochemical cycles in lakes and reservoirs, Bioenergetics of redox gradient zones, Sediment and soil biogeochemistry, diagenetic modelling
 Dr Imen Ben Charfi
Melford Consultants ltd, Italy
Research Interest: irrigation and drainage, mathematical modelling of water distribution pattern, water availability, water balance, evapotranspiration, water stress, GIS
 Dr Aniqa Batool
Pir Mehr Ali Shah-Arid Agriculture University , Pakistan
Research Interest: Environmental Sciences
 Dr Mubashir Mehmood
Department of Geology Abdul Wali Khan University, Mardan, Pakistan
Research Interest: Medical Geology, Hydrogeology, Environmental Geology, Sedimentology, Reservoir Geology
 Dr Raimi Morufu Olalekan
Niger Delta University, Nigeria
Research Interest: Environmental Health, Environmental Management, Pollution Control Management, Waste Management, Climate Change, Water, Air and Land Pollution, Bio-remediation, Disaster Management, Population Health, Environmental Sustainability, Monitoring and Evaluation, Environmental Management Systems etc.
 Dr Narain Hariharan
Texas A&M University, United States
Research Interest: Hydrology, Geotechnical and Pavement Engineering, Chemical Stabilization of Soils, Material Science
 Dr Adebayo Temitope
University of Medical Sciences, Nigeria
Research Interest: Hydrobiology, Aqua and Fisheries Option
 Dr Rayan Silva de Paula
Federal University of Minas Gerais , Brazil
Research Interest: Molecular Ecology, Molecular Biology, Developmental Biology and Embryology
 Dr Kaveh Ostad Ali Askari
Isfahan University of Technology, Iran
Research Interest: Groundwater Modeling System & Hydrogeology, Climate Change, Environmental Impact Assessment
 Dr. Ruchi Singh Parihar
Pusan National University, Korea South
Research Interest: Climate Change and Sustainability, Climate Risk Assessment of Socio-Economic system, Statistical Modeling, Environmental Epidemiology, Climate Data Analysis and Application, Mathematic Dynamical Modeling, Atmospheric Modeling
 Dr. Adolfo Quesada Román
University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica
Research Interest: Geomorphology, geography, landslides, floods, geoheritage, dendrochronology
 Dr. Renato Fonseca de Arruda
Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso (UNEMAT), Brazil
Research Interest: Cultural Heritage Preservation, Climate Change and Traditional Communities, Indigenous Peoples, Knowledge, Practices, Memory Policies and Cultural Heritage Preservation, Heritage-Listed and/or Museumized Urban Ensembles and Gentrification, Museums and Museal, Heritage Education, Climate Change and Traditional Communities, Indigenous Peoples, Knowledge and Practices
 Dr. Eze Promise I
Rivers State University, Nigeria
Research Interest: Surveying and Geomatics, Environmental Mapping and Modelling, Land Management, Remote Sensing, and Trend Analyst / predictions
 Dr. Carlito Vieira de Moraes
Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Brazil
Research Interest: Geodesy, Coordinate Systems, Map Projections and Transformations, Boundary, Legal Principles on Public Land Surveying, Division of Real Property and Land Tenure by Matematical Methods
 Dr. Nanda Poddar
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Research Interest: Fluid Dynamics, Environmental Fluid Mechanics, Biological Fluid Mechanics, Mass transport phenomena, Hydrology, Flow Instability, Gravity Current, Lubricated Gravity Current, Electrokinetic Transport, Magnetohydrodynamics, Electrohydrodynamic, Reactive Solute Transport, Transport in Porous media, Hydrodynamic Phenomena of Active Particles, Analytical and Computational Techniques for Fluid Dynamics.
 Dr. Haoyu Li
Clemson University, United States
Research Interest: Ecohydrology, Plant Water Use Efficiency, Water Nutrient Management
 Dr. Hafizullah Rasouli
Kabul University, Afghanistan
Research Interest: Hydrology, Hydrogeology, Glaciology, Sedimentology, Hydro- chemistry, Geochemistry, Geological mapping, Well design, SRM (Snowmelt Runoff Modeling), J2000, Environmental geology, Afghanistan geology, Soil science or Pedology
 Natasha Berendonk
Sergio Arouca National School of Public Health, Brazil
Research Interest: Public health & Environment
 Takele Sambeto Bibi
Madda Walabu University, Ethiopia
Research Interest: Climate change, Sediment, Water quality, urban Flooding, Water Supply
 Carlito Vieira de Moraes
Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil
Research Interest: Geometric Geodesy, Geodetic Coordinate Systems, Transformations of Geodetic Coordinate Systems, Geodetic Coordinate Transport, Direct Problem of the Geodetic Coordinate Transport, Inverse Problem of the Geodetic Coordinate Transport, Physical Geodesy, Height Determination, Astronomical Coordinates Systems, Analysis of Survey, Methods of Multivariate Statistics, Least-Squares Adjustment, Topometry, Roads, Railways
 Mohamed Renima
University Hassiba Benbouali, Algeria
Research Interest: Water and Climate changes
 Dr. Ahmed Saqr
Mansoura University, Egypt
Research Interest: Water resources management, Groundwater hydrology, Environmental engineering, Floods, Remote Sensing, Geographic information systems, Artificial intelligence, Multi-criteria decision making, Climate change, Land use/land cover, Sustainability, Simulation, Optimization, Scour around water structures