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International Journal of
eISSN: 2381-1803

Complementary & Alternative Medicine

Mini Review Volume 17 Issue 6

Is cancer autoimmune disease and can cancer be prevented?

Maria Kuman

Holistic Research Institute, USA

Correspondence: Maria Kuman, PhD, Holistic Research Institute, Knoxville, TN 37923, USA

Received: November 15, 2024 | Published: November 29, 2024

Citation: Kuman M. Is cancer autoimmune disease and can cancer be prevented?. Int J Complement Alt Med. 2024;17(6):248-249. DOI: 10.15406/ijcam.2024.17.00712

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The article gives positive answer to both questions. 1/ Cancer could be considered autoimmune disease because it is related to the lymph liquid, which fills the space between the cells. Since in the lymph liquid are dump the amyloid proteins, which the immune system produces to fight invading viruses, cancer could be considered autoimmune disease because the immune system is turned against itself. If so, 2/ cancer could be prevented by flushing the lymph system or/and restoring the EMF (or more precisely the NEMF) between the cells, which has been gobbled by stress.

Keywords: cancer is autoimmune disease, cancer and the lymph system, preventing cancer with lymph flush, preventing cancer with NEMF


The number of cancer patients has been steadily increasing in the last few decades, which required more intensive studies of cancer. Russian studies found that when the field between the cells decreases 10 times (it is nonlinear electromagnetic field (NEMF)) crystals are formed with the shape of stacked coins.1 These crystals don’t allow the cells to communicate and the disconnected cells start to multiply fast, just as they do in a cut wound to heal the wound fast. But while in a cut wound the new cells are governed where to go by the current of regrowth (that start at the cut), in the case of cancer they multiply senselessly, which is called malignancy.2 Since the malignancy starts when crystals are formed in the space between the cells (called extracellular space), and since the lymph system is the one that provide the liquid of this space, cancer is expected to appear: 1/ when the lymph liquid becomes too tick (congested lymph system), or 2/ when the field (NEMF) between the cells drop under critical value because of stress.3 If so, cancer can be prevented by: flushing the lymph system and reducing the effect of stress.

Is cancer autoimmune disease?

In my article,4 I provided a proof that cataract and Alzheimer disease are autoimmune diseases because they are caused by accumulation of the amyloid proteins synthesized by the immune system to fight viral infections and redirected to the head by the parasites to disable the immune system, so it would not bother them. Unfortunately, we don’t have such direct proof in the case of cancer because the Russian scientists didn’t go further to investigate the chemical composition of the liquid between the cells, which by crystalizing disconnects the cells and causes the malignancy.

All things, which were not any longer needed, seem to be dump into the lymph system, like the amyloid proteins synthesized to fight viral infections. In the lymph system is also dump the exhaust of the parasites and with time the lymph liquid (which supplies the liquid between the cells) becomes thicker and ticker. It circulates over the whole body and when it reaches the genetically-inherited weak organ with low functional energy, it gets stuck. Not moving any longer, it crystalizes in the intercellular space, which disconnects the cells and they start to multiply senselessly, which is called malignancy, or cancer.

Can cancer be prevented?

Thus, cancer being related to the lymph system could be prevented by flushing the lymph system. How this could be done is revealed in my article.2 But as said in the Introduction cancer develop also when the EMF between the cells (or more precisely the NEMF) drops under critical value under the influence of stress. Natural question arises: Can we prevent cancer (or even reduce existing cancer) with adding the missing NEMF. EMF has been successfully used in the past to reduce cancer by a number of scientists, but neglected probably because the effect could not be explained. The first scientist who used EMF to reduce cancer was:5 George Lakovski (1869 – 1942), who was born in Belarus, but immigrated to France in 1920.


In conclusion, I could say that cancer could be considered autoimmune disease because it results from congested lymph system, which provides the liquid between the cells, and in which everything is dump including the amyloid proteins, which the immune system synthesized to fight viral infections. When the lymph liquid between the cells becomes a too thick, it crystalizes, which disconnect the cells and they start to multiply senselessly (called malignancy). If so, cancer could be prevented by flushing the lymph system. But cancer could also be caused by stress. Stress causes cancer by decreasing the EMF (more precisely the NEMF) between the cells, which triggers the crystallization of the lymph liquid and the start of the malignancy. This opens the door to a different way of reversing cancer by adding back to the extracellular space the EMF gobbled by the stress (the results will be better if nonlinear EMF (NEMF) is used). EMF was successfully used in the past to reverse cancer,5 but was abendent because of the lack of scientific explanation.



Conflicts of interest

Author declares there are no conflicts of interest.


  1. Maslov I, Michailova I. Informational Medicine – the Medicine of the Future. Moscow. 2016.
  2. Kuman M. How Stress Causes Cancer and Alzheimer Disease? The Intercellular Space and the Role of the Lymph System. Journal of Clinical Immunology and Microbiology. 2024;5(3):1–3.
  3. Kuman M. Could Prayer’s Info-energy Restore the Distorted Informational Field in the Extracellular Space of Cancerous Tissue? Int J Complement Alt Med. 2024;17(5):233–235.
  4. Kuman M. Are Cataract and Alzheimer Autoimmune Diseases? On the Relation Cataract Alzheimer Disease. Can Cataract and Alzheimer Disease Be Prevented? Journal of Clinical Immunology and Microbiology. 2024;5(4)
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