We are emotional creatures and our health depends strongly on our emotions – we all know that many diseases are caused by stress (negative emotions). What makes us emotional? Two identical twins (with the same DNA) are totally different emotional personalities. This should tell us that we are not only material bodies. There should be something that makes the twins emotionally different – one of them cheerful and the other pessimistic. I photographed their aura with Kirlian photography (which uses high frequency electric field to multiply the photons of the weak aura and make it photographable) and the more cheerful of the twins had bright aura, and the aura of the more pessimistic twin was dimmer. Since when we are more cheerful, we say we are in high Spirit, and when we are more pessimistic, we say we are in low Spirit – what makes the identical twins (with identical DNA) different is their Spirits. After life-long research, I found that the Spirits are nonlinear electromagnetic fields (NEMF). Nonlinear fields do not dissipate and can imprint information. This makes the Spirits informational fields, which tell the material body what to do, and make us emotional and creative. Since prayer is information, praying can be expected to influence the informational field of the Spirit. Since the Spirit is emotional, the more emotional is the prayer, the higher is its efficiency (especially if we pray for health or life). Also, the efficiency of the prayer depends on the energy (frequency) of the Spirit’s NEMF - the higher is the frequency (energy) of the Spirit of the praying individual, the more powerful is his prayer.
Keywords: Prayer is information, the emotional Spirit is informational field, emotional prayer is more efficient, higher spiritual level – higher prayer efficiency, why thriving to spiritually grow
This article aims to explain scientifically that the aura is our emotional Spirit – aura (Spirit). A fertilized cell cannot develop unless the field of the Spirit is there to say what kind of emotional personality the future individual is going to be. The aura is weak nonlinear electromagnetic field (NEMF), which being nonlinear: 1/ does not dissipate, 2/ can imprint information, which makes the aura (Spirit) informational field, and 3/ has a chain of alternating vortices (spinning clockwise) and anti-vortices (spinning counterclockwise) along the backbone. They are called in ancient texts “chakras”, which in Sanskrit means “spinning wheels” (Figure 1). We have 7 such chakras along the backbone, and the 7th chakra on top of the head, sum up the energy of the 6 chakras under it. These 6 chakras rule and regulate the 6 glands of internal secretion. By secreting mg of hormones into the blood stream, these 6 glands rule and regulate everything in the body.
Figure 1 The chain of seven alternating vortices and antivortices of nonlinear electromagnetic field (NEMF) of man’s aura and their corresponding seven energy levels.
We name ourselves Humans and we used the word inhumane right – inhumane is the behavior of a person, who is not emotionally sensitive. Thus, we are -man (material body) and a weak field Hu- that makes us emotionally sensitive (and creative because there is no creativity without emotions). The Indian Yogi sing Hu to get united with the Creator Hu. Thus, we are a material body and a weak field (Spirit) that comes from the Creator Hu and makes us emotional. The fact that we are not happy just with the good food, which our material body needs, and we crave Love, means that beside the material body (man), we have something else (a weak field Hu that come from the Creator God Hu), which makes us emotional (and creative), and makes us to crave Love.1 Without the Field Hu (that makes us emotional and creative), we would be very primitive creatures.
Measuring (with my super-sensitive equipment) the weak field of the aura (spirit) NEMF at its alternating vortices (spinning clockwise) and anti-vortices (spinning counterclockwise)
I was intuitively driven to study the aura. First, I started studding the aura by photographing it with Kirlian photography, which uses high frequency electric field to multiply the photons of the weak aura and make it photographable. By photographing the aura, I found that the aura is emotionally sensitive – it is brighter at positive emotions and dimmer at negative emotions. I continued my study of the aura with developing super-sensitive equipment, which could measure the weak field of the aura (Spirit) NEMF2, which is 1,000 times weaker than the field of the material body (NEMF1).
With my super-sensitive equipment: 1/ I found that not only positive emotions, just positive thinking makes our body energy more balanced (which means makes us healthier). 2/ I found that negative emotions (or just negative thinking) make our body energy more unbalanced because the energy of the genetically-inherited weak organ drops down maximum. This means that with time persistent negative thinking (or emotions) will lead to a chronic disease of the genetically-inherited weak organ (Figure 2). Thus, it is important what we eat, but it is equally important how we think. Positive thinking makes us healthy, while negative thinking with time leads to a chronic disease of genetically-inherited weak organ (Figure 2).2,3
Figure 2 Positive thinking leads to better energy balance (health) (upper blue curves), while negative thinking makes the energy balance worse and leads with time to a disease of the genetically inherited weak organ (lower pink curves).
The aura (spirit) NEMF is informational field
Once again, a fertilized cell cannot develop into an embryo unless the Spirit is present to say what kind of emotional personality the future living being is going to be. For this to happen, the Spirit must be informational field, i.e. field with imprinted information what type of emotional personality the future living being is going to be. Since only nonlinear field can imprint information, the Spirit must be nonlinear electromagnetic field (NEMF2) and it is. It is magnetically attached to the NEMF1 of the material body (they spin in opposite directions). When the material body dies and its NEMF1 drops down to zero, the attached Spirit’s NEMF2 leaves. But the Spirit NEMF2 (being nonlinear field, which do not dissipate and can imprint information) will leave the material body carrying detailed information about the lifetime of the living being.
Since the aura (spirit) is emotional, our prayers must be emotional
I have discovered with surprise that even people who consider themselves Spiritual, and go every Sunday to church, do not know how to pray. Beside the standard prayers that they repeat every Sunday at church, they don’t know how to turn to the Creator God with an efficient prayer for health or for life. Since the Spirit is emotional, the prayer needs to be emotional to be effective – put in your prayer all the fire of your emotional heart. The more emotional a prayer is, the higher are the chances it would be heard.
How much the spiritual level (frequency) of the praying individual matters?
The higher is the Spiritual level of the praying person, the higher is the frequency n (energy=hn) of his Spirit, which makes his prayer more powerful. That is why we need to thrive to spiritually grow, with which our prayers become more and more powerful. In my book “Quantum Mind and Quantum Growth – Ways to Spiritually Grow”,4 I explained that the body has 7 discrete energy levels (Figure 1) and the Spirit has 7 discrete energy levels. However, only 5 Spiritual level can be accomplished on Earth (the last two levels can be accomplished only in the Spiritual Realm in groups of Spirits). This makes the highest possible Spiritual level on Earth to be level 12.
Dr. Valerie Hunt lifelong studies of the human biofield at the University of California at Berkely found that 90% of the people on Earth have frequency of their biofield 200 Hz5 (she calls the aura (Spirit) biofield). These are the people without Spiritual awareness, happy to be in a material body and be able to enjoy good food and good sex. Only 10% of the people living on Earth have frequency of the biofield of their aura (Spirit) 400 – 800 Hz. These are the people with Spiritual levels 10, 11, and 12. They are very emotional individuals and their prayers for health (or life) will be most efficient. They are the people, who are intuitive, can experience telepathy, can experience clairvoyance (be able to see the future and the past), etc.5
Thus, every living being is a material body and emotional Spirit – a very weak field (NEMF) seen as aura, which make us emotional and creative. Each Spirit being nonlinear field (NEMF) can imprint information, which makes the Spirit Informational Field. Since prayer is information, we can expect a prayer to influence the Spirit’s Informational field. Since the Spirit is emotional (and makes us emotional), our prayers must be emotional to be effective. Also, our emotionality increases as the energy (frequency) of our Spirit grows. If so, the higher is the Spiritual level of an individual (the higher is the energy (frequency) of his Spirit), the higher is the efficiency of his prayers because he is more emotionally sensitive. That is why we must thrive to spiritually grow by loving one another, loving our neighbors, loving our enemies, and forgiving and helping others because this makes our prayers more powerful.
Author declares there are no conflicts of interest.
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