The Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) is a normalized index based on the sea level pressure differences between Tahiti and Darwin in Australia. It measures air pressure fluctuations in large scale that takes place between the Western and Eastern tropical Pacific. Hence, SOI provides information about the intensity and development of El Niño and La Niña weather patterns. In general, a smooth behaviour of the SOI time series is associated with changes in ocean temperatures across the Eastern tropical Pacific. For instance, persistent negative values of the SOI are usually linked to abnormally warm in the Central and Eastern tropical Pacific Ocean and is typically known as El Niño episode. In contrast, sustained periods of positive SOI values correspond to La Niña and is associated with cooling of the Central and Eastern tropical Pacific Ocean.
It is worth mentioning that both Tahiti and Darwin are well South of the Equator and thus, the surface air pressure in these two locations may not be directly related to El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO). To sort out this issue, a new indicator has been proposed denominated the Equatorial SOI (EQSOI), which is calculated as the standardized anomaly of the difference between the area-average monthly sea level pressure in an area of the Eastern Equatorial Pacific (80°W - 130°W, 5°N - 5°S) and an area over Indonesia (90°E - 140°E, 5°N - 5°S).
In this paper the persistence and cyclicity of these two well know series (SOI and EQSOI) were examined by using long memory models, and in particular, employed a fractionally integrated model where the singularity in the spectrum occurs at a frequency away from zero. The model is based on the Gegenbauer processes and the results indicate that the orders of integration of the series are in the interval (0, 0.5) displaying a long memory pattern. In addition, it is observed that cycles have a periodicity of about 37-42 periods (months), which is consistent with the literature that suggest oscillations between 3 and 7 years.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 briefly presents a review of the statistical modelling of the metric of the ENSO cycle throughout the SOI and EQSOI data; Section 3 describes the model used in the paper, while Section 4 is devoted to the methodology used and based on long memory processes. Section 4 displays the data and Section 5 contains the main empirical results. Finally, Section 6 concludes the paper.
The term El Niño/La Niña refers to the process of the irregular weather patterns associated with abnormally heating/cooling of the Central and Eastern tropical Pacific.1 This phenomenon is related, among others, to the increased convection (e.g. changing Walker circulation), that alters cloudiness in the Central Pacific Ocean and causing a weaker or stronger than normal trade winds along the Pacific (Figure 1 (b), (c)).
It is well-established that the El Niño/La Niña phenomenon is linked to an oscillation of the surface air pressure between the Eastern and Western South Pacific, which is known as the Southern Oscillation (SO). The strength of this oscillating is measured by the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI), which is one of the key atmospheric indices for gauging the strength of the El Niño and La Niña events and their potential impacts on the Australian region (Bureau of Meteorology, Australian Government). SOI is a normalized index which is defined as the difference in the monthly surface air pressure between Tahiti (17º 40’S, 149º 25’ W) and Darwin (12º 27’ S, 130º 50’ E), as follows:
and N is the number of months.
El Niño events are associated with negative values of the SOI (below about -8), while La Niña events are associated with positive SOI values (above about +8). The El Niño/La Niña Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is a quasi-periodic oceanic-atmospheric phenomenon with a typical periodicity of 3-7 years, and it is featured by three phases: neutral, El Niño and La Niña, as shown in Figure 1a, 1b and 1c, respectively (Bureau of Meteorology, Australian Government).
Figure 1 Phases of the ENSO: (a) Neutral, (b) El Niño, and (c) La Niña. []
In the neutral state (neither El Niño nor La Niña) (Figure 1a), trade winds blow across the surface of the tropical Pacific Ocean from East to West, hence bringing warm moist air and warmer surface waters towards the Western Pacific and keeping the Central Pacific Ocean relatively cool. (Bureau of Meteorology, Australian Government).
During El Niño (Figure 1b), the area of warmer than normal water moves into the central and Eastern tropical Pacific Ocean, leading to an increase of rainfall in the region of Peru and other nations nearby. However less rainfall is observed over Australia, in particular over inland Eastern Australia. (Bureau of Meteorology, Australian Government).
During La Niña (Figure 1c), strong trade winds and high convention is observed over the Western Pacific due the intense Walker Circulation, leading to the Australian monsoon. Hence, it may increase humidity and rainfall inland over Australia, in particular, over much of Northern and Eastern Australia. (Bureau of Meteorology, Australian Government).
It is worth mention that ENSO is not just the result of the interaction of the ocean and atmosphere in the tropical Pacific, but also in many regions of the world.2 Interestingly, Tudhope et al.3 showed also that ENSO has existed for the past 130,000 years, based on annually banded corals from Papua New Guinea, hence operating even during ‘glacial’ times. They also found that during the twentieth century, ENSO has been strongly compared with ENSO of previous cool (glacial) and warm (interglacial) times.
In fact, ENSO events are usually linked to major flood and drought episodes,4 so that they have the potential to cause devastating impacts on humans and the environment.5–9 For example, Beherenfeld et al. (2001) showed that phytoplankton biomass increased by 10% globally during the 1997–1999 El Niño/La Niña transition period. On the other hand, several studies have been carried out to find the relationship between ENSO events and droughts10–13 as it is the main natural dangers affecting agriculture, water resources, ecology, society and hence the economy.14–17
Hence, drought early detection helps to implement drought mitigation strategies or tactical adaptations before they occur.18–20 For instance, Zhen et al.21 assessed the value of fixed adaptation (no distinction between the years) and tactical adaptations based on pre-sowing plant available water (PAW) and/or SOI forecasts to increase wheat productivity at given sites. They showed that the benefits of PAW and SOI tactical adaptation could be useful for farmers to adjust farm management practices according to the season, but it may be improved further with new forecasting climate methods. On the other hand, some studies recently showed that the ENSO also affects the volatility of the oil price,22–24 since disaster risks contribute to jump risk in oil prices.25
As mentioned in the introduction, the reliability of the SOI, however, is considered limited due to the location of both Darwin and Tahiti to be well South of the Equator, (Tahiti at ~18˚S, Darwin at ~12˚S), while the ENSO phenomenon is focused more closely along the Equator. To overcome this issue, a new index named the Equatorial Southern Oscillation Index (EQSOI) was defined as it uses the average sea level pressure over two large regions centered on the Equator (5˚S to 5˚N) over Indonesia and the Eastern equatorial Pacific. (See the discussion of Anthony Barnston, made in January 29, 2015, of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration here: for further details).
The model
It is supposed that {xt, t = 0, ±1, …} is a covariance (or second order) stationary process. Long memory is a property of time series processes that is characterized, in the frequency domain, because the spectral density function displays at least one pole or singularity in the spectrum, i.e.,
where f(λ) is the spectral density function, defined as the Fourier transform of the autocovariances,
and where γu = Cov(xt, xt+u) = E(xt-Ext)(xt+u-Ext).
In many cases, the singularity or pole in the spectrum occurs at the zero frequency,
and in such a case, a very popular model to describe this behaviour is the fractionally integrated model expressed as:
where L is the lag operator (Lxt =xt-1) and ut is an integrated of order 0 (or I(0)) process, and indicating a covariance stationary process with a spectral density function that is positive and bounded at all frequencies in the spectrum.
The specification in (4) has been widely used in the analysis of many climatological and geophysical time series.26–35 However, there are many time series that present a cyclical pattern and that show in the estimated spectrum the highest values at a frequency away from zero. Examples might be the series examined in this work. In such circumstances, an alternative modelling approach, still based on a long memory framework, can be the one based on the Gegenbauer processes36 and described as follows:
where wr = 2πr/T with r = T/j, where j indicates the number of periods per cycle and r the frequency with a singularity or pole in the spectrum. Note that if r = 0, the fractional polynomial in equation (5) becomes
, which is the polynomial associated with the classical I(d) model in (4). Letting
, Gray et al. (1989, 1994)37,38 show that
in equation (5) is stationary if
and d < 0.50 or if
and d < 0.25, where
Moreover, the polynomial in L in equation (5) can be expressed in terms of the orthogonal Gegenbauer polynomials
, such that for all d 0,
where they are defined recursively as:
This process implies the existence of a pole or singularity at a non-zero frequency which corresponds to the cyclical pattern. Special cases of this model were analysed by Athola and Tiao39,40 and Bierens41 setting d = 1, and by Gil-Alana,42 Phillip et al.,43 Dissanayake et al.44 and others allowing d to take fractional values.
In this paper the specification in (5) is used to describe the cyclical pattern in the SOI and EQSOI series. Our approach allows not only to determine the cyclical pattern in the data but also the degree of persistence in its behaviour.
We use a version of a testing procedure developed in Robinson45 that allows us to consider many differencing long memory specifications including the one described in the previous section. Robinson45 proposed a Lagrange Multiplier (LM) test of the null hypothesis:
where do is a (mx1) vector of given real values in the following set-up:
and where xt is the observed data and ut is an I(0) process. He shows that his test statistic has a standard
limit distribution, which holds independently of the values of do and the specification of the I(0) error term.
In this paper we particularize his model to the case where d1 = d2 = 0, and the product in m contains a single component, such that m = 1, and dj = d. In doing so, the model in (8) becomes simply (5) and we can test Ho (7) for scalar values do, the limit distribution being in this case
The functional form of the test statistic is then as follows (see, Robinson, 1994):45
where T is the sample size, and
where j = 2j/T, and the summation in * in the above equations is over all frequencies which are bounded in the spectrum. I(j) is the periodogram of
defined as:
, with T* as a suitable subset of the Rq Euclidean space. Finally, gu is a known function coming from the spectral density of ut:
Note that the test is parametric and, therefore, we must specify the functional form of the error term. Thus, if ut is a white noise, gu 1, whilst if it is an AR process of the form (L)ut = t, gu = (ei)-2, with 2 = V(t), with the AR coefficients being a function of.
The point estimates were obtained by choosing over a grid the values of do and r that minimise Robinson’s45 test statistic. They were found to be almost the same as those obtained by maximising the Whittle function in the frequency domain. The confidence intervals were calculated by choosing the values of the differencing parameters for which the null hypothesis could not be rejected at the 5% level.
Consistently with authors such as Demirer, Gupta, Nei and Pierdzioch (2020) and others on the metric of the ENSO cycle, the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) was firstly used. It was obtained from the Bureau of Meteorology, Government of Australia. In addition, data of the Equatorial SOI (EQSOI) was used. It was obtained from the Climate Prediction Center (National Weather Service) at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration from the US Department of Commerce.
Figure 2 displays in the upper part the plots of the two series and its cyclical pattern is clear from the data, which may be better viewed throughout the correlagrams (2nd row) and periodograms (3rd row). The last row displays the first 100 values in the periodogram. It was observed that the highest values in the periodograms are far away from zero in the two series examined. In fact, we display in Table 1 the first five values in the periodograms of the SOI (left hand side) and EQSOI (right hand side panel). For SOI, the highest value occurs at frequency 41 that corresponds to approximately 42 periods (months) per cycle. For EQSOI the frequency with the highest value is 20, corresponding to 43 months per cycle. We observe that the zero frequency (j = 1) does not appear in the table for any of the two series.
Figure 2 Time series plots, correlograms and periodograms.
T / j
T / j
Table 1 Highest values in the periodograms of the time series